It is painful getting stabbed.

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The next morning, we decided to go and get breakfast all together before we started traveling again. So we packed up the stuff that we had sitting out, and we walked down into the lobby of the hotel. We went up to the front desk to return our key, and it was a boy who looked to be about 20-25. I handed him the key, and then he winked at me, giving me a flirtatious grin. I scowled and dragged everyone else out of the hotel as fast as possible. We walked down the sidewalk, looking for a place to grab food. The sun was behind the clouds, so it was cool. The wind was blowing, so I put on the thin jacket I had brought. It warmed me up just enough to where I didn't get hot and then want to take off my jacket to only get cold again. We saw a McDonalds down the road, so we decided that's where we would stop. I love the bagels they have there! I always get one when I get breakfast at McDonalds. There weren't many people out because it was a during the week, and around 9:30, so most people would have already went to work. I felt a shiver run through my spine, and it wasn't from the cold. I had the strange feeling I was being watched. I stopped walking, and everyone else gave me weird looks. "Do you feel that?" I asked. They stopped moving, trying to understand what I was talking about. I saw Olympia shiver. She stepped closer to me, wrapping her hand around my arm. I felt the hair go up on the back of my neck. Then all of a sudden Olympia was grabbing Percy and Nico over to us yelling, "IT'S A HARPIE. GRAB MY BRACELET." I didn't question her commands. I grabbed onto the gorgeous bracelet that was wrapped around her thin wrist. I felt a weird sensation, like something was grabbing me, but it wasn't doing anything. All of a sudden, a girl with silver hair dropped down infront of us. She was around 5'4. She was shorter than me, but taller than Ole. She pulled out a crystal dagger, and I could see the light reflecting off of it, causing rainbows to float around on different surfaces. She yelled something, but I didn't catch what exactly she said. She swung her dagger around at the air. And then she looked back at us and said, "It's gone. You can let go of her bracelet now." I cautiously stepped away. "Who are you?" Olympia asked. "My name is Daesie." I looked at Percy and Nico to see them staring at her weird. They seemed to have this awestruck look on their faces. Nico stepped forward and kneeled down. He grabbed Daesie's hand and kissed it. "Hello, my name is Nico De'Angelo. It is a pleasure to meet you." He slowly stood back up. I glanced at Olympia and scowled. She raised her eyebrows wondering why he was acting like that. Then Percy stepped forward and grabbed Daesie's hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you Daesie. My name is Percy Jackson. And may I say that you are very beautiful." Nico made a growling sound at Percy when he said that. Olympia and I exchanged annoyed glances. "So thanks for saving us." I said, trying to bring their attention back to us. "It was no problem. But how about I take you guys back to my residence to get you out of the open?" She seemed really nice. "Well we were actually just going to go eat but I guess we could." I answered her, not really seeing any problem with that. So we followed behind her. Nico and Percy walked with Daesie, each on one side of her. Olympia and I trailed behind them, walking at a slower pace than them. "What was that all about?" Olympia whispered to me. "I have no clue." We stayed silent for the rest of the walk. We ended up following her to a nice looking hotel that was about 15 stories high. "What are we doing here?" I asked Daesie. She didn't answer at first, until we walked inside and through a door in the lobby that was labeled 'stairs'. We started going down flights of stairs. "Just follow me. I'm taking you to my home." I felt uneasy but I decided to just go along with it. I was out of breathe by the time we finished walking down stairs. We had just kept going down and down until we got to the bottom floor. I didn't see anything but a few boxes sitting in the corner. Then Daesie led us to a door that I didn't see. It was to the left of the bottom of the stairs, but underneath the floor above it. It was a regular looking door in a dark corner. Daesie went in first, then Percy and Nico, then Olympia and I. When we walked in I examined the room. It was a living room. I saw different doors leading out of the room. "Is this your house?" Olympia asked. Daesie shook her head. "Well why don't you girls make yourselves at home while Nico and Percy come and help me in the kitchen. I have some snacks that I'm sure you could eat since you missed breakfast. So Nico and Percy followed her like little lost puppies. Ole and I just stood there not saying anything. I could sense Olympia's discomfort, so I put my arm around her. "Look I think something is wrong with the boys because you know Percy would never hurt you like this. There is something not right with them and I think it's because of Daesie. We need to get the boys and get out of here." I said. Then I heard a voice saying, "Sorry girls but I don't think that any of you are going