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Luckily we didn't get caught. I'd gone home that night as if I'd never gone to work. When I hit my bed I was instantly out.

That morning I had a senior photo shoot to do for a family. It made me long for a chance to explore the type of work I wanted to do. After it finished I shot K'Sante a message in hopes of taking him up on his previous modeling offer.

While at a cafe, I popped onto InstaPic to see what was going on media-wise. When the app opened the first thing I saw was me. Ksante had posted my photo and it was gaining a ton of attention. The caption under it also made my heart skip.

'Sometimes, I feel just like this picture. The photographer knew how to capture such a common feeling of sorrow that is so hard to explain.'

Most of the comments were telling K'Sante that his fans were there for him. Some were saying they could relate. The ones that took my breath were those asking for a link to the photographer's social media. They wanted to see my work.

K'Sante messaged back that he needed a profile to tag when I sent him the photos. Indirectly agreeing to do the shoot. Everything in me felt so excited. Overjoyed would've been an understatement.


I walked into work, ready to do my best, but Rick stopped by after I'd gotten dressed. "You're not going on stage tonight," he informed me with his typical smile. At first, I excitedly expected to be sent to the VIP room, but my hopes were almost immediately crushed. "There's a bachelor party arriving in the champagne room. You'll be the main girl. You'll also be in charge of the rest of the team. Give 'em a good night."

When Rick left my heart sank. I finished my makeup and went to the champagne room where about ten men were already drunk. Putting on my work smile, I started pouring drinks. They all seemed to be having the time of their lives.

Sitting on the couch with one of the men, my eyes ventured passed the room's threshold, and out to the bar. There I spotted Kayn at the end of the bar closest to where I was with a drink, watching me with a frustrated posture. I tried to smile but it immediately faded. From where I sat I could see him take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Can I get another?" The guest of honor asked.

I picked up the bottle to find it empty. "Twill, can you keep our very special man company while I retrieve another bottle?" I asked as sweetly as I could muster.

When I got to the bar I stood by Kayn. Fauna took the empty bottle and disappeared to the back. "Want me to walk you home?" Kayn asked quietly.

"I don't want to be any trouble to you," I replied sadly.

"You won't be." He assured me. "I want to walk you home."

"Please." I looked at him longingly.

"Ok," he agreed, "this will be my last drink for the night then."

"Here you go, Lilac," Fauna said, handing over the bottle. "I'll keep him company for you." She whispered as she leaned in. "He hasn't stopped talking about you and I see you staring. Don't worry I won't tell Rick."

"Thank you, Fauna." I thanked her with a smile.

When I got back to the champagne room the guest of honor smiled. "Lilac sweety," he spoke as he sat back, "could I get a dance?"

As the next song came on I started dancing for him. He wiggled his finger, motioning for me to come closer. He wanted a lap dance. I got as close as I was comfortable with and continued my performance. Turning, I bent over and shook my ass, refusing to look at Kayn. When a hand struck my ass I stood straight up. I could see Fauna stepping in Kayn's way as he got off of his stool. One of the champagne room bouncers had seen and was already rushing in. Twill got me out of the room while the bouncer tried to explain what the man did wrong.

Long story short, a fight broke out. I was let off from work early and paid for the full party. After I got dressed Kayn met me by the rear exit with Fauna.

We walked down the road as I stared at the ground. Kayn seemed tense as hell. Insecurity seeped in and I nearly started crying.

"Hey," Kayn nudged me with his shoulder, "everything ok?"

"Yeah," I lied pathetically.

"Was it that guy?" He asked, restraining the anger in his voice.

"That guy," I started, "the men that treat me like an object, the stares of people that desire me only for my body." I sniffled. "I get it, my body is the whole point of my job, but I still have feelings. I'm still a human being."

Kayn's arm wrapped around me, pulling me close. "I get that." He sighed.

"I'm sorry." I tried to wiggle from his grasp. "This is so far out of the parameters of our situation."

He pulled me to him a bit tighter. "Says who?" He looked down at me. "Last I checked, and I checked very recently, we make our own rules. Besides," he pulled out a cigarette, put it between his lips, and lit it with a match, "a dom is supposed to care for his sub."

I sniffled and broke down, stopping to cry into his chest. He held me there as he smoked his cigarette. Placing a long gentle kiss on my forehead, he rubbed my back.

When we got to my apartment I showered. As I walked out of the bathroom I heard Kayn talking on the phone in the living room. He sounded a little upset.

"Yeah, she's ok." He said. "Had the bouncers not stepped in I'd probably be in a cell right now... I'll be staying here tonight... There's more to it, but I don't think it would be right for me to talk about it... That's what I've been saying... I don't know, I'm trying to figure it out... Maybe you could talk to her while you do your photo shoot or whatever... Ok, goodnight." I quickly acted like I wasn't eavesdropping. "Sorry, I was on a call with K'Sante." He said as he walked in."

"That's ok," I replied softly. "Should I get dressed or..."

"That's up to you." He said as he looked into my eyes.

Feeling in control my head fuzzed over. Suddenly, every last bit of insecurity melted away. I pulled Kayn to the bed with me and our lips met.

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