chapter 2-

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Rose p.o.v.

For a very long time I had problems. More pike self esteem problems. People see me as a blunt person, as sometimes a bitch but when you really get to know me ypu realise I'm the opposite. I'm a person that actually needs a lot of reassurance.

I had bad self esteem especially on my weight and don't get me wrong I have started to be so much better. I don't worry about it often anymore but sometimes it still wares on my mind. However with out the help off my family I would have never gotten over it. For my family I am forever grateful for.

We are all walking around me, my mom, my twin sister and auntie Precious. We are talking about mine and Daisy birthday tomorrow.

I'm really excited but I'm also nervous about tomorrow. We get to find our mate as off tomorrow and I know it does not mean we will find her tomorrow but there is still a chance we will. It both scares and excites me.

"Are you both excited about tomorrow." Auntie Precious asked us.

We both nodded our head yes.

"Do you think you will find her tomorroe?" My mom asked excitedly.

"I'm not sure." I said softly where as Daisy didn't answer.

"Can you tell us what it's like again mom, when you first meet your mate.' Daisy asked for the millionth time since we found out about mates which by the way was at an early age.

My mom chuckled and began to tell us what it's like again and to be honest I could listen to it all day. It excites me more and more.

I always wonder what our mate is up to and what she does and who she is. Myself and Daisy talk about it alot and it always puts a smile on our face.

Is she a warrior? Is she a cheff? Is she in our pack or a different one? What does she like to do? What colour is her hair? Is she grumpy like me in the mornings or is she happy like Daisy? The questions are always on our mind.

However a question I'm always asking myself is if she would want us or more like want me? Would I be good enough. My whole family say I am an overthinker and maybe I am but my family always are there to support me. They comfort me more then they ever know.

I guess after tomorrow mine and Daisy life really does change. I just hope it is for the better.

"Let's head inside now girls it's getting abit colder." I heard my mom say snapping me out my thoughts.

We both nodded our head and started walking with them. As we got inside I noticed How both my Uncles and my dad was still here. It's nice to see but sometimes it does suprise me as I am so use to them always being at the packhouse doing business.

My brother Jayden only took over as Beta about a month or two ago. Hunter who is my cousin has now become Alpha and I got to admit they are both doing a really good job.

We all sat on the dining table and carried on having conversations with each other.

Before I knew it our house was full off our family, only missing Jayden and Sienna and the twins.

My grandma Cassie and my grandpa Kane was also here. Also my nana Isabella and grandad Jason was here as well. It felt really nice and I wondered to myself that when we find our mate will we also have meet ups like this.

I looked at Daisy and smiled.

"Let's see what tomorrow holds for us." I said softly to her.

She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah let's see." She said softly.

Night time.

It was time to her to bed. Myself and Daisy still share room because we actually can not sleep in separate rooms. Our wolves woukd wine at night time and to be honest we felt comfort off being in the same room. We have our own beds don't get me wrong but it's still the comfort off knowing each other was near by.

As we got ready for bed and finally got in bed we started to speak about our mate.

"Do you think our mate is in our pack?" Daisy asked.

"I have a feeling she is not." I said softly.

Daisy nodded her head.

,"I have nkt felt any sort off connection towards anyone like mom did with dad." Daisy said partly sad.

"Me neither." I said.

"Do ypu think she will move to our pack?" Daisy asked partly with hope.

I sighed.

"It depends on who she is in her pack, if she has a pack at that, she may not even be a werewolf and if she is she could be rogue." I said softly.

Daisy nodded her head.

"And if she is I'm her pack I guess it depends what she does for her pack. If she is a warrior we would all have to make the choice off if we go or if she stays but it would be more likely we go. If she is an omega it would mean that she could come stay in our pack but for some reason i do not beleive she is an omega." I said.

"I agree." Daisy said while letting out a soft yawn.

"Daisy." I called out her name.

"Yes Rose." She answered softly.

"No matter what happens tomorrow or even after tomorrow let's promise to always be there for each other snd have each others back." I said softly.

"I promise." Daosy said smiling at me.

I smiled back before saying my good night.

"Good night, happy early birthday." I said softly.

"Good night Rose, happy early birthday to ypu too." She said with a giggle.

I let out a small laugh before finally closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. Before I drifted however all i could think about was how I hope and pray to anyone who is listening that we find our mate and that we have a happy ever after.

Their alpha Female mateWhere stories live. Discover now