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Percy and I walked back into the compartment of the train. I was a little annoyed with what he kept saying – that he cared about me and didn’t want me to get hurt! He wanted to protect me and now he apparently wasn’t letting me OR Elene go anywhere by ourselves! So what? Now were weak and feeble and can’t take care of ourselves?! Hell no! Like, he knows we can take care of ourselves because we have done it before! And, Elene usually never leaves my side – why can’t he see that were just as powerful as he or Nico are! Sure, they have more experience – but only because they’ve been at camp longer! I was seething! When we sat down Percy sat next to me and said “You know I care about you –“ His sentence was cut off by me saying loudly “Percy! Just stop okay? I get that you care about and that you don’t want me getting hurt! But – you can’t keep me under lock and key okay? Like, I love being able to take care of myself and I love protecting the people I love because it’s all I’ve ever done is make sure my family is safe! You can’t force me to not fight and protect Elene like I know I’m supposed to” I trailed off and glared at the floor, my cheeks heated from anger. I was flustered and really annoyed. He sat quietly listening to my rant until he was sure I had finished talking. “I know all of that Olympia – what I’m saying is that you don’t have as much experience with quests and things like that as Nico and I!” I refused to look at him “Percy, when Elene calls me like she did today…I can’t just ignore that – she’s my sister and my best friend, I can’t just leave her to be killed... We’re Blood Sisters and that means we take care of each other – I don’t care what you want! It’s not up to you to decide where I go and what I do, okay? I care about you too – but I don’t go around trying to control what you do, how you do it – no matter how terrified I am that you could get hurt!” He took a deep breath and said softly “I know I don’t get the whole Blood Sisters thing, and I probably never will but…I’ve lost so many people like Luke, Bianca, Ethan, Zoe, Castor, Lee, Beckendorf, Silena, Michael” He looked close to tears so I slipped my arms around him and buried his face in my shoulder. “I just can’t lose anyone else” He let out a small sob. I rubbed small circles in his back and murmured “You won’t lose me or Nico – or Elene, it’s not going to happen, I won’t let it” I heard him sniffle and mumble “Olly…you can’t promise something like that” I hugged him tighter and whispered “Percy, it’s not going to happen” I lifted his chin up and kissed him, he immediately responded by tightening his hold on my waist and pulling me into his lap. When I pulled away – I wiped the tears from his face and looked into his sea green eyes “I promise Percy” He slowly nodded, his eyes still watery. I kissed the tip of his nose and he smiled lightly at me. I moved so that I could sit beside him and he took my hand and held it squeezed tightly between his own two large, tanned and scarred hands. It felt so right – being with Percy. Completely natural. I was about to speak just as Nico and Elene walked in, holding hands. HOLDING HANDS?!!?!?!?! When did that happen? I gave her a look like ‘we are so talking about this later’ I’m so happy for her! I knew Nico and she would get together eventually. I knew it would be sometime during the quest! I was internally jumping for joy! Their so freaking cute! I wiggled my eyebrows at Elene and she blushed bright pink. 

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