Adventure Time

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We walked into the room with the pool table that we were in earlier. Memories of Athena popped back in my head. I want to forgive her, but it's just so hard to forgive someone that was never there when I needed her the most. Chiron was standing by the window, looking at the forest. But I don't think he was actually looking, but instead deep in thought, not paying attention to the water nymphs in the stream at the edge of the trees, who were splashing and giggling together. We all stepped in the doorway, and Percy cleared his throat. Chiron turned around, having snapped out of his daze. He came towards us, his hooves making a clopping sound on the hardwood floor. "So I take it that you are all ready to embark on this dangerous journey?" I nodded, and looked at the three people beside me to see them do the same. "Well before you go, of course I have to explain what the purpose of this quest is, and where you will be going. So take a seat." We all sat down comfortably on the couch that was against the wall beside the doorway. When we sat down, Apollo and Athena came in, and they walked over to stand next to Chiron. "Okay, well I guess I should tell you now that we're all here. So..." Chiron seemed hesitant to tell us. I don't know why. But Apollo stepped forward and said, " There is a prophecy involving you too," he said as he pointed at Olympia and me, "And basically the whole demigod race is in trouble." I waited for him to continue. "This quest is to find more powerful forces to back us up. You'll will be going to find the titan, Theia. She was the goddess of heavenly light. So we think that with her help, if she will accept our offer, then we might have a chance of saving all of the demigods in the world." He stopped for a moment to let it sink it. So the entire demigod race depends on our quest. Now the amount of pressure on my shoulders was threatening to make me fall over. "We know where Theia is. She is in New Jersey. And our camp vans will take you as far as NYC, but after that you are on your own." He finished explaining what we had to do. Okay, either this is as easy as it sounds, or we are really going to run into trouble on the way here. And I think that it's the latter. We all got up from the couch, and put our packs on. Percy and Nico walked over to Chiron, probably discussing the quest. Apollo and Olympia went and were hugging each other. So I stood there silent, and so did Athena. I sighed and walked over to her, before she could react, I gave her a quick hug. I mean, she is my mother, and I may not get to see her much after this. She was frozen for a second, but then she wrapped her arms around me and tightened her grip. I slowly pulled back, and the others were going outside. So I waved at Athena and said, "Bye Mom." And I walked out. I'm suprised I called her Mom. But it came out before I could stop it. We all walked over to a van, that was plain white, and had something about growing strawberries on it. Oh yeah, they sell Strawberries to keep up with paying for camp. I took one look around camp and sighed. We all got into the van, and a man I didn't know was sitting in the drivers seat. Nico and I got in the 2 seats in the back, while Percy and Olympia got in the two middle seats in the middle. When we closed the door, we slowly pulled out of camp and went on our way. We were going to be dropped off by a subway at the edge of NYC. But it slowly got dark on the drive there, and before I could stop myself, I laid my head on Nico's lap and drifted into a deep sleep.

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