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The interview went smoothly. They asked us a lot of questions about our relationship. Stuff like when it started, how it started, what struggles we'd been through, and our home life. After we had questions together we were separated. While one was doing solo photos the other was doing questions. They asked me about my interests, hobbies, previous work, and a bunch of other things about my life.

Kayn stood by me while the studio was being set up for our photos together. All they brought out was a chair. It was an elegant armchair, covered in grey velvet.

"Everything I ready for you two." The photographer informed us. "Just be yourselves and I'll do the work. Surely, you understand, Mika."

I giggled as I nodded. "I do."

Kayn walked me to the middle of the area that had been set up. I stopped to fix the lace top of my stocking that had folded down somehow. Kayn kneeled, fixing it for me. The flash of the camera went off as he was adjusting the strap on my shoe. We did a few poses with us standing. Some of the poses were with me on my knees and Kayn holding the leash.

Kayn sat on the chair and guided me to his lap. "Sit here." He instructed, tapping his right knee. I sat down and he turned me with his legs spread. "Right leg up." He ordered.

I lifted my right leg and he held me by my thigh. I almost tipped back, but Kayn grabbed me by the back of my head, steadying me. His face grew closer to mine as he tilted his head down, looking up at me with his head slightly tilted. My left arm wrapped around his shoulders and my ring hand rested on his left bicep. The camera flashed, reminding me where I was.

"Oh..." I gasped under my breath.

His head tilted up as he smiled. "I thought you might like that." He teased, causing me to smile.

The flashes of the camera started to go unnoticed. Kayn sat me in his lap, facing him. My arms rested around his neck. He shifted me slightly to the side so the camera could see him as he looked at me.

I slid down from his lap. Sitting on the floor I posed beside his legs with my body twisted so I could look up at him. His index finger hooked under my chin, tilting my head a tad more. From there he grabbed the leash, leading me between his legs. He pulled it taught, motioning for me to stay put. Then he leaned down, kissing me.

"Wow..." the photographer let out a breath. "I think we've got more than enough for the article. We'll be sending you guys all of the processed photos once they're finished." He shook his head and smiled as he flipped through photos. "Great job you guys."


The guys invited us over for dinner and drinks. The girls were there along with Alune. After Yone introduced me to Alune we all ate. After dinner, the party moved outside. We were drinking and socializing like we'd known each other for years. Originally the girls stuck with their guy, but when I noticed Alune sitting alone I joined her. The other girls joined us and we all started talking.

"So," I started drunkenly, "you became the manager because Aphelios had separation anxiety? That's so sweet."

"You guys can't tell him I told you." Alune giggled sweetly.

"Promise." Yuri smiled.

"My sweet Phel." Aiko cooed.

"Take this fucker!" Kayn yelled in the pool as he tried to take down Sett.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Come on, babe!" I yelled in support. "You've gotta try harder than that!"

"It's sweet, you know," Alune said as she stared at me with a warm smile. "Seeing somebody care for Kayn the way you do. He seems less moody and more open."

"Probably has something to do with the bruise on her neck." Yuri pointed out.

"Freaks," Aiko teased.

Alune giggled. "Maybe," she rested her hand on mine, "or it's the fact that someone is showing him what it's like to be cared for."

Before I could respond, I was thrown over a wet shoulder. I looked up to see the girls laughing at me. Trying to wrestle my way to my feet, I found myself thrown into the pool. As I came up Kayn jumped in. He was very drunk.

"Help me," Kayn ordered playfully as he pointed to Sett, "this loser has a weakness for cute things, so you'll be helping."

"That's not fair, Kayn!" K'Sante called out.

"I'll give you a chance to escape, Mika." Sett offered kindly.

Instead of taking the offer, I flipped him off. Kayn laughed maniacally behind me as Sett stared in disbelief. With my eyes on Sett, I backed up to Kayn's side.

"Distract him," I whispered to Kayn.

Kayn launched at Sett, providing me with enough time to get behind the big guy. When Sett realized I was missing he tried to look for me. Tucked behind him, my hands found his sides. When the tickling started Kayn was able to knock Sett off balance. We had almost started to celebrate when I found myself flying to the deep end of the pool. I came up to see Sett playfully glaring at me.

Kayn hopped on his back, wrestling Sett back into the water. "That's mine to throw around!" He laughed before they tumbled back into the water.

Yone helped me out of the pool, offering me a towel. I sat by the firepit with Ezreal who offered me a smore. As I took it Sett and Kayn joined us. The rest of the night we sat with the whole group playing drinking games, telling stories, and laughing.

Kayn carried me upstairs to his old room. He laid me on his bed, stripping off the bathing suit I'd been loaned. After he wrestled off his swim trunks he landed on the bed beside me. His hand caressed my cheek as a smile remained plastered on his face.

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