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Paperwork for the house was already nearly complete. Shana had the inspector take a look at it before I was even awake. Everything was in perfect condition and ready for move-in day. Only a couple of papers had to be signed and I'd be on my way out of my cramped apartment.

"To me, it sounds like he's got some feelings he's hiding," Aiko said as she looked at me.

Yuri was at work and couldn't join us. "I don't know." I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "It's hard to tell with him."

My phone vibrated. When I pulled it out I found a photo from Kayn. He was sitting on the couch with Jim in his lap. I turned around my phone to show Aiko.

"You're in denial," Aiko said with a look that could kill. "He's sending you pictures of himself waiting on your couch with your cat while he waits to go furniture shopping with you." She gave me the 'think about it' look.

"If that's the case I'll wait for him to say so, but..." I was cut off by a simple message.

Kayn: We miss you.

When I showed Aiko the message she scoffed. "Never mind," she shook her head, "You're delusional."

"But it's only been like this since last night," I explained, trying to get her to see my reasoning.

"Because he thought he was going to lose you!" She stated matter of factly. "The poor man showed up at your door after getting who knows how little sleep, went to breakfast with you, looked at a house with you, and came home without wanting to have sex." She shrugged and raised her eyebrows. "I don't know how you..." she paused, staring at me, "It's because of the body thing, isn't it? Because this started with sex."

"I..." I stopped and considered her words, "You might be right..." I groaned. "What do I do?"

"Let him say that he wants more first." She suggested. "He probably hasn't said anything because he hasn't fully figured it out."


With most of the furniture bought and on hold Kayn and I were exhausted. We got in his car after dinner and sat back tiredly. When he didn't start the car immediately I looked at him.

"Can I take you somewhere for the night?" He asked softly. "I fed Jim a little extra before I left so you wouldn't have to worry."

"Yeah," I nodded.

He started the car and drove down the highway. I could tell that I wasn't the only one desperately craving sleep. There was something else though, he seemed nervous. The city faded into the distance, disappearing in the rearview. We rode for about an hour before arriving at a very nice, modern-looking house. He clicked the button on the remote that was clipped to his sunvisor and one of the garage doors raised slowly. He parked and turned off the engine.

"This is where I live." He smiled softly. "With the rest of the guys. So, you could think of it kind of like meeting my family." I smiled as I went to open my door. "Please don't." He begged with panic. "Yone and K'Sante would tear my ass if they saw you open your door."

"Ok," I giggled.

"Thank you." He let out a breath of relief.

Kayn got out and opened my door for me. He did something he'd never done before, as we walked in he held my hand. We took off our shoes and received a warm welcome.

"Oh!" Ezreal exclaimed as we walked into the living room.

"Mika!" K'Sante said as he walked toward me with open arms.

As I hugged him I heard Sett from elsewhere in the house. "Kayn's girl is here!" He came in just as I was released from K'Sante's death grip. "Just in time for dinner!"

"We already had dinner," Kayn informed Sett as he hugged me.

"She's adorable," Sett said as he let me go.

Aphelios waved from the couch.

"What's all of the..." Yone started as he walked out. "Oh," he looked shocked as he spotted me, "you must be Mika." He said as he walked up to shake my hand.

"I am." I shook his hand politely.

"She's so pretty." Ezreal gushed as he joined in.

"Ok, this is getting weird," Kayn grumbled. "She'll be here for breakfast. You guys can weird her out then."

He quickly swept me away upstairs as I listened to the chatter downstairs with a smile. Kayn stopped outside the door at the top of the stairs. After a moment of hesitation, he took me in.

His room was covered in posters. The lighting was a dim purple that I found soothing. He changed it to a nice blue and tossed the remote back on his desk. Black curtains hung over the windows. His desk was set up with his PC and speakers. A pile of dirty laundry had been tossed in the corner. Liquor bottles covered his nightstand. What caught my eye was the picture that hung on the wall across from his bed. It was a canvas of the picture he took of me on my bed.

Kayn's eyes followed mine and he chuckled. "Yeah," he rubbed the back of his head, "I've grown rather fond of that picture." He sighed, crossing his arms.

"It's beautiful," I responded with a full-hearted smile.

"Congrats," he said as he sat on his bed, "You're the first woman to ever see the inside of my room... ever."

"Really?" I replied in genuine surprise.

"Yeah," he chuckled halfheartedly, "it's a long story. One I'm not ready to share."

"That's ok," I assured him. "I'm honored. It's wonderful in here."

He looked around with a raised brow. "Really?"

I nodded. "Really." I smiled.

"Shower?" He asked, pointing to what I assumed to be the bathroom.

"Definitely," I replied desperately.

We showered together before he went into his closet. He came out in a pair of plaid pajama pants. I was given a T-shirt to sleep in. We lied in his bed, snuggling.

"Are you excited?" He asked curiously. "About the move."

"I am," I replied tiredly.

"I guess I'll have to pack more than a bag," he sighed. "It'd be nice to come over without having to pack every time."

"You mean I'll get to keep you?" I asked.

"For as long as you'd like," he responded before giving me a gentle kiss. "Whenever you'd like."

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