chapter 1-

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Daisy p.o.v.

I have been dreaming off finding my mate for what feels like forever. I honestly can not wait. I would love a relationship like my moms and dad's. It's just so nice and loving. This is what I want and can't wait for.

Rose is my twin sister, we knew from the start we would be sharing mate. Don't get me wrong we have our own wolf but we still share mate.

My wolfs name is Dotty and roses wolfs name is Rosie. I love Dotty, if I do not go to Rose over anything I go to Dotty. I am very close to Dotty and we speak about when we find our mate all the time.

Rose Is a bit more quite about our mate. We both have fears off who our mate is and If they want us but it is very rare you hear of a rejection. However it does sometimes scare us that we will get rejected.

Rose doesn't like to talk that much about when we find our mate in front off people but she will to me.

We was scared to come out that we are a lesbian for a while. We was not sure how everyone would take it. Even though deep down we knew everyone would be fine with it, it was still scary to actually reveal it but luckily everyone was fine and some even said they already knew which was a relief.

Right now I'm in the kitchen stuffing my face with some yummy coffee.

"Good morning princess." My dad said kissing my forehead.

"Morning dad." I said smiling softly.

I love the mornings. I always feel like there is just so much nice and peacefulness to nature. I love nature as well.

Just then my twin sister comes down rubbing her eyes.

"Morning my other princess." My dad said kissing roses cheek.

"Morning." She mumbles back a little grumpily.

That's the difference between us. I am a Morning person where as rose is not so much.

I passed her a coffee I had already started to make for her when Dotty informed me that Rose and Rosie was awake. It kind of happens every morning. I mainly wake up before Rose but if Rose wakes up before me Rosie will inform Rose I have woken up and she would also make me a coffee which Is rare.

If I wake up kind off late it's two things. I was stressed the night before so did not sleep well or I have been reading way to long and got lost in my books that I fell asleep late so I woke up late.

Rose always calls me the smarter one and in the nicest way possible I kind off am. However rose is better at everything else for example she is better at socializing and fighting and everything else there is. However all I have is knowledge on a lot off things from important to not important what so ever.

I'm not a confronting person where as rose is. Rose is super protective over me as I am with her but I think we all know rose is more protective. I won't lie I can be sassy sometimes even to other people but they have to really snd I mean really get under my skin for me to be sassy to them if I do not know them and if I do know you it's mainly because I am comfortable enough to be sassy around you.

As I passed Rose her coffee she smiled in thanks at me before kissing my forehead. Now before anyone thinks eww no its not like that. Just because we have the same mate does not mean it's anything sexual between the both of us. It's really not.

"How was your sleep." Dad asked us both.

"Fine." Rose said.

"It was good." I said smiling softly.

"Are you still going for a walk today?" Dad asked me 

I looked at him confused.

"Yes, like every other day." I said confused.

he nodded his head before speaking.

"Stay away from the borders as more Rogues have been spotted nearby." He said softly making me nod.

Even though he is telling me to stay away from the borders it doesn't actually mean he believes they may attack its his way of being cautious. Its not actually often rogues attack us but it doesn't mean we put our guard down.

Dad is super protective over us and to be honest if he had it his way I think myself and Rose would be locked up and never leave the pack house especially when rogues are around but he knows how much I love my walks in the morning it brings me peace.

"Your birthday is tomorrow girls." Dad said.

I nodded my head and smiled. I looked over to Rose who looked equally excited.

"What time is Jayden and Sienna coming?" Rose asked dad excitedly.

"Around 10 in the morning." Dad said with a chuckle knowing how excited we are to see them.

I love Sienna and they even have there twin adopted children coming and I adore them. I love my brother Jayden to but he doesn't like to talk about girl things.

Just then mom walked in.

"Good morning girls. Ahh your last day off being 17." She said with tears in her eyes.

We let out a small laugh making her smile.

"You are both growing up to quickly." She said softly. We both kissed her cheek.

"We love you mom." We said making her smile.

Mom and dad have now stepped down and Jayden is now Beta and Hunter is now the Alpha. Mom and dad have now gotten a lot off free time and I have to admit I love it.

"How about us girls go on this walk with you Daisy? It would be nice seeing as your both growing to much and I might not be able to have much off this opportunity to do this with you that much after tomorrow." Mom said happily but I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Of course." I said and I'm actually really excited to walk around eith my sister and mom. We have done it a lot off times don't get me wrong but I always grt excited because it's not actually very often we get to all do it because one off us are always busy but mainly mom.

We all excitedly left the room not long after my Uncle xavier and Uncle Xander walked in as well as Auntie Precious so Auntie Precious came with us.

We all walked around for about an hour mainly talking excitedly about tomorrow. We get to see Auntie Aria tomorrow and I know this has really excited mom and Auntie Precious.

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