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Taehyung sat up straight, maintaining his posture as he kept a keen eye on the documents scattered around in front of him

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Taehyung sat up straight, maintaining his posture as he kept a keen eye on the documents scattered around in front of him.

The situation in Dherain with the breaking of the dam proved to be more difficult than anticipated, as the sudden outflow of water threatened the already present environment and surrounding agricultural plants.

Not to mention the abrupt shift would weaken the lands and threaten the water supply for several neighbouring regions.

"As you're all aware, the situation in Dherain demands our immediate attention," Taehyung initiated, scanning the room with a decisive gaze. "The collapse of the dam not only endangers lives but threatens the ecological balance and the livelihood of thousands."

Murmurs of agreement echoed through the room, each member acutely aware of the stakes.

"The main areas of impact are with the environmental and agricultural sectors, but I'm choosing to include the magical ministry as well." He informed, turning his head to Viscount Marcus, the current minister of magic.

"They'd be helpful in necessary mitigation and important changes we'd need to make. Not to mention they'd need to ensure we aren't offending Azeron." He continued, as Viscount Marcus nodded in response.

"The dam breaking could result in floods and the deprivation of water sources for thousands. We need to be careful about this issue to avoid the effect on thousands." A minister spoke up, voicing his concern for his own territory as well.

"It's clear that a collaborated approach is necessary," Lady Elara chimed in, her tone thoughtful. "The environmental repercussions alone could set us back years."

"Indeed, Lady Elara. And let's not overlook the potential of magical solutions. Our ministry has been researching spells for water purification and barrier reinforcement that could be helpful." Viscount Marcus leaned forward.

"If I may, Your Royal Highness," Jennie began to speak from her own seat, causing several heads to swivel her way.

"Asteria holds a vast repository of magical knowledge and is the best site to receive prophetic knowledge from Azeron. We could spearhead the magical investigation for a solution." She proposed, voice levelled as her gaze turned to Viscount Marcus as well before turning back.

"That's an excellent proposition, Duchess Jane. Your expertise and resources could indeed prove invaluable in this crisis."Taehyung's eyes met Jennie's, a spark of appreciation flickering in his gaze.

The assembly nodded in agreement, the decision seeming almost unanimous.

With the course of action set, the meeting drew to a close.

Jennie stood to a side as Taehyung bid his final farewells to the ministers and concluded last minute discussions.

Finally, he turned around, exhaustion evident yet posture stern as he began to leave the cabinet hall, Jennie quickly falling in step as the rest of his royal guards unit followed behind.

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