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As the great doors of the palace swung open, Jennie stepped through, her presence commanding yet visibly weary from the battlefield's toll

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As the great doors of the palace swung open, Jennie stepped through, her presence commanding yet visibly weary from the battlefield's toll.

Her attire bore the marks of combat—stains of blood and dirt that told silent tales of the day's brutal encounters.

The weight of command and the burden of decisions lay heavy on her shoulders as she moved purposefully, issuing her final commands to the aides who scurried alongside her, hanging on her every directive.

As she rounded a corner near the private quarters of the royal family, Taehyung appeared, his expression tense with concern. The sight of her in such a battered state drew him immediately to her side.

Without a word, he reached out, his hands gently grasping her shoulders as he examined her for injuries.

His eyes narrowed when he noticed a rather deep cut on her arm, the blood having seeped through her sleeve.

"You're hurt," he stated, the worry evident in his voice as he carefully traced the line of the wound with a gentleness that contrasted sharply with the soldierly firmness she'd held all day.

"It's nothing," Jennie tried to dismiss, but Taehyung's concerned gaze held hers. "I'll find a sorcerer healer later."

"No, you'll see one now," Taehyung insisted, his tone leaving no room for argument. He took her by the hand, leading her towards his chamber where they would not be disturbed.

He dispatched a servant with strict instructions to call for the palace's best healer immediately.

Once inside his room, Taehyung guided Jennie to a plush chaise near the fireplace where she quickly discarded her uniform coat and weaponry, leaving her in the white shirt and trousers as she took a seat on the chaise.

The room was a sanctuary of peace, the warmth from the hearth casting a gentle glow over the ornate furnishings.

She found herself unable to protest as he gently wiped the majority of the blood and grime from her arms, hands, face, and neck with a damp towel.

The tenderness in his actions touched a place deep within her that she couldn't quite name.

As they waited for the healer, the tension of their unresolved argument hung palpably in the air.

"About earlier, on the balcony... I didn't mean to dismiss your concerns. You must know every decision weighs on me deeply. I just didn't want to risk a future with Leonard leading the empire." Jennie, sensing the need to clear the air, spoke first.

"I know. And I... I should have trusted your judgment. You were right to keep me from the battlefield, however difficult it was to accept." Taehyung looked up from actions to turn to her.

"It's not just about being right. It's about us, about protecting what we can. Sometimes... sometimes that means protecting each other from ourselves." Jennie reached out her hand, and Taehyung took it.

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