Chapter 43-

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Daisy p.o.v

After I said about maybe Sienna friend could help with the other rogue there was instantly not only tension but silence making me squirm uncomfortably.

I looked away from Sophia noticing the glare on her face making me a little nervous. However there was still silence. No one said a word not even Sophia surprisingly.

"I- I- we could use the help Sophia." Rose added hesitantly.

I could feel the tension growing but I meant what I said and I really hope she comes around with it. Maybe I have said something to early but in all honesty I think we are best knowing if this rogue is in fact something to do with this Alpha Fin or if he really is innocent. I think we deserve to know and should not but I also believe his mate should know. I heard how hard his mate is taking it that his mate is a rogue but on top of that he is taking it even harder that his mate is possibly to do with the attacks on our pack. If he has nothing to do either the attacks it's a new step that maybe they could both make and therefore an innocent rogue could actually have a shot at life. If he is not innocent and does have something to do with it well then I guess Sophia could do whatever she sees fit. But I honestly believe that the sooner we know the less stress everyone will have.

"No." She growled out lowly making my heart clench and disappointment run through me.

I avoided her eye contact and looked at rose who seemed just as sad. However I know we both understand her mistrust. I don't think I would trust anyone either from what she has told us. However I do wish she could at least try and trust but I can't blame her. She has let Sienna and Sarah here knowing full well they are witches and maybe that's enough for now.

I heard Sienna clear her throat making my eyes snap to her.

"If you ever change your mind just give us a shout. I know Rachel will be willing to help." Sienna said softly.

I gave her a small smile in appreciation while Sophia just frowned at the floor.

"Anybody hungry?" I blurted out, uncomfortable with the silence.

I heard a bunch of yes's before I nodded my head and told anyone to head back to our home if they are wanting some food so I can cook. It's getting late so I decided to cook us all our food before I know everyone would want to head to the rooms they have been given to get some rest.

As I started walking away with silence still from Sophia who stayed seated, I could feel someone stepping next to me. From the scent I could tell it was Jade.

"Give her time Daisy. She just really doesn't do well with, well erm..." she started saying before I cut her off more harshly then I meant to.

"Witches ? Yes I know." I hissed out before instantly regretting it.

I sighed and stopped to face her. Everyone else carried on walking towards our home while I looked at Jade.

"Daisy?" I heard Rose through the mind link.

"I'm okay Rose. Maybe we can speak tonight when everyone leaves ?" I asked.

"Of course." Rose said softly before cutting the mind link off.

I sighed to myself before looking at Jade. She never looked hurt or angry at my reaction towards her but she did look understanding.

"I'm sorry Jade. I never meant to snap I just don't know what to do or say with out feeling like I'm treading on her toes. I want to help Sophia and this pack and the man who is locked in the dungeon as well as his mate but I don't know how to go about it with Sophia. I'm never sure if she is going to snap whenever we bring up witches or just bite it on her tongue but agree. I know it's hard for her and I completely understand that but I also do not know how to talk to her about it without her snapping at us." I said with stupid fat tears running down my face.

"You seem overwhelmed Daisy. It's been a really long day. Maybe leave it for tonight and spend the next couple of hours with your family before they head to bed. Then start fresh tomorrow." She said softly and I knew she didn't know what to say because she understands both mine and Rose but also Sophia's side.

I nodded my head in and gave her a small smile. She is right though I am overwhelmed and maybe just a bit tired. Maybe it was too quick for me to push it for Sophia. After all it's a big deal she has even let my family that have witch blood in them here. Never mind letting them here to help with our pack.

I was about to start walking into the direction off my home where I could see everyone was starting to walk inside the house when Jade called out.

I turned around in acknowledgment.

"You will all get through it Daisy. I know that Sophia is hard work but I have never ever seen her so soft. Before you and Rose arrived I could barely speak two words to her without her wanting to bite anyone's head off. In fact I think barely anyone apart from Kyle and jax managed to speak to her but now she seems so- so I don't know different. A bit more relaxed off course without the stress of having to worry about more attacks. I just mean that you both mean a lot more to her than you both even realise.  I honestly don't think you really need to watch what you say and maybe instead you just need to show her that what you say is what you mean. That your family or at least the witches should I say are not all bad people. Maybe show her instead of telling her." Jade said with a small smile before she gave me a hug and kissed my cheek before walking to my house.

I stood there for a few moments repeating what she said in my head. All of a sudden a small smile appeared on my face. Maybe she is right. I do need to show her and not tell her.

"Rose." I said softly.

"Are you okay Daisy?" She asked concerned.

I nodded but remembering she can't see me.

"I think I know what we need to do to show Sophia all witches are not bad. " I said smiling to myself.

"And what's that?" She asked interested.

"I think it's about time we show her." I said softly.

I want to show her that they may be witches but they are also our family. Soon to be her family to. I don't want to force her into feeling like she has to put up with them but also be on edge. I want her to be able to relax around them and know nothing bad will happen with them being her. She doesn't need to be on edge she can relax.

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