The Minotaur

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When we finished eating our delicious breakfast from McDonalds, we packed up all of our stuff. Once we were ready, we all slowly crawled down the shaky ladder. It swayed a little when we were on it, and I just wanted to get off of it as soon as I got on. Once we were all down I said, "So Chiron told us that we need to go to New Jersey. How about we take a train or something? I'd rather not take the subway..." They all nodded. "Okay I know where a train station is. It is a short walk from here." Percy said. So we all followed behind Percy, well except for Olympia who was walking with him. Nico and I were just walking beside each other, not forcing any conversation. I think that he could sense that I'm not a woman of many words. I was sweating by the time our 20 minute walk to the train station was over. The sun had been out, directly above us, and it was bright. I had to look at the ground or I would have had to squint my eyes the whole time. It was a bright and sunny day, which means that it was hot. I was dying in my jeans. I wish I had worn shorts or something. I could feel the heat on my skin, and I hate being hot. When we finally arrived, I was so happy to get in shade. Percy and Nico insisted on buying our train tickets, so Olympia and I sat beside each other on a wooden bench. I took small sips out of a water bottle I had. We were sitting there, just resting for a moment, when I heard a weird noise. It was like the pounding of a horse running, but heavier and louder. I looked up to see the ugliest creature running down the train track at us. Instantly the word popped into my head, minotaur. I jumped up and Olympia followed my movements. She grabbed her bow, and I grabbed my dagger. It jumped up in front of us, and it grunted loudly. I wonder what the mortals are seeing right now. I was shaken out of my thoughts when it sprinted full speed at Olympia, it's horns lowered to stab her. I screamed, "OLYMPIA!" She rolled over to the side, and the Minotaur went right through where she was standing before. It finally came to a stop and turned around. It turned around as fast as it could, and it turned on me instead. I didn't have time to move, so I swung my dagger out at it. It cut it on the arm, and it roared. It then swung its beefy hand out at me, and he knocked me to the side. And I collided with a wall. I groaned, and I looked up to see the Minotaur glaring at me, with the look of murder in it's eyes. I then heard the swooshing of an arrow, and I looked to see that Olympia had fired one at the Minotaur. It landed in it's back. The minotaur turned around, faster than I thought it could, and charged at Olympia. She fired another arrow, and it went in the minotaur's neck. But it wasn't slowing down, so I did the only logical thing. I jumped up and sprinted after it. When I got close, I lifted my feet up onto the bench beside me, and I turned and jumped as high as possible, landing on the minotaur's back. I wrapped my arms around the minotaur's neck, and I tried my hardest not to let go. He roared and started flailing his arms around, trying to get me off. But I was not going to let go now. Olympia pulled her knives out and threw them, one hit it's neck, one on his face. Then I heard two familiar voices. I turned around as much as I could to see Percy and Nico running towards us with their swords out. They didn't even question anything, they ran up to the minotaur, and stabbed it at the same time. Before I knew what was happening, I was falling. The minotaur must have evaporated. I expected to feel the impact of me hitting the hard concrete, but I felt the warmness of someone. I opened my eyes to see Nico looking at me. His gorgeous brown eyes were filled with worry. "Thanks." I said to him once I had realized I was in his arms. He had caught me. I blushed a little and ran over to Olympia. We hugged, and then I stepped back. Percy hugged her and gave her a kiss right on the lips. Olympia blushed, and I laughed. For the next 30 minutes, we sat there on the bench waiting for the train. Some of the mortals who had seen the commotion kept giving us weird looks, but we ignored them. All I could think about was how perfect it felt when Nico's arms were around me. And his eyes, oh his eyes are gorgeous. I was trying not to blush as these thoughts were running through my head. And I was happy when the train finally came. We got on the train and picked our seats. I got settled in for a long journey.

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