chapter 21- introduced to the pack.

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Daisy p.o.v.

As we are walking to the meeting I could not help but smile at the fact Sophia ate and loved my food. I mean yes it was only a egg on toast and bacon but still it filled my stomach with butterflies at how she liked it.

Now walking to the meeting I can not help but feel nervous. I can see Rose is nervous but she doesn't look as nervous as me. Rose has always been the more confident and social one where as I am the opposite.

I love to read and cook but I also stick to either just Rose or myself more then anything. Sometimes I can get really anxious around a lot of people. However Rose could chat everyone's ears off as she is what people call a social butterfly where as me, I am the complete opposite.

Finally we got to where I noticed I'm guessing all the pack members are that are able to come and I almost gasped out loud. There was so many people here. I gulped audibly and looked at Rose who gave me a reassuring smile.

I noticed how everyone has their eyes on either me or Rose. Most where whispering amongst themselves and I could only make put what some where saying.

"Who are they?" I heard one ask curious.

"Wow they are so pretty.."

"Are they are our lunas?"

"No way is that Rose and Daisy. I'm sure it is. They are Beta Jacob and Beta female Skylars children." I heard another gasp. It surprised me that some actually knew who we was.

"Silence." I heard Sophias voice boom loudly.

"I apologise for the short notice of my meeting but I wanted to introduce you all to your lunas and my mates. This is Luna Daisy and this is Luna Rose. They will speak to you whenever they have the free time but do not overwhelm them and let them both settle in. I know some of you had heard that I had found my mates so as you now know this is true. You will treat both your lunas with the same respect you do me. If I hear otherwise I will see what punishment is fit. Am I clear." Sophia said coldly and very straight to the point.

"Yes Alpha." I heard them all reply and bow. I was surprised at how excited everyone seemed to be. I could see a few girls where looking at us with a bit of jealousy but they still smiled at us.

I looked over near Sophia and I noticed two girls who seemed to barely be able to tain their excitment at seeing us. I noticed they were both stood next to Beta jax and third in command Kyle. I smiled over at them all and could instantly tell they where Kyle and Jax's mates.

They both looked really pretty but I could see one looked more out going then the other. One looked a little shy, she was the one stood closer to Kyle where as the other one was basically bouncing up and down where she was stood. I think I can already see we are all going to get on really well.

Rose p.o.v.

I was surprised at how blunt Sophia was but I'm not sure why I was so surprised. I looked at Daisy as the meeting ended and noticed she was looking at the girls I was just chuckling to myself at.

People slowly started to departure as Sophia dismissed everyone but I could see a lot off people really wanted to come up to us and say hello but did not dare with Sophia still being stood there. She told them not to overwhelm us but I would not have had a problem with people coming to say hello but I think it would have overwhelmed Daisy after a while.

"Come and I will introduce you to Jade and Carla. " I heard Sophia say making myself nod and for me and Daisy to start following over to where the girls, jax and Kyle was.

"Hello I'm Rose." I said softly.

"And I'm Daisy." Daish said with a smile.

All of a sudden I heard a squeal before I felt arms wrap around myself and Daisy in a tight hug.

My eyes widened in surprise and all of a sudden I heard a loud growl and I instantly knew it was Sophia. Before anyone could say anything I noticed Jax grabbed the girl before pulling her behind him and was stood a bit protectively. He bowed his head as did the girl showing Sophia there was no harm intended.

"I'm sorry Alpha Sophia I just got really excited to finally meet our lunas." I heard the girl say softly.

Sophia grunted before sighing and wondering off inside the building mumbling something along the lines off I am going to my office and sorry for growling which actually took everyone by surprise.

The girl looked a bit sad but Jax grabbed her face and gave a kiss making her soften up.

"They are newly mates baby and she has yet to mark them. That's all baby." Jax said and my eyes softened at how gentle he was with her. You can see he is only like that for her.

"I know I didn't think my love." She said softly.

He kissed her lips and then her for head before bowing to us and saying goodbye. I can not lie him bowing made me slightly uncomfortable but I smiled not really knowing what to do.

"I'm sorry about that lunas." She said softly.

"You don't need to say sorry. You never did anything wrong. It's really nice to meet you both. Also please dont call us luna." Daisy said softly really suprising me that she spoke first.

A huge smile appeared on her face.

"I'm jade by the way. " She said and went to put her hand put for a shake but I let out a small laugh and just hugged her like she did before.

She laughed before Daisy and the other girl who has not named herself but I am guessing IsCarla joined in the hug.

"I'm Carla." Carla said  a little shyly as we pulled away.

Before we knew it we all got in a huge talk about anything and everything and I can tell we are all going to be best friends. Even Daisy was talking to them a lot and I have never heard her talk to someone so much especially when we have just met. We also met a few other people that where walking past but the girls stayed with us both. It already felt like we had known them forever.

Their alpha Female mateWhere stories live. Discover now