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That morning Kayn left to go to the Heartsteel house. He said he'd see me at work. I packed up most of what I had left to pack. As I waited to go to work I read the book that Kayn had gotten me.

Getting ready for work felt like getting ready for work. All I could think about was seeing Kayn when I got there. I had to go in early to talk to Rick about needing a change of position.

When I walked in I found myself in Rick's office immediately. He sat down at his desk with a smile. Even after our last conversation, I felt nervous about talking to him.

"How are things with your star?" Rick asked kindly.

"I thought..." I started in shock.

"Fauna told me who he is." He responded before I could finish.

"Well," I spoke hesitantly, "that's why I wanted to talk to you." I gave him a chance to speak. He didn't take it. "I need a position where I can't be pulled into the private rooms."

"I'll do you one better." He said with crossed arms. "You still do performances at the beginning of the night, but after those performances, you can be a server and entertainer. Your man can be the only one to get private sessions." He leaned forward with his elbows on the desk. "Or you pack up and follow your star. All while having a job to come back to if things don't work out." He smiled a distant smile as he looked at the photo on his desk. "I know I would've given anything to see Jenna out of the club. Her boss was a prick and the men treated her so shitty. I feel for that man of yours. Had we been in the same circumstances as you guys I know she would've taken the chance. I can also see that this isn't what you want. You walked in today like a sad pup. Go, live your life. Chase the dream."

"Rick," I sniffled as I realized I'd started crying, "are you sure."

"Of course, hun." He confirmed, pulling a drawstring bag with the name Lilac printed on it. "I get one of these for every girl in hopes that they make it out of here. Consider it a parting gift. Like I said, worse comes to worse, the club will always welcome you back."

I took the bag and ran backstage. As I packed the girls all wished me well. Some even thanked me for teaching them about the job. As I walked out I spotted Kayn walking in. His eyes met mine and his head tilted. Rick walked over from the bar with a smile.

"I've taken care of her since she was eighteen, kid," Rick spoke to Kayn. "I'm trusting you with my little star. I might be a rickety old man, but I can still get my hands dirty. Don't fuck this up."

When realization set in Kayn looked at me with the biggest smile. "Thank fucking god!" He let out a breath of relief as he pulled me into his arms.

Rick gave me a pat on the back before walking away. Kayn seemed like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. We walked outside where Kayn lifted me in a hug and kissed me.

"Big steps." He said with a smile.

"Huge," I whispered as my head rested against his shoulder.

"Go home and pack?" He asked with a smile.

"And celebratory sex?" I responded.

His smile twisted into a sadistic grin. "Fuck yeah."


The next morning I left my key on the kitchen island and messaged my landlord. The boys had already taken care of getting everything out. I grabbed Jim's carrier and we started our journey to our new house.

Arriving at the house I found the boys and Shana waiting for me.

"Let's get a picture," Shana said with a smile.

I stood where she pointed with Jim out of his carrier. Some commotion arose from the boys, grabbing my attention. Kayn was shoved toward me while Ezreal motioned for him to keep going. Rolling his eyes, Kayn stood by me. We held Jim together as Shana got the picture.

Once my things were moved in I had to inform the boys about where the rest of my stuff was. I gave each of them the slips they'd need to get my new stuff. While I waited for them with Kayn I let Jim explore.

"Mika," Kayn said as he approached me, "we need to talk."

"Ok," I responded, a little worried.

"What do you want from me?" He asked, looking me dead in the eyes.

I struggled with his question for a moment. "Your time, attention, and company," I answered honestly with furrowed brows.

"That can't be it." He refused to believe me.

"It is, Kayn," I responded with worry.

"Mika," he ran his fingers back through his hair, "nobody has ever just wanted me around. Especially women. It's either money, bragging rights, or fame by association. Never me." He replied sternly.

"I'm not lying to you." I tried again.

"Stop!" He held up his hands, raising his voice. "You don't get it! My family even cast me out! I'm not wanted! Just tell me what it is so I can prepare myself for the inevitable ugly end!"

"Kayn!" I yelled. "I want to be with you because I'm falling for you!" He looked at me and looked away. Grabbing his cheeks I forced him to look me in the eyes. "You are the one that doesn't get it." I lowered my voice. "Most men want me for my body until they learn that I can't have kids. I have been seeing new sides of you that my heart aches to see more.  Fuck your fame. Fuck your money. And fuck your dick. I want you." I finished firmly.

He stared at me, swallowing hard. "How?" He whispered. "Why?"

"Because you are amazing inside and out," I responded in kind.

"You know, after the night we watched that movie I wanted to get to know you so much more." He caressed my cheeks. "You drove me crazy. I thought I was going insane. I started drinking every night. I stared at your pictures for hours after I got them. It was like I was looking for the reason... the reason you wanted me around." I let his face go only for him to rest his forehead against mine. "Then I'd stare at myself in the mirror for hours looking for the same thing. I didn't understand. I couldn't. I still don't."

"You're fun, funny, playful, and supportive." I listed a few reasons, wrapping my arms around him. "You give me confidence and strength I never had before."

"I don't see any of that, but that last one is wrong without a doubt." He looked into my eyes. "I may have brought it out or helped you realize it, but that strength and confidence was always there." He caressed my cheek with a single hand. "That can only come from you, not me."

"Either way," I whispered. "I wouldn't have it without you."

"So," I could tell he was struggling, "you want me? Just me?"

"I thought that was obvious," I replied.

He let out a breath of relief. "Good, because I need you." He held me to his chest. "I need your warmth, your kindness, your care." His eyes closed. "It makes me feel like less of a fuck up."

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