Unexpected Surprises

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After we got off the train – we were in this tiny town. So, we stopped to find a motel. We were sitting in the room. Percy had volunteered to share a bed…hormonal teenager much? So that meant Elene and Nico will be sharing a bed. We all agreed that two of us should stay here and the other two should grab something to eat. “Me and Elene can go!” I said with annoyance as the boys continued to disagree “You’ve seen us fight, we’ll be okay!” I folded my arms over my chest and gave them both a level stare. I could feel that El was doing the same. No matter what they thought – they knew they couldn’t disagree about our blood sister status. They let us go. We grabbed our weapons and some money and walked out. We went to the Taco Bell down the street and got enough food for the four of us. When we were walking back – I wasn’t really paying attention. So, when El grabbed my arm and hauled me behind and tree I gasped and pulled my arm away “What are you doing?” She silenced me with a worried look and a “Shhhh!!!” I immediately shut up and turned to look where her gaze was going. What I saw made my stomach turn upside down. It was Percy and Nico – they were being carried away from the motel. They were bound and gagged. I heard El whimper quietly.  I looked at her and whispered “We have to help – come on, let’s follow those idiot Cyclopes” So, together we ran stealthily behind them. We followed them all the way out into these hills. Until we came to this large opening of a cave. We hid behind some large boulders as they tied the unconscious forms of Percy and Nico into the shackles on the cave wall. There was three Cyclopes’ altogether. I looked at El and nodded, a plan was already forming inside my head. I knew she could see it as well. Ok, so lately – when Percy and Nico are asleep, we had taken to discussing differences and changes in us since we found out were demigods and blood sisters. We had noticed that we could read each other’s minds – if it was really important. I turned my attention back to the boys. They were still unconscious. Slowly, we crept forward until we were over beside Percy and Nico - I couldn’t believe the one-eyed freaks hadn’t noticed us yet! I hoped the shadows in this place hid us okay. There was a loud angry shout – I knew our stealth tactics hadn’t worked. I winced and spun around as fast as I could – only to see a rock the size of my head flying towards El. I grabbed El’s arm and pulled her towards me – the rock only missing her by seconds. I glared – instantly going into protective mode. I bent my knees as the monster stepped towards us. Elene began to scream insults at the thing and ran towards the opening. The other two had looked up now as well, confused as to what was going on. I ran over – ripping my dagger out of my belt and slicing it through the first Cyclopes. It immediately turned into a powder. Whoosh I felt the wind leave my body and instant pain in my stomach – I was flying through the air and I felt back hit the cave wall just as I had gotten my breath back – knocking it out of me again. I gasped trying to get my breath back as the black spots clouded my vision. That’s when I heard El’s voice in my head ‘Are you okay?’ I finally managed to get my breath back and my vision cleared – only to be greeted with the sight of a large, ugly, female Cyclopes barring her teeth at me and leaning over me. I could hear Percy and Nico’s shouts as they tried to help. El sprinted towards me and sliced the back of monsters leg. The monster stumbled a bit – giving me time to move into a more open space so I could fight. I nodded to El. I whipped my head back and forth ‘Where is the other one???’ All I got for a reply was ‘I don’t know!’  I rushed towards the female and I heard and manly roar – yep, that must be the other one! I flipped another dagger up into my hand – so that I had to in each. “You go take of that one – I’ll try and finish this one!” She ran towards the other one without another word. The monster tried to swipe at me but I dodged and ran under its legs so that I was behind it. My stomach was on fire – yeah I was probably going to bruise. I shook that thought off and tried to slice the monsters leg – that’s as high as I could reach! I hate being short sometimes. So we just went back and forth – her trying to hit me, me dodging and trying to hit her but only scratching her.  I heard El yell out in what I knew was triumph. I grinned and kept going. I felt El’s presence by my side and felt a renewed strength – I could hear the boys screaming and trying to get us to leave – even though they knew that would never happen. I let out a shout as El and I jumped to opposites sides so as not to get brained by a club. I whip out my bow and as I pull it forward – I felt it get stuck on something . I yelped because I was almost blinded by a sudden glowing, gold light. I looked at my bow and saw it was hooked on El’s sword. “What the hell?” she breathed in shock. Everybody in the room had frozen and were looking quite confused. My bow started to heat up and I dropped it because it got unbearably hot. I clenched my fists in pain and saw El do the same. She grabbed my arm and yanked me towards her. I wrapped an arm around her as the light got brighter and brighter. I stumbled back as I lost all sight – everything was gold – I couldn’t see anything but gold! El kept a tight grip on my arm and we both fell to the ground as a hot wave rushed over us. I heard Percy and Nico let out shouts of anger and there was a loud noise – sort of like an explosion. I huddled with El unsure of what else to do. I felt things raining down on us and so I turned my face down. When the light and heat faded. We jumped up and looked around – Percy and Nico were still shackled to the wall. But, there was no sign of the Cyclopes? I saw my bow and El’s sword lying on the ground – barely even touching. I frowned. What had just happened?

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