A World All On It's Own

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Buzz Buzz! Buzz Buzz! My alarm clock went off, loudly screaming next to my head. I groaned and slapped it multiple times until the excessive buzzing stopped. I pulled the cover off of my head, only to have sunlight streaming brightly through the curtains. I pulled my pillow over my head. "Elene! Get up or I'll have to come in there and take your covers!" I heard my dad threaten me. I sighed. Monday. Great. My favorite day! Notice the sarcasm. I slowly dragged myself out of bed and grabbed my robe. I hopped in the shower and automatically woke up from the cold water. I turned it warmer and scrubbed my body with my favorite strawberry shampoo. I then rubbed shampoo and conditioner in my hair. Once I finished everything, I just stood there letting the water run on my face. I was lost in thought, but after a couple of minutes, the hot water was gone so I got out. I dryed myself off and put on my favorite pair of jeans, a grey tanktop, and a purple hoodie over it. I walked downstairs to the kitchen to see my dad sitting at the table reading the newspaper. "Morning." I said as I yawned. "Good morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?" I grabbed a bowl and a spoon. And I grabbed my favorite cereal, Cookie Crisps, and filled the bowl about halfway. I grabbed the milk, filled my bowl and sat down. "Fine I guess." I said as I started eating. He continued drinking his orange juice. We sat in silence for the rest of the meal, but after I finished I put my dirty dishes in the sink and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed out my brown hair, yanking out the tangles. I winced whenever I pulled to hard. I didn't spend too long straightening my hair, so I just went through and straightened the bumpy parts. But on most days, my hair was naturally flat. I put on a little bit of concealer and powder. I lightly brushed some blush upon my cheeks. Then I put on some natural looking shades of eyeshadow, and I put on my black liquid eyeliner. I put a tad bit of brown eyeliner on the bottom of my eye, and I applied a few coats of mascara. I looked in the mirror and examined myself. Well this is as good as it's going to get so might as well not waste my time. I walked back in my room and slipped on my black converse. I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. "Ready to go?" I asked my dad. He nodded and grabbed his keys. He doesn't go to work for another hour so he drops me off at school. So thankfully I don't have to ride a bus full of sweaty, annoying, immature children known as highschoolers. Once we arrived at school, I said my farewells to my Dad and walked to the front of the school. Keep your head down. That's my logic for getting past everyone. I'm a quiet girl that never talks to anyone but my best friend Nicole. I guess I don't see the point in being loud and an attention whore. I spotted Nicole, and I walked over to her. "Hey Elene!" She said to me as she hugged me. I returned the favor and smiled at her. We talked a little, while we walked to our first class. I have math first. And I'm okay at math, but I don't really care about it. It seems pretty pointless to me. I'm more into sports anyways. Which reminds me that I have cross country meet this weekend, which I'm actually excited about. I walked into the classroom after saying goodbye to Nicole, and I took my seat in the back. I pulled out my book and started reading, waiting for the teacher. Once the bell rang and class started, I put my book away and started looking around the classroom. We were supposed to learn how to do something to do with an equation, but I'd figure it out later. I stared at all the people. They are all so different. There's the sporty people. Which techinally I am sporty, but I don't hang out with the other people on the team. I talk to my coach and that's it. I'm just there to run. They were laughing, and making jokes with each other. Then there were the gothic people. They were all silent. Glaring at everyone. And then there is the drama group. They are the popular group of our school. Our school's main thing is singing and acting. And some of them are snobbish, while some of them are not. The most popular girl, Olympia, whom I've never met, doesn't seem to be that snobby. She doesn't dress in any slutty clothes or anything. She seems like she might be nice if you get to know her. But I have never tried. Math went by pretty fast, and so did all my other classes. And before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I went in line before many people could get there, grabbed a ham sandwich, and walked outside. I sat in my usual spot which is on a bench under a tree. I pulled out my book and started reading while I ate. As soon as I finished eating, the bell rang. I was daydreaming through all of my classes. And then I got to English, my last period. I don't really care about the class because I am actually really good in it, . He is my favorite teacher. Because Mr. Bruner was really nice to me. He never bothers me much, and he lets me read most of the time. But he told me if I'm going to read in his class I have to read his books on Greek Mythology. And I figured that that is a good deal because I know a lot about it already and I find it very interesting. The time went by really fast. And I was shaken out of my journey with Hercules by the last bell ringing.

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