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Jennie softly groaned, turning on to her side to avoid the hand that was softly shaking her awake

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Jennie softly groaned, turning on to her side to avoid the hand that was softly shaking her awake.

She slowly opened her eyes to a stream of bright light blinding her momentarily, as she grumbled whilst rubbing her eyes.

When she finally opened them again, she froze on the spot at the face in front of her.

The Crown Prince, sitting on the edge of her bed while brushing the hair out her face.

Time stilled for a second as she took in his calm expression that was observing her actions, and then finally her situation.

She noticed the dark green and gold canopy covers looked nothing like hers, and the bed she was in was much softer than the one she was accustomed to.

And most of all, she did not have a personal crown Prince at home, letting her finally recollect yesterdays events and take into account that the bed she was in, the bed that the Crown Prince was sitting on alongside her, was his.

"Good morning, Jennie. I wanted to let you sleep a little longer, but it would get suspicious if I holed myself in here for any longer."

Jennie yelped and drove to a stand, an unnatural reaction of hers, evidenced by Taehyung's surprise morphing into an amused smile at the firecracker in front of him.

"I-I...I deeply apologise for my insolent behaviour, Your Royal Highness!" She squeaked, bowing dramatically as she frenzied herself whilst attempting to recollect herself.

"Calm down, I put you in the bed." He calmly, too calmly, shrugged off as he stood up as well.

"W-what? Oh–huh?" She mumbled as Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle, finding the fact that she was so out of control for the first time since he'd met her, abnormally endearing.

"You were at my bedside. It must've been uncomfortable." He shrugged as he returned to sit on the lounging couches of his room, as Jennie was appalled as to how normal this seemed to be for the Crown Prince.

"That brings me to ask—what were you doing there?" He asked, taking a sip of water as if it were the most normal morning ever.

"W-well, I-uh, I'm terribly sorry, Your Ro-"

"Taehyung. I thought we moved past this." He interrupted, raising an eyebrow as she trembled even more.

"Well, yes. You were thrashing in your sleep, and I thought it was an intruder when I was outside. When I found you I tried to use magic to ease your nightmares but I seemed to have underestimated the fatigue I already accumulated from the prior events. I must've fallen asleep...once more I sincerely apologise fo-" she began to ramble, out of character once again.

"So you weren't sincere before?" He questioned, causing Jennie to look at him in confusion. "Huh?"

"You only mentioned sincere now. Were you not sincere before?" He asked, tilting his head to the side as she panicked once more.

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