Percy and Nico

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The whole ride to NYC Percy held my hand – he knew how nervous I was. To be honest it did help with the nerves a lot. I was glad that Percy and Nico were with us because they had actual experience with quests!  I feel the car pull to a stop about 2 hours after driving. The door slid open and I climbed out followed by Percy, Elene and then Nico. I stretch and yawn lightly – I do not like being cramped in small spaces for more than an hour. Then, the van started up again and drove away. I sighed and turned to my friends. “So what should we do first?” Elene asked. Percy spoke and said “I think we should find somewhere safe to sleep and start the quest in the morning – were not going to do any good when were exhausted.” We all spoke up in agreement and Percy took my hand again. I could feel Nico and Elene’s eyes widen at that but they didn’t say anything. So Percy pulled me lightly forward and Elene and Nico stood on either side of us. This felt comfortable. This felt right. All of a sudden I had the most confidence in the world. I felt like I was onstage performing in one of school plays – like nothing would go wrong because I had practice, and this is what I would good at – plus I had an amazing team. We all walked for a while, looking around for somewhere relatively safe. We kept walking for a long time before Percy spoke up in surprise “Look” he motioned to the side of a red brick building. I could barely make out the form of a latter through the pesky darkness. Nico walked over and tested the latter to see if it would be safe to climb. We came to the conclusion that it would be safe. Nico went up first and then Elene followed quickly afterwards, I saw Nico reach down and help her the rest of the way up when she got closer to the top and I couldn’t help but think how cute they would be when they finally got together. Percy went up, I followed close behind. When we were all on the roof – I basically collapsed. Percy pulled one blanket out of his bag and Nico did the same. That was something I hadn’t felt we needed – but it was cold so I was glad they thought of it. We all found spots that were relatively close to each other on the roof. I curled into Percy’s warm chest and felt his arms wind around me. We had the blanket wrapped around us. I fell asleep a few minutes after curling up. The next morning when I woke I looked for the others, I saw Elene fiddling with her small ring. I looked at her “Where are the guys??” They were nowhere in sight. She shrugged with an extremely worried expression. I moved over to sit right beside her. “So – are you and Percy together now?” I nodded “Yeah” I blushed bright red and smiled shyly. She laughed and hugged me. “I’m so happy for you!” I smiled – “thanks!” We sat in silence. I heard a sound like metal clanging against brick. I jumped to feet and grabbed one of my daggers. I held it out and Elene did the same with her sword. Just as a familiar face appeared and stood before us I threw my dagger. Percy’s hand swung out and caught it by the handle. He looked shocked to say the least. I gasped “Percy! Where have you been? We thought you were a monster!” He laughed.  Percy moved forward a little and Nico popped up behind him. “We went to find some breakfast!” He laughed and held up a McDonald’s bag. I sighed, walked over and hugged him “You should have woken one of us up!” He looked at me sheepishly “We didn’t know we would take that long! We were gone for 30 minutes!” I frowned and he handed me back my dagger which I placed in its sheath on my belt. The boys sat down and placed the food in the middle of our four person circle. Percy opened the first one “Okay so we have a breakfast wrap, hash browns, 2 apple juices, 2 orange juices, a snack wrap and a mcmuffin. “I’ll take the breakfast wrap!” Elene spoke up grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat – and an apple juice!” I said “I would have the hash browns and an apple juice” As we ate we began to discuss what to do next. 

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