chapter 30- come with me

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Sophia p.o v.

As I walked into the kitchen I was surprised to see Rose and Daisy already in their. I could smell that they were baking cookies.

"Hey." I heard Daisy said softly.

"Hey." I said softly.

The atmoshphere was awkward and I could see that Rose was avoiding eye contact with me. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say of how to say anything after what happened.

I understand where both Daisy and Rose is coming from and I guess maybe it's best I do talk to them about it.

I let out a sigh before I hesitantly say down next to Rose.

"You guys couldn't sleep?" I asked clearing my throat.

They both let out a nod before I nodded my head I'm understanding. The atmoshphere got more awkward and I was beginning to partly wish I did not come downstairs.

"Would you like a cookie?" Daisy asked as she set them all on a plate.

I smiled softly and nodded my head.

"Yes please." I said softly.

She gave both myself and Rose some cookies each before placing her own down. We all silently sat and at first it was awkward as we ate the cookie but slowly the tension started to die down.

"How about we all go to bed and then we have a proper talk in the morning. About everything." I said out the blue causing the twins to look at me in suprise.

I could not help but say it though. The silence was killing me.

"Even about us being mates ? And the rogue situation?" Rose asked and.i could see the hope on her face making my eyes soften.

"Yes, everything." I said softly.

A small smile made its way to her lips and she nodded. I looked over to Daisy who also had a smile.

"I wi tisy up and then head to-" Daisy started saying.

"I will help." I said softly.

I got up before she could say anything and started to help her tidy up as did Rose. After we finally tidied we all headed upstairs. As we got to the guest room where the twins would be staying they both stopped and moved around awkwardly on their feet.

I let out a sigh and turned and looked at them.

"Do you want to sleep in my room? You don't have-" I started saying and I was supposed at how nervous I was.

"Yes." They both shouted before they both cleared their throat and avoided eye contact with me.

I let out a chuckle before we all headed back to my room. We all climbed in bed this time i was in the middle off them and slowly our eyes closed into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning!

I woke up and slowly groaned. I could feel two bodies partly on me but by the smells and the sparks I could tell it was both the twins cuddled up to me.

Rose had one leg on top off me as well as an arm while snuggled into my side and on the other side off me Daisy was the same.

I could feel Daisy begin to stir before she opened her eyes and gave me a soft smile with a blush.

"Sor-" She started saying noticing our position and was about to move but a low growl escaped my lips.

I sighed and shook my head.

"It's fine. You do not need to move." I whispered to her.

"Do you both have to speak so loud." I heard Rose groan making myself and Daisy let out a chuckle.

We layed like that for a short while In a comfortable silence but all of a sudden I got a mindlink.

"Alpha." I heard Beta jax say through minlink.

"What?" I asked I can not lie it made me a bit ittatated.

"Judt though I would let you know that I have more information on Alpha fin." He said.

"I will be in my office soon. Meet me in an hour to 45 minutes." I said.

I cut the mindlink off before he could say anything. As my vision came back to normal I could see the twins looking at me clearly knowing I had a mindlink.

"Is everything okay?" Daisy asked.

I let out a sigh because I know I told them we would have a talk but right now I actually need to find out what Jax had heard. He would not tell me right now if he didn't have anything useful to tell me.

"I know I said we will have a talk but-" I started saying before gulping seeing their disappointed faces. I could feel they both slightly moved away from me and for whatever reason it made my heart clench. I guess our bond really is getting stronger.

" I just had a mind link of Jax to let me know he found more information with the rogue stuff so I need to find out what he knows. I'm sorry I know I said we will have the talk about everything and we will but just not right now." I said softly.

They looked at me and nodded in understanding but I could still see they were a bit upset when a thought came to me.

" Why don't you come with me? You want to know what happened anyways and want to be kept in the loop and on top of that you are our lunas so you have a right to know so if you want to you can come." I said.

I don't know why I only just thought about it but igs true. If they want to know they may as well come and then I can explain it all better as well. Then all we have to speak about possibly tonight is the mate situation.

They looked at me with hope before nodding their head. I could see they was relieved and happy to know they will actually be involved and finally find out what happened.

We all got ready to head to the office before we finally set off walking.

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