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So, after Theia agreed to help us - she told us she could use her powers to send us back to camp instead of taking trains and things again (which would take a whole lot longer) I still didn't want to talk to Percy. He's been trying to talk to me - he lloks so confused and hurt but i'm just not ready to talk. As soon as we flashed back into camp and looked around realized we were in the Dining Pavilion. Everyone was staring at us until finally Chiron came up to us and said, quiet so only the four of us could hear. "How did it go?" Percy spoke up first in a tired and strained sounding voice "It went well! Theia agreed to help" We all nodded in agreement. Suddenly, my brother Cyrus was hugging me tighter than i've ever been hugged before. "You're back!" He shouted. I laughed - but it didn't sound real. Cyrus gave me a look and hugged the others. Chiron made the announcement that our quest was successful and told us to grab some food and dig in. But I wasn't hungry. I left the pavilion as everyone was headed to their tables to eat - I saw Percy, who was trying to shove his way towards me. I hurried up and went to my cabin. I sat down on my bunk and started unpacking my backpack. I took a quick shower and got dressed in my favorite high waisted short shorts and a loose flowy tank top. I sat down on my bed and picked up the picture of Delly and I. God, i missed her. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep from crying. I heard a knock at the door to the cabin, I walked over and opened the door. It was Elene. She hugged me as soon as I opened the door. I had called out to her in my head...I guess i hadn't put up a wall like I thought I had and she had seen what Percy had said to me. I just burst into tears. It was the first time i had really cried in my life. I had always had to be strong for everyone else but right now I just didn't want to be strong. "Olly?" A worried voice stuttered out the words. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He walked up the steps of the porch and I refused to meet his gaze which was burning into my skull. "I don't think - " Elene started to say something but I cut her off by saying in my mind 'It's fine- I have to talk to him at some point, it's better it be sooner rather than later' She nodded and walked off while yelling over her shoulder "CALL ME IF YOU NEED ME" I let out a small, embarrassed laugh. I looked up at Percy who was looking at me with these miserable eyes. After about five minutes, he finally spoke "Please tell me what I said or did to make you so mad?" I just shook my head "I'm not mad...i'm hurt. You said some really hurtful things to me Perce..." He looked shocked and kind of scared. He moved his arms - like he was reachingout to me, but quickly let them fall to his sides again. "You said that you would never kiss me because I meant nothing to you and that i was horrid and miserable" I moved my gaze to the floor as his eyes widened in horror. He was speechless. Suddenly, he had pulled me into his warm - and extremley strong chest and just hugged me as tight as he could. "You mean everything to me Olly, I didn't know what i was saying - afterwards I didn't even remember any of what I did or said! I, you are amazing and beautiful and so strong. I-I-I ....I love you Olly." I pulled back and stared up at him, shocked. "W-what?" I asked. "I love you. More than anything else okay?" I felt his finger gently guide my face- so that now, I was looking up at him. "I love you too, Perce" He gave me this wide grin, like i had just made his entire life with those five words. He leaned down and placed his lips on mine.

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