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After breakfast, we walked around the city for a bit. We didn't do any shopping. Nor did we go in anywhere. We just walked and talked. Kayn told me how he knew he wanted to be a rapper from a young age. I told him about the first camera I ever owned. He asked about Jim. I told him the story about finding him torn up on the streets from a fight. I asked about his history with pets. He told me that Jim was the closest thing he had to owning a pet.

When we got home we worked on packing. My move-in date had been decided. In two days I'd be saying goodbye to my shitty apartment. Kayn got ahold of the boys to let them know. We packed everything that wouldn't be needed for the next couple of days. After I got in contact with my landlord things felt real.

I sat by the sliding doors with Jim in my lap, watching the sunset over the city. Thinking back on the past week or so I felt a sense of pride. I also thought about how unreal it all seemed. Kayn sat down behind me with me between his legs.

"How would you feel about a little celebration?" He asked with a mischievous tone.

I looked back at him with a smile. "What kind of celebration?" I asked.

"Me, you, loud music, alcohol, and a place that I'd almost guarantee you've never been before." He said as if it would be the best night of my life.


We walked into the most underground club I'd ever seen. It was filled with people that seemed like they didn't have a care in the world. Lights flashed through the place, making it hard to see. The bar was lit by black lights that barely made it possible to see.

We went to the bar and got drinks. As we drank I couldn't help but let go. My body moved the music as the bass shook the place. Kayn stayed glued to me as we emptied cup after cup. It was baffling, I would walk passed this place on my way to work, but never knew it existed.

After a few drinks, the strobe lights felt soothing. We got on the dancefloor and I started to forget all of the things that had been stressing me. Kayn held onto my waist as he danced with me. My arms rested around his neck as I got lost in the music. It was like a state of bliss had washed over my existence. It was a feeling I'd only felt with Kayn. My eyes closed as my head tilted back. Suddenly, it felt like nobody else was there. Just me and the music.

As my eyes opened I saw Kayn staring at me with a look that told me everything I needed to know. He was truly letting everything go. The fame. The walls he always seemed to have up. Any care in him about the rest of the world. There was only music, lights, and me.

Some poor bastard thought it'd be a good idea to try to feel me up. Kayn knocked the shit out of him without hesitation. Some guy nearby had seen and dragged the son of a bitch off. Three things became clear to me. One, Kayn meant it when he said he'd protect me. Two, He'd also fuck up anybody that got confused about who I belonged to. Three, we were in a lawless place that thrived on chaos.

When my cup ran dry Kayn tilted his head toward the bar. As soon as I nodded in reply he escorted me through the crowd. We got to the bar and Kayn bought an entire bottle of whisky. The ladies tending the bar kept complimenting me. When I told them that I was a dancer they begged me to dance for them.

I got on the bar and started doing what I did best. Kayn watched with a devilish grin. It was the pride I'd see in his eyes at the club. Dropping to my knees I leaned back on the bar. Kayn poured a bit of whisky into my mouth while I continued to move my hips. As I swallowed some trickled from the corner of my mouth. With a smirk, Kayn licked it off.

I sat on the edge of the bar with my arms around his neck. "I've gotta go to the bathroom." I giggled.

"Ok." He chuckled.

He took my hand and led me to the back of the club. As I stumbled into the bathroom I found an empty stall. I relieved myself and went out to wash my hands.

"Are you the chick with Kayn?" Some snob asked as her lackey stood behind her.

"Yeah, I am," I replied cheerfully.

She sneered. "Forget about him." Spoke with a glare. "You're not his type."

"Oh yeah?" I asked with a grin. "Is that why he's been staying at my place, fucking me, taking me on dates?"

"Kayn doesn't do dates, bitch." She snapped.

I tried to walk past her, but she caught up to me before I could leave. She grabbed me by the hair, unlocking a need to fight in me. Pivoting on my heel, I ducked and landed one hell of a punch to her stomach. When I realized it was her lackey I chuckled. The head bitch cane at me like she was going to do something. I grabbed her by the hair and took her legs out from under her as she threw a shitty punch. Walking out, I wiped my hands on my miniskirt.

"Better?" Kayn asked as I walked out.

"Much better," I replied as I took the bottle.

The girls waddled out. The main one had a bloody nose while the other one held her stomach. Kayn watched them before looking at me with a raised brow.

"They fucked around." I shrugged before taking a drink.

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