chapter 18- arrived

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Sophia p.o.v.

Kyle and my warriors set off around 2 hours ago to get both my mates. I'm sat in my office but I'm not doing any work. My wolf and I are on edge waiting for our mates to come. I'm pasting back and forth in my office, I feel on edge worried something will happen to them but I know nothing will. However for some reason I can not help but have this worry. I never worry this much about anyone and its driving me insane.

I only ever worry about my pack but even then its not this kind off worry. This worry feels different. I feel frightened that something could ever happen to my mates and that is terrifying me because, well since when have I ever been terrified over stuff like this ? My pack is all I have ever cared about and even then I have never had to worry about my pack like this apart from when all the stuff happened with HER.

I don't have a bad feeling that something Is about to happen, so I know nothing bad is going to happen, however I am worried in case I'm wrong. Why I care I do not know. Well actually I do but I think I'm just denying it to myself like Jax and Kyle say. Are they right ? I feel like I'm driving myself insane with all these thoughts in my head.

"You are going to burn a hole in the floor if you do not stop pasting." I heard a soft voice from behind me call out making my head snap to the office door.

There stood Jadę and Carla. I could tell it was Carla who spoke softly.

"Your anxious about your mates I see." Jadę stated raising her eyebrow.

Jade is the more blunt one but she knows when and when not to push me. Which it is rare for her to even try and push me to be honest. Jade is more talkative then Carla but Carla is more soft then Jade. They both are nice girls and it took me a while to trust them. However I am not close to them but I would still protect them. They are my pack and my best friends mates.

I let out a hum in reply to Jade.

"They will be okay. I can not wait to meet them." Carla said softly while smiling and I could see she was genuine.

I nodded my head and then looked at Jade.

"Is their a reason you are both here?" I asked a bit to coldly with the way they flinched both off them.

Jade cleared her throat and nodded as though she forgot for a second the actual reason she came.

"Jax sent us to let you know that Kyle and our lunas are nearby." Jade said softly.

I nodded my head but then frowned.

"Why did he not minlink me?" I asked confused.

"They tried but you had them both blocked out." Carla said with a small chuckle.

I looked at them confused before I realised that my mind was blocked meaning no one will be able to mind link me. The only time my mindlink would open is if my pack is in danger. Its like an instinct and my mindlink automatically opens even if I have blocked it, however it is like that for all Alphas.

I nodded my head with a small apology towards the girls who just smiled softly at me.

"We will let you get on with your pasting Alpha." Carla said before she bowed and dragged Jade out who I could hear grumbling to Carla about how she wanted to ask me more about the twins like what there favourite food is and stuff. In her words she said what am I suppose to give them for a welcoming gift. It actually made me lips curve up slightly into a smile.

I sighed to myself and sat myself in my chair with a small groan. I hope I'm doing the right thing having both my mates come here and more so I hope I have not put them in more danger. As much as I never wanted a mate I could never forgive myself if I put them in danger.

"We are doing the right thing Sophia. I know we are." I heard Silver my wolf say softly. This is probably the softest she spoken to me since we became Alpha.

"I hope so Silver." I said signing.

"We are, trudt me and please try get to know them Sophia, they really are good people. I know with the situation on m-" She started saying but I cut her off with a shout in my mind.

"We are not talking about that Silver." I shouted at her before I shut the mindlink off but not before hearing a small whimper from her making me wince and instantly feel guilt.

I gulped slightly and could feel the anger inside me but then I could feel a bit off guilt as talking to Silver the way I did. I sighed and un blocked the mindlink.

As I was about to apologise I got a mindlink.

"We are about to head through the Gates Alpha."
I heard Kyle announce through my mind link.

I sighed and said ok before I shut it off.

"I'm sorry Silver." I said sadly.

"I'm sorry too, it was bad timing to bring it up and I know that. Let's forget about it for today and go see our mates." Silver said with a wolfy grin at the end making me chuckle at her ears happily perking up to our mates arrival.

"Alright." I said before standimg up and heading to the front off the pack. I could actually suprisingly feel my nerves pick up at the thought off seeing them again.

As I walked down the hallway in the pack house I could feel the nerves and even the excitment at everyone getting to see their lunas.

Everyone bowed their heads as I walked past. I had confidence booming off me but I felt anything but confident. I swallowed harshly before I stopped outside instantly smelling the fresh air and feeling the slight coldness hit my cheek.

As soon as I stepped outside I watched as my mates both stopped out the car. Their eyes instantly landing on me and I could see as their eyes slightly lit up before they avoided eye contact with me and looked anywhere but me. Mainly looking at each other. I could feel and see they were really nervous. It made me nearly awh at them out loud.

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