anywhere. At least while you are alive." I turned my head towards the voice to see Daesie holding her dagger out, and Nico and Percy were behind her with their swords out. "Nico, Percy, what are you doing?" I asked in a calm voice. "We are about to kill you." They said in a monotone voice at the same time. Daesie stepped towards us, while she swung her dagger around her finger. Olympia pulled one of her knives out, "What did you do to them?" Her voice was full of rage. Daesie smirked, "Well you see, I may have put them under a spell that made them love me and only me..but I can't exactly remember." I grinded my teeth together. "Undo it you bitch. Let them go." I said, my voice laced with anger. I pulled my dagger out of its holster. She walked over to me, "Yeah, no thanks. I like having two little servants to do exactly what I say. Sorry, but not sorry." She smirked and looked at me while saying, "Boys, can you please kill Olympia for me? It would make me veryyy happy..." She made herself sound very innocent. Nico and Percy both stepped forward and said at the same time, "Yes. We will kill Olympia for you master." Before I could help Olympia, Daesie swung her crystal dagger at me, I ducked in time, the dagger narrowly missing my heart. On my way back up I swung my dagger at her stomach, but she blocked it with her dagger. When our daggers connected, here was this loud sound, but nothing happened. How did her dagger not break? It's freaking crystal! Before I could ask her, she shoved me back on the ground. She tried to jump on top of me, but I kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying back a little bit. It gave me just enough time to jump back up. She came sprinting at me, which her dagger ready. She swung it at me, but I deflected it. But no, she wasn't stopping. She kept swinging, and if she missed or I blocked it, she would swing again. I was getting tired, and my arm wasn't going as fast as it was before. I could sense her getting tired though, and I when I blocked it again, her dagger split in half. But before I could swing at her, she used what was left of her dagger to hit me. I didn't even see it coming, but she pushed her broken dagger at my stomach, and it went straight through my skin. I fell down, and she pulled the dagger out. I was grabbing my stomach, the pain overwhelming. I was coughing, trying to get back up but not succeeding. I saw Olympia still fighting Nico and Percy, and she was totally distracted. Daesie picked up the other part of her dagger, and she put them up in the air. She closed her eyes and seemed to be focusing on something. Suddenly a beam of light shot down on the dagger, and when it stopped, the dagger was fixed. Shit. I tried to get back up but she pushed me back down, a smirk on her face. "Well get up and fight." But when I tried to get back up, she kicked me where she stabbed me. I cried out in pain, and I felt more blood pouring out. She smiled big, and she knelt down beside me. "Say goodbye." I closed my eyes, not wanting to see her as she killed me. But when I didn't feel anything, I saw Daesie still kneeling above me, but her eyes were wide. And then I saw the arrow sticking through her back, straight to her heart. She started falling down, but I rolled to the side, avoiding having a dead woman falling on me. I looked over to see that Olympia had a bow in her hand, she had tears running down her face. She ran over to me. I grunted in pain, remembering that I was bleeding badly. I looked over and saw Percy and Nico gasp and jump up, they must have been unconscious. "What happened?" Percy said confused, but then he saw Olympia running over to me. My vision was getting blurry, but I saw Nico running over to me. "Oh no no no no. El don't fall asleep! Stay awake." I heard Olympia yell at me. I forced my eyes to crack open, and I saw Nico was holding tears back. "Percy get the ambrosia. NOW." Nico yelled at Percy. Percy ran over to Olympia's bag and shuffled through it." Olympia yelled, "HURRY UP." Percy finally found it and ran back to us. Nico grabbed the ambrosia and fed me a little. I started feeling better. The pain was slowly subsiding. I tried to sit up but was hit with a tidal wave of dizziness. "Hey hey hey stay down okay? You need to stay laying down for a while." Percy said. Olympia grabbed me in a hug," You scared me to death! Don't ever do that again you jerk!" I laughed, but realized that Olympia was hugging me even tighter. "Uh-uhm Ole. You are crushing me." I said in a weak voice. "Oh sorry." Olympia chuckled. When she let go, I looked at Nico. He didn't even look at me when he reached down and hugged me. "Don't ever do that again." He said. He held me for a few minutes, and Percy and Olympia went and sat on the couch. Olympia then started telling Percy and Nico how they were under a spell. Nico gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. I smiled. Nico looked like he was about to cry when he said, "I'm so sorry. You know I only see you." I sighed. "I know. You were under a spell you couldn't help it." When I finally wasn't dizzy anymore we all decided to rest on the couch for a little while since I was still weak. Man, getting stabbed sure is painful.

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