Settling In

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I was bursting from excitement when I saw the silver owl and quill pen that was floating above my head. I knew immediately that it is the symbol of Athena. I looked over at Annabeth and she smiled at me. I was laughing from happiness when I looked down at my body. I was glowing. Literally glowing. It was like I was covered in lights. Everywhere on my body, a gleam of light was shining off of my tan skin. I gasped in shock. Then I felt a cool breeze blow my hair back. I looked at Olympia, who was covered in beads. They were running all the way down her body. I looked at the symbols floating above her head. Apollo. I knew it! Right as it started, it ended. Chiron said, "Well I guess that we know where you will be sleeping tonight! Elene, daughter of Athena, and Olympia, daughter of Apollo, welcome to Camp Half-Blood!" People started clapping. The noise was echoing all around us, almost like a tidal wave was crashing down on us. When the clapping died down Chiron said, "Well, let us begin the feast!" And everyone started grabbing food. I hugged Olympia and then ran over to Annabeth. She pulled me in a hug. "I knew that you were my sister! I can't wait to start training with you! I'm going to practice with you myself! And you can sleep in the empty bunk above mine too!" She said happily. I jumped up and down, bursting with joy. "I can't wait! This is the greatest day of my life." I said, wishing that the happiness would never end. We all filled our plates full, and then dropped part of our food in the fire, as a blessing to the gods. Right after I dropped a roll in the fire, I caught a swiff of it, and it smelled like heaven. I sighed in content, and went back to our table to eat. I looked over and saw Olympia standing there, looking lost. I thought about going over to her, but then Annabeth tapped on my shoulder and started introducing me to some of my brothers and sisters. I quickly forgot about Olympia's distress. When it was time to go to our cabins, I followed Annabeth to ours. She pulled me over to the back corner to a bunk bed. She handed me a bag and said, "This has all the things that you will need. And the top bed is yours! You can use this chest to store anything you have, like your suitcase." She pointed to a chest in the very corner of the room, that was gray, with blue and red decorations. My suitcase was sitting right beside it. "I usually call lights out at around 10:30, which is in about 2 hours. So you can just get unpacked and rested up for the rest of the night!" I nodded. She went over to her chest and started going through it. I sat the bag she gave me on the ground next to the chest. I pulled the clasp open, and I pulled the lid back and sat it against the wall. It was empty, and had plenty of space. I can probably fit most of my stuff here. I unzipped my suitcase and started organizing all my clothes first. Then I grabbed the bag Annabeth gave me and opened it. There was a smaller makeup bag holding a toothbrush, toothpaste, a brush, and some other female things. I put that, and my makeup that I had brought from home into the other half of the chest. I made sure everything was organized, then I turned to Annabeth, "How long until lights out?" She looked at her watch. "About 15 minutes. So I would go change clothes and everything before the other girls hog the bathroom." She said. And she pointed to the girls bathroom. There were about the same number of boys as there were girls. So there were seperate bathrooms for the genders. I changed into some comfy sweat pants and a tanktop. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair out. In total it took me about 5 minutes. Right when I walked out, a few more girls walked in. I walked over to our bunk and I crawled up the ladder. "Night Annabeth." I said to her, she was sitting on her bed reading. "Night Elene. We will be waking up at 8:00 in the morning. And then we start our training. I'll make sure I go over our schedule with you." I told her okay, then I rolled over towards the wall and waited for the lights to go out.

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