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Kayn fell unconscious in my arms. When the ambulance arrived they immediately pulled him from me. There was chaos as they got him to the ambulance. A police officer held me as I fought to go with him. The thin man kept telling me that they couldn't take me.

The police officer had taken me home to shower and get changed. They were kind enough to wait for me and give me a ride. I'd texted the boys from the police car, telling them what happened. When I got to the hospital, I was told Kayn was still in surgery. The whole experience had me the most sober I'd ever been. The time I spent not knowing was eating me alive.

K'Sante was the first to walk into the waiting room. It took me less than a second to go from my chair to his arms. My screams were buried in his chest, yet to me, they were miles away. He squeezed me tight, rubbing my back. My tears soaked his shirt, and I could feel another hand caress my back carefully. K'Sante let me go just enough to see Sett. He pulled me into his arms, and I could hear his cries as they were buried in my shoulder. The room was filled with sobs and heartache.

Sett convinced me to sit down after a few minutes. "How?" That was all Yone could say.

I started shaking, and Sett gave me a tight squeeze. "We were out clubbing..." I recalled uneasily. "This guy was trying to pull me from Ka-Kayn... So, Kayn-n..." I started to lose it a little. "He got in a fight..." I felt like I was going to puke.

"That's enough." Ezreal sniffled. "Take it easy." He whispered.

"They haven't said anything." My speech was becoming frantic. "I don't know if he's-he-h..." I'd started to break down.

Sett pulled me into his arms as I cried. "It's not your fault," Yone assured me softly.

Sett rubbed my back, letting me go. He pointed to Aphelios, who had his arms held out for a hug. I stood and hugged him as I continued to sob.

"He's going to make it," Aphelios whispered as he held me as tight as he could. "He's too stubborn to go. Especially knowing he'd leave you behind. He's going to be ok."

"Shieda Kayn?" A man's voice asked gently. We all turned to the man. Aphelios quickly let me go so that I could see him."He's stable, barely, but stable. We've had to put him in a medically induced coma. His liver seems to be damaged. Does he drink often?"

"A lot," Yone answered as he stood by me.

"That explains a lot." The doctor sighed. "The coma is to help control the bleeding. It's been a struggle. I won't say one way or the other, but for now, his body is fighting as hard as it can. Had he arrived any later, the prognosis wouldn't be good. Thankfully, he got here when he did." He let out a heavy breath. "He'll be moved to the ICU where he'll be tended to throughout the night."

"Will anyone be allowed to stay with him?" K'Sante asked, looking from the doctor to me.

The doctor nodded. "The ICU rooms can keep up to two a night." He informed us. "You all may visit him. One of my nurses has volunteered to walk you guys to his room."

The lady who waited for us in the hall looked at me with sorrowful eyes. She led us through the halls and up the elevator. As we reached the third floor, she rested her hand on my shoulder.

"He's going to be ok." She gave me a halfhearted smile. "Anybody that follows you two knows he'd fight to stay by your side." She took us to a room. The wall outside was completely comprised of windows. The curtains had been closed. "Are you ready?" She asked me gently. I only nodded in reply. "Here," she offered her hand, and I took it, "the Kayn army has your back, sweetheart."

She opened the door and led us inside. On the bed, Kayn was lying in a hospital gown. They had him on a ventilator. He had an IV and monitors hooked to him. The only sounds were the beeping of monitors and the ventilator keeping him breathing.

I trembled as the nurse brought me to his bedside. My legs gave out. I fell to my knees and my head rested against the side of his bed. The nurse, with the help of one of the boys, got me back to my feet.

"Let's get her seated," the nurse said gently as I was brought to the recliner by his bed.

K'Sante scooted the chair closer to the bed, making sure it wasn't in the way of anything. The nurse lowered the plastic railing so that I could see him. My head rested next to his shoulder as I sobbed into the sheets. The boys left me with the nurse, saying something to her before they stepped out.

"He still has his bracelet on," I whispered dejectedly as I looked at his wrist.

"I made sure his IV went to his right." The nurse informed me. "They wanted to cut the bracelet off but I convinced them it wasn't necessary."

"Thank you." My thanks were genuine, but I couldn't muster any more emotion.

"Is there anything you need?" She asked kindly.

"Not anything you can provide," I whispered as I watched the rise and fall of Kayn's chest.

She gave my back a gentle pat before she started toward the door. "The call button on his remote is there for you if you need it." She explained as she peeked past the curtain. "The nurses will be more than willing to get you anything. I'll stop by when I can."

The door opened and everybody, but Yone walked in. I was given hugs and words of comfort. When everyone had left Yone walked in with a stack of blankets. He covered me gently before pulling a chair next to mine.

"You should rest." He spoke gently.

"I'm not going to be able to sleep," I whispered with a heart full of sorrow. My fingers gently ran through Kayn's hair, making sure I didn't move him. "Not until I see his eyes or hear his voice."

Yone's hand on my shoulder pulled my attention to him momentarily. "We're all here. We're going to take turns staying with you. K'Sante will be taking tomorrow to announce the postponement of the concert. Then, he'll be here. There will not be a moment without open eyes on him. Whether you're sleeping or not."

"I can't, Yone," I replied firmly. "At least not tonight."

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