Welcome To Camp Half-Blood

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My mom and Elene’s dad decided we would go to camp. They told us that what Mr. Bruner had said, was in fact – true. I was still confused but I have to say – after being attacked by a Hellhound – I didn’t exactly doubt it anymore. I was packing my stuff. We were leaving tonight, Elene’s dad would be driving be driving – I was going to say goodbye to my grandma, mom and Delly before we left. I sighed as I finished putting my clothes, hair stuff and make up into the bag – I also grabbed a backpack and stuffed my favorite books, cellphone, cash, sunglasses and pocket knife into it. I looked around my room as I zipped my suitcase shut. “Where’s sissy going?” Delilah spoke, scaring me half to death. I frowned and hugged her “I’ll be back to visit Delly, I promise” I looked sadly at my little sister – she may have been adopted but I still loved her more than life itself. I grabbed my stuff and walked out into the tiny living room, Delly followed close behind me – not letting me out of her sight.  I set my stuff down and walked to my grandma. She hugged me tighter than I thought she could. “Hun, you’ll have fun at this camp – it’s a place where you will truly fit in and “I caught her off gently “But Grams – I don’t know anyone there!” She smiled kindly at me “You know Elene right?” I nodded “Well then just stick with her, and if you ever get homesick I’m sure the camp director has a phone you can use!” I smiled sadly at her and hugged her again, placing a kiss on her forehead “I love you grandma” “I love you too sweetheart” I stepped back and walked to my mom. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and squeezed “I love you Hun – this is for your own safety” She trailed off, I nodded trying not to get mad – I knew she was trying to protect me but I just didn’t want to leave them. They needed me. “I know mom” I then swung Delilah up into my arms. Delilah was full on crying. “Shh” I comforted her. “I’ll call as much as I can! And I’ll send letters – and you can send me yours too, okay sweetheart?” She nodded still crying. I held her on my hip because she was holding tight and wasn’t getting down anytime soon – and honestly I didn’t wanna let her go. I pushed her hair away from her face. “Sissy, can I get down” She looked at me – worry clear on her face. I nodded and lowered her so she was standing on the floor. As soon as I let go – she ran to our bedroom and came back out after about five minutes, carrying something in her little hands. I frowned. She ran over to me as fast as her tiny legs would carry her. She held out the object in her hands to me. I took it – it was a small photograph, it was from a small bulletin board we kept on the back of the bedroom door. It was a picture of me and Delilah and was taken a few weeks ago. We were sitting together on a small picnic blanket and we were both smiling at each other and she was holding a sunflower out to me, I had a sunflower place behind my ear and I remembered that day. We had been on a picnic with my mom and grandma and we had picked four flowers, one for me, one for Grams, one for mom and one for Delilah. I had put mine behind my ear and she tried but couldn’t get it to stay – so I did it for her. That day had been amazing – we spent the day running around, eating a picnic, picking flowers and singing. I snapped back to reality and took the picture from her. “Keep it safe okay?” I promised her that I would and put it into my book as a bookmark. About 20 minutes later there was a knock at the door. Delly ran over and opened it. Elene smiled sweetly at her and looked up to me she waved and I waved back. I gave everyone one last hug and left. On the drive there – Mr. Hunter told us how Elene’s mother had nothing but good things to say about the camp. I could tell something was bothering her – I would ask her about that later. When we got there, I stood by the large tree and waited with my eyes politely averted while they said good bye. Soon, Elene was standing next to me and we nodded to each other in silent agreement. I could tell she was nervous, so I acted on impulse – I stuck my hand out, offering for her to take it. She grasped it immediately and smiled her thanks. I smiled back. We walked through the pillars that marked the entrance of the camp – they had Greek words written along the top ‘Camp Half-Blood’ well – that name sure did suit the camp. We had slept on the way here and so it was like -7:00 AM. I shivered when we passed through the pillars. I gasped as I looked out over the large valleys there was one big house, volley ball courts, tons of cabins, a stable, what looked like a coliseum, an archery range and a big open air pavilion. It looked truly Greek. “Hey!” I heard a boy’s voice from behind us. I turned to see a tall, tan, well-muscled, lean, blue-green eyed boy with jet black hair. He had a golden sword swinging at his hip. I smiled at him while Elene looked away shyly. A girl stood next to him – she had sunny blonde hair, gray eyes like Elene’s and she was tanned as well. “I’m Percy! Short for Perseus!” He grinned and stepped forward offering me a hand. I shook it and smiled, although I noticed the blonde girl glaring at his hand. “I’m Olympia” I motioned to Elene “That’s Annabeth – she’s a daughter of Athena and I’m a son of Poseidon” I flashed him a grin “That’s so cool! Poseidon is my second favorite of all the gods” He smiled, surprised. “Really? Well who’s number one?” I was about to answer when Elene laughed “I think I can answer that Olympia! I’m going to guess – Apollo?” I blushed and tugged on a lock of my hair “Is it really that obvious?” She laughed and nodded. I noticed Annabeth growing a smile as she looked at Elene “Oh my god! – you’re my sister Elene!” Elene looked so startled “Erm, what?” She laughed “Well half-sister anyway! You’re a child of Athena! I can tell by your eyes!” I smiled at Elene – having already found her family. Elene was blushing. Percy then asked “So girls would you like a tour? Annabeth and I are camp leaders – Chiron is the camp activities director and Mr. D is the official head of camp” I looked at him confused, still tugging on my hair “Mr.D?” He nodded “Dionysus” I nodded suddenly understanding as he explained to us why Dionysus had been banished to the camp for a one hundred year sentence. Just then, I hear hooves pounding against the ground. I turned to look and saw Mr. Bruner – no, he was half horse, half man. “Chiron!” Percy called happily. Chiron reached us and said “Aw why hello girls – I’m glad you’ve arrived safely!”  I smiled at him “Hey – Mr. B” I frowned and corrected myself “Chiron!” He chuckled and told us its fine but he prefers Chiron. He also told us that Annabeth and Percy would be giving us a tour of the camp. “I will take your bags – I have a feeling I know who both of your godly parents are – but I have a room in the big house that you will sleep in for your first night here – you will probably be claimed at dinner tonight. Olympia – you will sit at Percy’s table and Elene will sit with Annabeth and her siblings!” Percy took my suitcase and handed it to Chiron and Annabeth did the same with Elene’s suitcase. Chiron trotted off and to the large house down the hill. Percy said “Well come on girls!” I kept stride with him because I had been instantly forgotten by Elene when she started talking to her new ‘sister’. Percy and I talked and we arrived in front of the large house “This is what the campers call – the big house! It’s where you girls will be staying tonight. Chiron’s office is here as well in case you need anything.” We moved on to the volleyball courts and then to the coliseum and the archery range “A lot of the kids here are Apollo kids” Percy said as he pointed to the kids shooting bows. I felt a strange longing to go and join them. We then headed around the different cabins and he pointed out the different ones. A tall, tanned boy with curly dark brown hair and black sword hanging at his belt jogged over and greeted Percy. Percy introduced all of us and I could tell that Elene thought he was cute. Soon, we were walking again – he showed us the Pegasus stable next and then the strawberry fields and the lake. Next, Percy brought us to a slightly over-sized shed. He unlocked it and pulled it open – Annabeth went and stood next to him “This is like a rite of passage at camp! Time to let the weapon choose you” Percy chuckled. Both of them stood there studying us with interest. I watched as Annabeth’s eyes lit up and she ducked into the shed. She came back out holding a medium length, silver sword – it was embedded with rubies. She held it out to Elene and Elene took it slowly from her – a grin spreading across her face as she tested the weight in her hand “It’s perfect” She breathed in amazement. Annabeth smirked, glanced at me and looked at Percy and scoffed “Your turn” I tugged a lock of my hair. Percy smirked “I have an idea!” He ran into the shed and ruffled around for a few minutes before jogging out and over to me. He held something behind his back and I couldn’t tell what it was. He stopped a bit away from me and pulled the thing from behind his back. I smiled when I registered what it was. It was a sleek, ebony recurve bow with beautiful patterns: suns, stars, music notes and flowers. I gasped and slowly took it from him – afraid I would break it. I ran my fingers over it gently. “I love it” I looked up at Percy and Annabeth was glaring at the two of us. Percy was grinning at me and Elene was smiling at me – she hugged me and said “I think we’re going to like it here” I nodded “That’s a definite” There was a tolling bell in the distance. “Oh – dinner time already! So unless you girls get claimed – you will be staying in the big house!” We nodded and walked to the pavilion together. Once we were there Percy brought us up to stand with Chiron. We stood there with him while everybody filed in. All these kids who could kick people’s asses in one room and staring at you? Yeah, not fun. I tugged on my hair. Once everyone was seated Chiron spoke with calming ease. “Everyone – as I’m sure you all have heard – we have two new campers, they are 16 and haven’t been claimed as of yet” He motioned to us. Elene’s cheeks were flaming. I took her hand and squeezed it to reassure her without anybody seeing. Chiron smiled when I did this and continued while pointing at Elene “This is Elene Hunter and this” He pointed to me “Is Olympia Marin” I glanced and saw Percy sending me a wink. When all of a sudden everybody began gasping and whispering – Percy had a look of happiness and mischief mingling on his face. I looked up above our heads – where everyone seemed to be staring and saw a glowing sun with a carriage, bow and music note. I had seen that symbol in my books – it was the symbol for children or the priests of Apollo. I looked above Elene’s head where she was looking – a silvery owl with and quill pen was floating above her head. I was tingling – I looked down at my hands and saw yellow, orange and red beads encasing my now even darker arms. I gasped and looked at Elene. 

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