chapter 11- figure out what you want

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Sophia p.o.v.

As I was sat in the dining hall Alpha hunter announced that we will have the meeting in two hours. Part off me was thinking finally so I can get home but the other part off me was not sure on what to do over my mates.

I looked over not long after Alpha Hunter said about the meeting, I could see Rose looked sad about something. She was looking at her brother Jayden and then at the twins. I didn't like how my heart hurt seeing her sad. Every Inch of my bones wanted to find out  what was wrong with her and why she was sad.

I then looked over to Daisy who looked just as sad but she also looked slightly confused. A frown appesred on my face and I looked at Kyle.

"Find out why they are sad." I grumbled to Kyle.

He nodded his head but didn't move. I know that he is waiting for the right time. He could go over and demand to know and so could i but they are his future Lunas and he would not want to upset them or me.

After a while we all left the dining room and I headed up to my room to make sure everything was ready and packed for me to leave.

I heard a knock at my door and sighed. I could sense ot was Kyle so I opened the door and he walked straight in sitting on my bed.

"I would like to speak tovyou please Alpaha Sophia." He spoke calmly.

My eyes narrowed but I knew he mean business as he used my title.

"What's do you want Kyle." I stated.

"I would like to just put my opinion out there even if you do not take it into consideration I would still like to say what I want to say. " He started but I cut him with with a low growl.

"I am not interested Kyle. I am not speaking to you about my mates." I said with a low warning growl.

"Then don't speak to me about it but at least hear my opinion first. " He said but before I could cut him off he Carrier on.

"I understand your fear off having a mate, I get it but the twins are not her or anything like her. If you are not going to give them a chance at least think about our pack, we still need our Luna. We are lucky enough to have two so please let us have our Luna and also think about your own happiness at accepting them as your mates. If you actually have a proper conversation with them you can see they are good people Sophia. You deserve happiness and I really hope you give yourself that one day. You said so yourself you will not reject them because you can't bring yourself to do it. What I will say though is to really think about what you want and talk to our lunas about it because it's also not fair on them." Kyle said before he walked out the room leaving me on my own to my own thought.

One things i know though is that he is right. I groaned to myself before grabbing my suitcase off the bed and putting it near the door ready to leave.

I walked out the door and headed straight for the office. As I got there I noticed that Kyle as well as teo off my pack warriors was already there waiting.

"Alpha." They said bowing their head respectfully.

I nodded my head towards them all but before anything else could happen or be said the office door opened and out walked Jayden.

He opened the door ready for us all to walk in.

"Alpha hunter." I said nodding my head at him as he did the same.

"So after everything what makes you think i should sign this agreement for us to become alles." Alpha hunter spoke getting straight to the point which i prefer.

"For starters we already had an alliance so i believe it is better we still have one and I have also noticed that I am not the only one who has noticed rogues getting closed to our territory." I spoke coldly.

He nodded his head.

"I have plenty off alliance Alpha Sophia. What makes you think especially after last night that I would want to have an alliance with you still. I do not need your pack, I have plenty other alliances. " He said coldly.

"After last night ? Please explain but onto the fact you have alliances yes you may do as do I. However do not let that get to your head Alpha Hunter. We are close by packs, having an alliance with close packs is better then none. You may have a powerful pack but do not forget mine is the third most powerful and I have more warriors then you do. You would be able to help me as much as I would be able to help you. If you wish to not have an alliance with me I will walk away now but question yourself on this Alpha hunter. Are you wishing to have no alliance with me for the better off your pack or because of the fact I am mates with your cousins and we have a bit off a situation." I spoke coldly.

As much as I understand him he is not fully thinking about his pack.

"Speakin of your mates who by the way are my sisters what are you going to do." Jayden spoke up.

"I believe that is between me and your sisters Beta Jayden. If you both do not mind I did not come here to speak about my mates i came for an alliance." I said but I could feel myself getting irritated.

Alpha Hunter grumbled something under his breathe before he sighed and nodded.

"Alright I will sign this alliance with you but as the Alpha of Rose and Daisy I still need to know what is going on. If they will stay here in my pack or if they will leave with you." Alpha hunter spoke.

I nodded my head In understanding but I did not say a word and I know they both know I do not know what to say.

"Look I do not know you and I can not say I like you. I do not know why you hate us witches so much but i hope one day you realise we are not all bad. Some of us are and I admit that but not all of us. Most off all I hope you do not let this get in between yourself and the twins. They deserve so much happiness. If you will excuse me I have to leave now I'm sorry." I heard Luna Sarah said before she walked out.

That is the first time a witch has ever dared to speak a word to me. It surprised me but something about what she said made me think about maybe actually seeing what could happen with the twins. Part off me wants to but then the other part makes me think about her.

"Are we signing this alliance." I asked.

I could see a bit off amusement in Hunters eyes at me not knowing what to say so I changed it to the alliance. I think he knows I'm not good with socialising but he nodded and we both signed the alliance.

After that I left and headed back to my room with my warriors following behind.

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