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We showered together and he let me borrow his t-shirt. Laying on the couch he rubbed my back in soft circles. I laid atop him like a used towel.

"You did good." He whispered.

"How did the others do it?" I rambled in a daze. "Don't get me wrong, it's easily the best sex I've ever had. But how did the other girls keep up like that?"

"Easy," he spoke softly, "they didn't." His answer surprised me. "It was usually quickies and vanilla shit. At the time, sex was sex for me, but you," he tilted my head so I could look at him, "you are the first to let me do as I please. Yeah, you tend to be a brat at first but it makes it so much more fun. I've never been with anybody like you."

"Hm," I giggled with a discombobulated smile, "I'm special."

"I won't deny it either." He said as he queued into another match. "Seems like I'll be the only one playing tonight." He smirked as he spoke.

"Sorry." I apologized, feeling guilty.

"You don't need to apologize." He told me gently as I heard him load in. "I'm glad we did that. Not just because it was sex, but because I got to see a different side of you."

"I've never let anybody do anything like that with me before," I whispered as I let my head relax. "It felt... freeing."

"It's supposed to feel that way." He smiled.

"You know a lot about kinky stuff," I said as I stared.

He gave me a look before looking back at the screen. "Is that really that surprising?" He asked with a raised brow.

"No," I answered with a giggle.

I adjusted the blanket over us before rolling to face the TV. Snuggling Kayn I felt my body relax. My arms wrapped around him as I watched him play. I wanted to play with him, but my brain felt so fuzzy. All I could think about was how comfortable I was at that moment.

Kayn peaked around a wall and squatted so that he was hard to see. As he moved forward through the hall. He got hit by a single shot before unleashing hell on the opponent. A quick check of the menu revealed that there was only one enemy left. Gun shots rang out elsewhere in the building and the victory screen popped up.

Jim hopped up on my back and went into loaf mode. "I suppose this means we are stuck here for the time being," Kayn said with a smile.

"I guess so," I replied.

"Didn't you have work to finish?" He asked before taking a sip of water.

"I can finish it before I run errands in the morning." I tried to reach for my vape.

Kayn grabbed it and took a hit before handing it to me. He sat the controller on the coffee table. One hand rested on my head while the other rested on my back. His head rested back against the pillow that had been propped up behind him.

"This is nice." He spoke with contentment. "Hey," he looked down at me, "what if I told you I had an idea?"

"What kind of idea?" I asked after blowing out a vape cloud.

"Before we wash the sheets," he started and my body begged for mercy. "No need to tense up. That's not what I'm getting at." He chuckled. "I want to take a picture, like the ones you take."

"Ok..." I felt a little confused.

He gently shooed away Jim before removing the blanket from atop us. He carried me into the bedroom and gently placed me on the bed. As he posed me on the messy sheets I watched his face. He positioned me in a way that hid the fact that I wasn't wearing panties.

As he pulled out his phone he kneeled. "Reach for me and focus on me." He instructed gently.

Reaching out my hand I focused on his face. In it, I found trust and strength. On his features, I saw a man who could bring me pleasure and power. He was the opposition to the frailty I felt in my day-to-day life. He smiled a pleased smile as he stood.

He sat by me, showing me the photo. "What do you think?" He asked, looking down at me.

"I see a lot of trust," I answered, looking closer. "And something else."

"Power." He whispered. "Power that only you can give and take." I smiled softly as my cheek rested against my knee. "So," he turned off his screen and tucked his phone in his pocket, "where's the washer and dryer in this place?"

"In the lobby," I said with a half frown. "There is a bag of quarters in the kitchen."

He sighed and his head hung. "Of course." He lifted me from the bed and returned me to the couch. "May I borrow that?" He pointed to his shirt.

I slid it off slowly, feeling a stinging sensation on the vend of my neck. "Ow!" I winced.

He took a closer look as I sat his shirt in my lap. "Are you ok?" He asked gently.

"Yeah," I said as I tilted my head to give him a better view.

"I may have broken the skin a little." He caressed the spot, carefully feeling around. "I'll take care of it when I get back."

He threw on his shirt before going to the bedroom. When he left the apartment I grabbed my phone from the coffee table. Using the camera, I could see the large bite mark. It had already bruised a dark purple. I took a picture before I sat my phone down again.

When Kayn returned he scavenged around for a few things. Once he found what he was looking for he sat with me. He cleaned the spot carefully and put ice on it. Afterward, he made sure to clean it again.

"That may be a little difficult to cover for work tomorrow." He chuckled.

"It wouldn't be the first time I had to cover a mark you left on me." I laughed.

"Won't be the last either." He remarked as he stood with the first aid kit in hand.

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