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Kayn sat on the couch, doing something on his phone. While I washed the dishes I tried to ignore the feeling in my gut. He'd not been as affectionate as he typically was that morning. Chalking it up to him still being upset about the night before, I continued with the day like normal.

I folded our laundry in our room. Thoughts of ways to talk about the night before filled my head. None of my ideas felt right. When I went downstairs he was still on his phone.

"Sweetheart," I tried to get his attention with no success. "Babe," I tried again as I walked to the couch.

"Yeah?" He snapped out of his daze, putting his phone down.

"Do you need anything?" I asked softly, leaning over the back of the couch.

"Nope," he replied as he stared at me.

My face contorted into discomfort. "Is everything ok?" I wanted to get more than a word out of him.

"It's fine." It was not fine.

"Is it about..." I tried to ask him if it was about the night before, but he stood and started to walk to the kitchen. "Kayn." I sighed as I followed him.

"I don't need to be coddled, Mika." He groaned. "I'm fine!"

Stopping in my tracks, I stared. "I was just trying to talk to you," I replied with agitation.

"What is there to talk about?" He asked sharply. "You getting mad over a little drink?"

My mouth hung agape. "You almost died because your liver is damaged from energy drinks and alcohol," I replied in disbelief. "You were in a coma for four days."

He rolled his eyes as he went to the fridge. "What does it matter?" He replied with an annoyed chuckle. "I didn't die. I'm still here."

"What does it matter?" I laughed in bewilderment. "Do you see this?" I asked holding up my left hand. "Do you understand what being engaged means? We're going to get married! It's my job to take care of you!" I raised my voice.

He shook his head. "I don't need taken care of, Mika! I'm not a fucking child!" He responded in anger.

Fury built in me as I listened to him. I couldn't believe he was acting like that because I was worried about him. My mind scattered for answers.

"Wow..." was all I could say.

Kayn pulled a pudding cup from the refrigerator and held it up. "Can I have this or am I going to be prosecuted?" He asked with attitude.

The whole situation had me beyond disbelief. My eyes followed him as he returned to the couch and his phone. All I could do was try to wrap my head around the situation. Not knowing what to do, I went to the office. My phone buzzed on my desk as I stared at my blank monitor.

Sett: Hey, everything ok?

Me: Yeah.

Sett: Ok, heard about the drink incident and wanted to make sure you were good. I'm sure he only gave Akali his new number to collaborate sometime.

Me: Yeah, probably.

He gave Akali his new number? Thoughts flooded my head instantly. Ezreal had mentioned that Kayn didn't shut down her flirting. Now I was figuring out he gave her his number. Shaking it off, I tried to focus on anything else. I'd been working on a website to sell prints of my photos. While I listed the prints my mind went to the night before. The way Akali had looked at me. The way Kayn was acting. There was no way he would cheat... right? Picking up my phone, I decided that letting the subject slide would be impossible.

Me: Hey, I need to ask you a few things, but I need you to keep it between us.

K'Sante: What's up?

Me: What do you know about Kayn and Akali?

K'Sante: I hoped that this wouldn't be the result of going to that party.

K'Sante: From what the rest of us were able to gather, they were just sleeping together from time to time. They'd text each other all day in the beginning. After that, they'd hang out at her place. Kayn had to get a new phone after he dropped his old phone in the sink during chores. When I asked about Akali he said he didn't plan on getting in touch with her again because he got bored. The whole thing seemed purely physical.

K'Sante: I don't believe that Kayn could do what you're thinking. He looks at you and talks about you in a way I've never seen. He loves you, Mika. He's likely just bored and stressed.

I slid my phone on my desk, my head spinning. No matter what I did, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in my stomach. Jim meowed loudly, letting me know he wanted to be fed. Disregarding that he'd had breakfast not too long before, I went down to the kitchen to feed him. Kayn sat on the couch chuckling to himself, on his phone. The sound made my stomach churn.

Originally, I thought of returning to the office, but I ended up in bed instead. I didn't scroll on my phone. I didn't listen to music. All I did was stare at the wall until dinner time. Then, I went down, cooked, ate, and went back upstairs.

Paranoia and anxiety were consuming me. If he was going to cheat there was nothing I could do. If he was going to leave I couldn't stop him. All I could do was prepare myself.

Kayn came to bed later than usual that night. He made sure his phone was on the charger before climbing in and holding me. Not a word was spoken between the two of us. When he fell asleep I stayed awake, staring at the moonlight faintly shining through the curtains. This was not the same man I'd fallen in love with. Then again, we could wake up and things could be normal again.

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