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In the cool, opulent hall of the council chamber, a heavy air of decision hung as the leaders and successors from across the Valorian Empire gathered to declare their allegiances in light of the recent shocking revelation about Prince Leonard

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In the cool, opulent hall of the council chamber, a heavy air of decision hung as the leaders and successors from across the Valorian Empire gathered to declare their allegiances in light of the recent shocking revelation about Prince Leonard.

Each territory's announcement was crucial, setting the political landscape for the impending power struggle and the Battle of the Princes.

As Jennie made her entrance, her demeanor composed yet unmistakably firm, her presence commanded immediate attention.

Whispers fluttered through the room as she took her designated seat, her eyes briefly meeting those of various nobles, reading their veiled intentions and anxieties.

The meeting commenced with a somber note, each leader expressing their initial shock and disbelief over the previous day's events.

The chamber was filled with a mix of anxiety and strategic calculation as each faction prepared to reveal its stance.

"The Terran Duchy aligns with His Highness Prince Leonard for his progressive policies and the promise of greater autonomy under his rule," declared one duke, his voice echoing off the high vaulted ceilings.

Conversely, "The Sylvan Lands remain steadfast with His Highness Prince Delrico. His proven leadership and dedication to traditional values assure us of a stable future," another leader countered, glancing at the other leaders before taking his seat.

The Daelic Regions, known for their mercantile prowess, chose neutrality, stating, "We shall support whomever the council majority favors, preserving our trade interests above all."

Several smaller and less powerful territories expressed their stances before the focus was administered onto the core territories of the Empire; Mazocar Kingdom, Lumina Kingdom, Ignis Duchy, Novak Duchy, and the Asteria Duchy.

The first to announce was the Mazocar Kingdom.

The King of Mazocar stood, his voice resolute and clear. "The Mazocar Kingdom recognizes His Highness, Prince Delrico as the rightful heir to the throne. We have witnessed his leadership, dedication, and the blessing of Azeron himself. We stand with Prince Delrico."

Murmurs of approval and dissent followed, but the King's declaration set a powerful precedent. Shortly after, the Lumina Kingdom echoed the sentiment.

"The Lumina Kingdom has always valued the stability and vision His Highness, Prince Delrico brings to the empire. We pledge our support to him," announced their queen, her voice echoing majestically in the chamber.

The atmosphere tensed as the Ignis Dukedom took the floor.

The Duke of Ignis, having introduced Prince Leonard, now formally declared their support.

"The Ignis Dukedom stands for justice and rightful succession. We believe His Highness, Prince Leonard's claim is valid, and thus, pledge our support to him." His statement caused a stir, dividing the room into murmurs and hushed discussions.

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