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On the couch, I laid back as Kayn cared for my chest. Mera had given us healing ointment and special soap. His thumb traced over the cuts from the previous night. It looked exactly like his signature.

"There had to be something in those drinks." He whispered.

"Yeah," I smirked, "we should also mark the dull and sharp knives separately."

He raised an eyebrow as he chuckled breathily. "You don't seem upset." He pointed out as he bandaged my cuts.

"I'm not," I replied softly. "There will never be a time when I'm not your girl. Having your name on me is kind of endearing."

"Mika..." His eyes locked with mine, brimming with sincerity. "I love you."

My breath stopped as my heart pounded. "I love you too, Shieda Kayn." I whispered, my hand reaching for his cheek.

His lips met mine in a soft kiss as he held me tight. My hands cupped his cheek, pulling him deeper into the kiss. As our lips separated our foreheads rested together. His hands brushed away stray hairs and falling tears.

"I never thought I'd love someone." He whispered, staring into my eyes. "You are my world. The thing that I'd give everything for."

"I never want to know a day without you," I replied in kind. "Everything about you is everything I need. Please..."

"I'll never leave." He stated sincerely. "You'll never be alone again."

We sat there in the glow of the moment. Whispers of love and promises drifted in the air between us for hours. After feeding Jim his dinner we grabbed a couple of bottles and went out to his car. The city lights blurred as we ran through the red lights. We arrived at the old warehouse to see nobody else around. We laid down in the grass, staring at the starry sky.

"When I was fifteen I tried to kill myself," Kayn said before he took a drink. "I'd gotten in a fight with my parents and felt like the hell wouldn't end. I'd been sick so I downed some of my meds with a bottle of wine I'd stolen from mom." He chuckled. "The wine tasted like shit. I ended up puking on my bedroom floor."

"I tried to overdose on sleeping meds at twelve," I replied, looking up at him. "Mom had been talking about never getting grandchildren when I was older. Said I'd ruined her life. So, I found the meds she took for her insomnia and took the bottle. Also ended up puking, but it was because I had food poisoning."

He shook his head, holding the bottle for me while I drank. "What a couple of disasters we are." He laughed.

"Started smoking when I was sixteen," I informed him. "One of my friends got into weed. Didn't like the feel so I went to vaping instead."

"Same age I started smoking." He responded as I held up my vape for him.

"A couple of fucking train wrecks." I chuckled.

"Alcohol started when I was fourteen. Dad kept whisky in his office." He said as he blew out a cloud of vape.

"Didn't start drinking until I moved to Tokyo." I sighed. "Parents never drank."

"How's your chest?" He asked softly.

"Perfectly fine," I answered before taking a drink.

We laid there watching the moon as it crossed over the city. As the sun rose we sat there talking about our shitty childhoods. The serenity in the air was calming.

"Dad threw my camera at the wall." I continue my story. "He said anybody could take pictures and that nobody would pay for shit like that."

"Reminds me of the time my dad tried to trash my mic." He chuckled. "Stomped on hit till the plastic broke. Worked fine, but had a little weird rumble to it. That's actually where Rhaast came from."

"Your stage persona?" I laughed happily. "I love that."

"Yeah," he smiled a genuine smile as he ran his fingers back through his hair, "bastard created an imaginary monster. Thought about using that name for a solo project."

"What about the boys?" I asked with a hint of concern.

"I wouldn't leave 'em." He assured me, holding my hand. "Besides Aphelios has his little side project and they support him. It'd be the same for me I'm sure."

I nodded and drank as I listened. "Do it. Follow that dream." I encouraged him. "Make Rhaast real."

His fingers laced with mine carefully. Our heads rested against each other as we watched the sky. "I'll do it." He whispered tenderly. "I'll make music for myself."

Stumbling to our feet, we tried to keep each other upright. We were just early enough to miss the morning traffic. When we got home we fed Jim and waddled up to bed. Laying in Kayn's warmth made me tired.

He hummed a tune as he rubbed my back. "November Chills?" I asked softly.

He grinned at me tiredly. "Made that years ago." He chuckled.

"With the old band, Love Star," I added.

He nodded. "It was catchy for being crap." He whispered as he started to drift off. "Bunch of fucking losers."

Giggling, I ran my fingers through his hair. "Has-beens," I replied.

Nuzzling my neck, he scooted closer. "I'd find the time to show you how I feel. Just to make this real." He sang wearily.

"My love is true. It's only for you." I finished for him.

"Your voice is pretty." He whispered calmly.

"Yours is prettier," I replied.

Leaving a gentle kiss on my cheek, he let his head hit the pillow. My arms remained wrapped around him while I listened to his soft snores. Jim laid at the foot of the bed, his body contorted. It didn't look comfortable but that's how he always slept. Outside I could hear the birds singing their songs.

As my eyes drifted shut my body relaxed. We may not have been the most cautious people, but we were happy. The life we were living was the life we wanted to live.

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