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The grand hall of Valoria Palace was abuzz with activity

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The grand hall of Valoria Palace was abuzz with activity.

Dignitaries from neighboring kingdoms, military leaders, and prominent nobles filled the room, all gathered for an emergency meeting called by the Emperor in light of recent events.

The atmosphere was charged, a mix of anxiety and the need for decisive action palpable in the air.

Jennie stood near a column, reviewing the notes on her data pad, preparing for her briefing. Her expression was focused, her bearing that of a leader.

Taehyung, across the room, was engaged in a heated discussion with several influential nobles, his posture rigid with the effort of diplomacy.

Their eyes met briefly across the crowded room, a silent exchange of support. Jennie offered a slight nod, as Taehyung returned the gesture, his gaze lingering a moment longer as he watched her direct several guards around while holding brief conversations with various officers and nobles.

He watched until it became borderline suspicious, returning his focus to the discussion to avoid any unnecessary speculation, especially at such a delicate time.

As Jennie tucked away her data pad, preparing to join another group, Prince Leonard approached her, his smile charming yet calculating.

"Duchess Jennie, your valor on the battlefield is the talk of the empire," he began, his voice smooth, designed to flatter.

"What do you want now, Your Highness." She sighed, muttering a profanity under her breath yet maintaining an impassive face to avoid the scrutiny of high society nobles.

"Nothing. Don't be so harsh, Duchess. I was just echoing a common observation in light of the tensions across the battlefields. Perhaps you'll let me join you one day." He grinned as she raised an eyebrow, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was listening.

"Just because you were brought up in Chizar as well?" She questioned, watching his expression morph into one of surprise before continuing, "I control the borders of Chizar-Valoria. Of course your entry forms were checked by our officials as well. You were also quite stupid to enroll at the same academy as me. Pulling your papers was easy."

Changing tack, Leonard commented on a lighter note, hoping to catch her off guard. "You must miss the simpler days at the academy, before all this weight fell upon your shoulders?"

"Sometimes," Jennie admitted, allowing a brief moment of vulnerability. "But it's that duty that brought us to where we are today, an undefeated empire. Well, with the exception of you, I guess."

"Well, nothing gets past you, does it Duchess?" He grinned, presumably unfazed by her blatant disregard of his princely status.

"It's called Duty. It would do your propagated material some good if you were to try it." She snarked, maintaining a polite expression for any on-lookers curious of their conversation.

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