The Prophecy

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Everyone was laughing and cheering and having a great time while at the campfire – the Apollo children were, of course, playing instruments and singing! I was sitting with Percy, Annabeth, Cyrus, Nico and Elene. I couldn’t stop smiling and I felt Percy put his arm around me – I didn’t mind whatsoever. We were all laughing and Nico and Percy were telling us how amazing we did for our first time. This was amazing – I never wanted to leave. A hush rolled over everyone. I froze with fear. A deep freezing chill had begun covering me. I gasped but I couldn’t seem to move – there was a thick grayish fog moving in. What the hell is going on? A women’s voice began to speak – not aloud but in my head! “Olympia, Elene – be ready, there is much pain and sorrow to come, be ready blood sisters” The voice trailed off. The spell that had been holding everyone in the camp broke. Elene and I – almost as if reading each other’s minds – launched towards each other. We hugged each other really tightly, trying to comfort one another. There were murmurs running through the camp and people were watching us with worried expressions – I whispered to Elene “Blood Sisters?” She just shook her head, not knowing what it meant either. “Girls – come with me! Percy, Nico – you two come as well – we will leave the rest of the campers to enjoy the celebration” I slowly nodded and stood up – still glued to Elene. Percy and Nico followed suit and walked behind us – almost as if to protect us. When we got to the big house, we were lead into a large room with a pool table. Chiron told us all to sit and we did. I was sat in between Percy and Elene, while Nico was on the other side of Elene. Just as Chiron was about to speak – two tall people walked – no, more like stormed – into the room. They were both extremely beautiful. A man and women. The man – I felt like I knew him, but I wasn’t sure. The man had golden blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin – the women was tanned as well, but had curly, dark brown hair, gray eyes that matched Elene’s almost exactly. I froze and just stared at the two – they gave us smiles but we didn’t smile back. Elene and I glanced at each other. I wasn’t so sure what was going on, Percy placed his hand over mine in a protective gesture. I smiled at him and turned back to look at the two beautiful people – the man had seen Percy take my hand and was glaring fiercely at him. I frowned at the man and Chiron spoke. “Elene, Olympia – these are your parents! Athena” He and motioned to the women. “And Apollo” He motioned to the man. My eyes widened and I glanced at Elene – she was glaring at the women with hatred. I placed a hand on her shoulder and when she turned to look at me I nodded. “Chiron – if this is all – may we go back to the campfire?” Athena looked quite stunned – What did she think Elene was going to do? Run into her mother’s arms when she left Elene and her father? If Athena thought that then she must be pretty stupid for the goddess of wisdom! I looked at my father, who looked quite hurt. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back. He held out his arms as if waiting for a hug, so I pushed my chair back, stood up and made my way over to him. He hugged with all his might and I hugged back “Dad” I whispered in shock. After I finished hugging him – I went back over to sit with my friends. I decided to speak the question that was probably on Elene’s mind as well as my own. “What are Blood Sisters?” The three adults smiled at that. Athena spoke before anyone else had a chance. “Blood sisters are very rare! They are ever only girls – They are girls who can; read each other’s minds- sense what the other is feeling and react to it and they make the most amazing pair when they are battling together and also – they are usually the closest of friends.” I looked at Elene, because all of those things that Athena had just listed – definitely applied to Elene and me. “Apollo has seen the future and it does not look bright – so we have decided to send you four on a quest to try and stop this madness – although Apollo refuses to tell anyone what it is – we know it is terrible” I looked at my three closest friends and frowned. “Elene – Olympia, you two will go into the attic and ask the oracle for a prophecy.” I nodded slowly. Chiron walked us to where we were supposed to be and we climbed up the ladder he had pulled down for us. When we got up into the room there old ‘prizes’ of battles and spoils of war covering pretty much every single surface of the room. That’s when I saw it. The mummy with the fire red hair - shrivelled up skin, beaded bracelets and necklaces. I felt the bile rising in my throat and grabbed Elene’s hand for strength. She squeezed back and made a noise in the back of her throat. Elene spoke in a strong, clear voice “Oracle – we have been sent to collect a prophecy” I got ready to remember these words – I had a pretty good memory so it shouldn’t be that hard. The oracles eyes opened – they were glowing a creepy green, she opened her mouth and a cloud of green came out as an old, hissing voice spoke into our heads.

“Blood sisters to bind, Only theys hall find,

True evil against pure good,

Where several of the best once stood,

Terrible blood shed will occur,

Will they be able to reassure?”

I squeezed Elene’s hand even harder – The oracles eyes and mouth closed. We quickly stumbled back to the ladder and climbed down. I was really shaky. Elene and I stood there hugging when we heard footsteps.

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