chapter 26- hes dead

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Sophia p.o.v.

I walked into my office after saying goodbye to the twins. I have never felt so refreshed in my life. I had the best sleep I have ever had with no nightmares or nothing. Then on top of that I had breakfast which I do not always have time for.

As I sat down my door banged open with Kyle smirking.

"What has you smiling this morning." He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

Only then did I release I was actually smiling making a frown appear on my face. Jax walked in raising an eyebrow at us before shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes ignoring them both before finally getting to the point.

"Are all the warriors here." I asked.

Kyle nodded his head yes making me sigh and tell them to bring them in.

One by one I had 4 off my warriors come in. Each one of these warriors are all head border warriors of each part off my pack borders. South, West, East and North side off my warriors. Not that my pack is huge but it is big enough to need people running on each side of my pack borders.

"Hello Alpha." They all said bowing to me respectfully.

I nodded my head at them before they all sat down and we started the meeting.

After they went through to tell me what happened I was fuming. I was so angry that I shattered the glass of juice I had in my hand.

They went on to tell me how at first it was one rogue before they knew it a lot of them charged at them. It was very out the blue and they barely realised something was wrong but just as they started to feel something was not right is when they were attacked.

"Alpha I woukd like to say something." The warrior from East said.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow as if to say go on.

"I noticed there was a guy just put of the borders staring on as we were being attacked, he didn't smell of rogue he smelled of a pack but I'm just not sure what pack." He said with a slight gulp.

"And you tell me this now ? Why was I not informed last night." I roared.

"I'm sorry Alpha but my mate was attacked and all I could think about in that time was I needed to make sure she was okay. I'm sorry Alpha it will not happen again. " He said and I could see he was ashamed.

I sighed and took a deep breathe.

"I want the borders to have more warriors. I want you guard up at all times. Any wolf that so much as steps on our territory I want them killed. " I ordered.

"Yes Alpha." Theu replied before we ended the meeting and they headed out.

"What I want to know is why they attacked again? But why as soon as I came out they all ran." I said.

"I was wondering the same thing. It was almost as though it was to see if you was still here." Jax said with a frown.

"I want you to make the announcement that all pack members are to never be alone as from now on there has to be 2 or 3 people with everyone for safety. This includes all female and male and pups. Am I clear." I stated and they both nodded. Jax walked out to go ahead and tell all the warriors where as I mindlinked the whole pack.

"Good morning everyone. I want to make an announcement that every single person from this pack is to be around 2 or 3 people at a time for safety caution. If you are to leave this pack you are to inform me and ask me for permission even if it's just to the cafe just outside our borders. Am I clear." I spoke through minlink. I got a lot of yes Alphas and I know they wanted to question it but they knew it was not the right time. I closed the link off before looking at Kyle.

"I'm not taking any chances of them attacking while our pack are even just at the cafe. They may be sneaky and sly but I will not put anything past them. I would rather be safe then sorry." I said noticing the questioning mark on his face about even leaving the pack borders.

He nodded his head in understanding.

"Alright I guess we better go and see the rogue that we-" I started saying before I got a mindlink from one of our warriors in the dungeon.

"Alpha we tried to save him but he is gone. The rogue has died." Thewarrior said and I could feel the fear off having to tell me this through his voice.

I loud growl escaped my lips while Kyle looked at me confused as I shut the minlink off just as Jax walked in.

"Kyle what have you done to wind her up now." Jax said sighing.

"What but I didn't do-" Kyle started to say but I cut him off.

"The rogue is fucning dead." I growled out.

They looked at me with wide eyes before sighing. We are back to square one I guess.

"I want you to find out whatever er you can from this Alpha fin. Contact near by packs of hid and find shit out now. " I said growling before storming out my office.

The rage I felt was like no other. My pack members could have died last night but so could have my mates. I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me making my body shake and just as I stepped foot outside my wolf took over my body. I watched as my pack members stepped back in horror as they have yet to see me this angry in a long time. They all bowed there head to me while moving out my way. I snarled and growled while walking away but not at them it was just in anger at the Alpha fin.

One thing I know is when I see him I'm going to kill him.

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