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As Jennie and Taehyung emerged from the building, they found the camp already bustling with activity

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As Jennie and Taehyung emerged from the building, they found the camp already bustling with activity. The soldiers were busy with their morning routines, sharpening weapons, tending to the horses, and preparing for whatever lay ahead.

Jennie made her way to the command tent where a group of officers awaited her, while tarrying was ushered off to approve and see the departures of the first round of deployments.

Jennie greeted the squadron leaders with a nod, her mind already racing with the tasks of the day. The reports from the scouts needed to be analyzed, strategies needed to be adjusted, and the deployment plans had to be finalized.

"Good morning, everyone," Jennie began, her voice steady and authoritative. "Let's get started. We have a lot to cover. Captain Lee, how are the fortifications coming along?"

Captain Lee stood up, his face lined with exhaustion but filled with determination. "The palisades are complete, and the watchtowers are fully operational. We're working on reinforcing the gates now."

Captain Mark stepped forward, handing her a stack of reports. "We analyzed the scouts' reports as well. There are several key points we need to consider for our next move."

Jennie nodded, spreading the maps out on the table. She examined the terrain, noting the strategic locations and potential hazards. "We'll need to secure these points to ensure our supply lines remain intact. Any word on enemy movements?"

"Yes, Duchess," Captain Mark replied. "The enemy seems to be consolidating their forces to the north. They've set up several outposts along the main road, likely to intercept any advance we make."

Jennie frowned, her mind working quickly. "We'll need to find a way to bypass those outposts without drawing too much attention. A direct confrontation at this stage would be too risky."

As the officers discussed various strategies, Taehyung entered the tent, his presence commanding immediate attention. He approached the table, his gaze sweeping over the maps and reports.

"Good morning," he greeted, his tone serious. "What have we got?"

Lieutenant Leia briefed him on the situation, outlining the enemy positions and their proposed strategies. Taehyung listened intently, his expression thoughtful.

"We can't afford to lose the element of surprise," he said finally. "We'll need to move swiftly and silently. A small, elite unit could infiltrate the enemy lines and disrupt their communications. That would give us the upper hand."

Jennie nodded in agreement. "I'll handpick the soldiers for this mission. They need to have a specific skillset."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Taehyung replied. "Lieutenant Vince, any updates from the scouts?"

The said man stepped forward, his expression serious. "We've scouted the surrounding areas thoroughly. No sign of enemy forces so far, but we've identified several potential ambush points. We're setting up surveillance at those locations."

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