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It was just like any other Friday. Get up, clean up, get ready for work, and drink a little. After work, grab a new vape and some takeout. The only difference was that there was supposed to be a Heartsteel concert that night.

I met up with my friends Yuri and Aiko. We went to the concert and had a blast. Afterward, we grabbed merch and autographs. We had to hurry home and get ready for the after-party. When we met up at the club, there was a little bit of a wait, but we managed to convince the bouncer to let us in. It only took a little extra cash and some girl-on-girl action.

We walked in to see the place going crazy. The music was at the perfect volume near the bar. Besides, that's where all of the drinks were. You could tell where the band members were just by looking around. Yone could be spotted at a booth with a hoard of groupies that he seemed to have little to no interest in. Aphelios was at the bar drinking something that I was positive had no alcohol. Ezreal was in a corner basking in the love of his fans. Sett and K'Sante were getting down on the dancefloor. The only one I had an interest in was nowhere to be seen.

The girls managed to pull me onto the dance floor. We let loose, dancing on each other and drinking. As I was about to leave, due to disappointment, I saw exactly what I wanted to see.

Kayn was going crazy in the rafters overhead. A drink was in his hand as he managed to dance and jump around. Yuri caught me staring and smiled.

"Maybe you should go get another drink." She suggested, her eyes following Kayn as he went in the direction of the bar.

Following her advice, I downed my drink as I walked toward the bar. When I got there, the bartender filled my cup with a smile. I was about to hand over my card when somebody butted in with an empty cup, knocking my drink from my hand. When I turned to tell them off, I was met by two-toned eyes and a smirk that could kill.

"My bad." Kayn chuckled. "Didn't mean to slam you into the counter."

The alcohol in my system spoke for me. "I mean, at least do it with a purpose next time." I giggled with a wink.

His brow raised as if I'd caught his attention, and his smirk grew. "Oh," he leaned in next to my ear and spoke deeply, "I was just starting to think that this place was getting a little dull. Are you staying nearby?"

I could feel his hand start to caress my waist. "I live a couple of blocks away," I whispered flirtatiously. "If you wanna go there. There is plenty of alcohol and a chance to see me out of this dress."

He quickly slid the bartender a stack of cash. Throwing his arm around me, he guided me out of the bar. We rushed down the sidewalks, jaywalking a time or two, until we got to my apartment building. In the elevator, he stared me down with a predatory look in his eyes. We hurried down the hallway to my door.

Once inside, I was slammed against the wall. A moan left me as his body pressed to mine. His wild eyes stared into my soul with ferocity. His lips crashed into mine, and his tongue made its way into my mouth. He tasted like alcohol and a hint of mint.

As we continued to make out, I could feel his hands slide up my dress. He pulled it over my head, throwing it to the side. I managed to kick off my heels before he lifted me off of my feet. He broke from our kiss, looking around in confusion.

"The door to the right," I informed him.

"Thanks." He replied before he returned to kissing me.

As we got into my bedroom, he tossed me on my bed. My string lights were still on, bringing soft light to the room. Kayn's eyes trailed over my mostly naked form as he undressed. There was an animalistic lust in his eyes.

"Fuck," he shook his head as he took off his pants, "You're probably the hottest thing I've ever fucking seen."

I rolled my eyes as I laughed. "I bet you say that to every girl."

"Nah," he slid off my panties before climbing over me with a smirk, "I mean it."

As he slid into me I felt my walls clench and my toes curl. I almost lost myself in the feeling of him stretching me, but remembered what he'd just said. I smiled mischievously as I looked into his eyes. He thrust into me roughly and I almost lost my bearings again.

"I see," his stare was nearly intimidating and his smirk was unfading. "We've got a brat on our hands." His hand wrapped around my neck before he growled, "I'm going to fuck that smile right off of that pretty little face."

Giving my neck a light squeeze, he started thrusting into me fast and hard. It was almost enough to make me give in. He was very large, which made it hard to keep up the attitude. The tension in my stomach was quickly building. My legs struggled against his sides. My breathing started to get messy. Yet, the look in his eyes was only growing sadistic.

"Ah," I gasped, trying to keep my smile in place.

"You wanna cum don't you?" He chuckled. Gripping the back of my thigh, he pushed my leg against my stomach for a deep angle. I refused to speak instead I clawed down his back. "Nope," he quickly forced my hands above my head, continuing to pound into me brutally, "only good sluts get to cum and touch me."

The corners of my mouth began to twitch and my eyes held desperation. "No." I struggled to talk.

"That's not what your eyes are saying." He teased.

Feeling him ruin my insides was driving me crazy. "I'll be good." My facade melted quickly.

"Beg," he ordered sadistically, "beg, scream, cry, and then I'll let you cum."

Tears had already formed in my eyes from the amount of tension in me. "Please," I begged, "Please, Kayn. I swear I'll be good."

"Not good enough," he growled with a grin.

"Please," my desperation was only growing, "I'll be a good slut, Kayn!" I cried out.

"Good girl." He growled. "Cum on my cock."

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