A monster in a leather jacket

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After Olympia and I got up from the hard dusty ground, we looked at each other, both wondering the same thing. "I have no idea what just happened. Our weapons touched and then boom. The cyclops died instantaneously." I said. Olympia rubbed her pants, rubbing off flecks of rubble and dust. "I don't know why that happened, but we should get the boys and get out of here." I nodded and we ran over to Nico and Percy who were still chained up on the wall. "So uhm, I think the key evaporated with the cyclops. What now?" Olympia asked. I pulled my dagger up and swung it on the chain. It broke off. Then Olympia stuck her knife in the lock and fiddled with it for a moment before it clicked and the shackle opened. We freed Percy and Nico, and they both started going crazy with excitement. "What happened over there??!!! There was this huge explosion and the cyclops just evaporated!" They said, wondering the same thing as us. I shrugged. "I think it's best that we go back to the hotel and get our stuff. It's probably a good idea to go ahead and get out of here. Just to be safe." I explained. We walked as fast as possible back to the hotel. We were all on the tips of our toes, and my hands never left my holster where my dagger was sitting. When we got back to our room, we packed up all of our stuff and took the key back to the front desk. "Leaving so soon?" The man at the front desk asked. Percy answered for us, "Well we have a uhm, emergency. So we have to leave early." The man fiddled around on his computer for a moment then he said, "Well since you didn't stay the night, but only a few hours, we will only charge you half the price." Well that is good. Atleast we got some money back. So once Percy got the money, we got a taxi, and we went back to the train station. We got our tickets at the ticket counter, and we sat on a bench waiting for the train. Our train ride would be a few hours and it will take us about halfway to New Jersey. We all settled down for the next 15 minutes until the train finally pulled up to the station. We boarded on along with all of the other passengers. When we were waiting to get through the door, I observed some of the humans. There was a woman who looked to be in her late 20s, who was holding a boy's hand. He had big blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair. He kept talking excitedly to his mother, who pretty much ignored him. Then there was an old man with a walker, who basically crawled through the door. There was a man who looked to be around 20, who had headphones on. He bobbed his head to the music, and he seemed to be lost in his own world. The final woman in line, who was in front of us, had on a leather jacket, and dark jeans. She had on combat boots and her hair was pulled back in a clip. She looked like she was around 35 from the back, but then when she turned around, you could see the wrinkles on her face, which said that she was older than I thought. She was probably around 60. Hhm. She really must think that the leather is making her look younger. I made eye contact with her, and I felt like I was trapped. I was staring deep in her eyes, and I was seeing battles. There was fire everywhere. People sliced each other up, killing with no mercy. I gasped and turned my head, breaking out of the trance. I turned back to her and she smiled sweetly, but I could see the evil behind it. She turned back around and walked into the train. I looked at Olympia and she saw the fear in my eyes. "Are you okay?" She whispered. I nodded my head. When we finally got on the train, we sat together. The ride was supposed to take about 2 and a half hours. After about 30 minutes of sitting. I had to get up. So I told the others that I was going to go to the bathroom, and I stepped out. I walked down the long hallway, going through many doors. I finally found the bathroom. It was its own room. There was a mens and womens restroom, so I walked into the womens. There was about 3 stalls. I didn't really need to go, so I walked over to a sink. I looked up in the mirror and saw that my hair was really messed up. So I decided that I would put it in a bun. I flipped it down, so my head was facing the floor. I got it all together, and I put the hair tie around it. I flipped my head back up to look in the mirror, only to scream in fright. The old woman in the leather jacket was staring right behind me. She smiled humorlessly. I could sense the feeling of hatred rolling off of her. "Can I help you?" I said, trying to sound brave. I straightened my posture, hoping to be sort of intimidating, but failing miserably. "Oh yes, Elene Hunter. You could help me a lot. Let me kill you fast, so I can find your other sister. I want to end this quickly." I raised my eyes in confusion "Yes, I know all about how you and that girl, Olympia, are blood sisters. And you see, with you two together, you could win the war. So I was sent here to kill you. Let me do it peacefully, and I promise child, there will be no pain." She stepped towards me, but I quickly pulled out my dagger. I held it up in front of me, ready to defend myself. She snarled. I started screaming in my head, OLYMPIA IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, HELP. I'M IN THE BATHROOM. HELP. The woman's eyes turned a dark yellowish color. Her pupils turned to vertical slits. I gasped in shock. Before I could figure out what happened, she was transformed into a monster. She had wings, but all I could see on those wings were huge, sharp claws, that shimmered when a flash of light hit them. She lunged at me, her talons poised to kill. I swung my dagger in front of me, blocking her successfully. She roared, and tried to swing at my head. I ducked and pushed my dagger out, and I cut off one of her claws. She made a weird sound that sounded like a growl and a shriek together. Then I heard the door slam open and I knew that it was Olympia. I saw an arrow come out of the corner of my eye, and it landed straight in the thing's eye. It roared, almost shaking the room. I swung my dagger out while it was distracted, and I dragged it along it's neck. And right before it evaporated, a look of hatred showed on it's face. I sighed and looked at Olympia. "What in the hell was that?" She asked. I shook my head, not knowing myself. "I have no idea."

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