chapter 9- why do you not want us?

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Sophia p.o.v.

"Why do you not want us." I heard Daisy ask.

My eyes went cold and I narrowed my eyes at her. However it was a good question or more like an understandable question. I guess I do need to speak to them about this.

I sighed and sat down on the chair as they both was sat on the bed looking nervous.

"I have nothing against the both off you, apart from the obvious." I said when I noticed Rose narrowing her eyes at me and I know she is on about the witches.

"I have not wanted a mate for a long time, I do not have a problem with you both but I just do not want a mate." I said coldly .

"But why." Daisy said sadly.

My heart broke a little at hearing how sad she sounds but I took a deep breathe and shook my shoulders.

"I just don't." I said.

"At least tell us why you hate witches. If you are not going to tell us why you do not want us then tell us why you hate witches." Rose said and I could see she was angry but more over I could see she was hurt.

"Rose." Daisy said warningly.

"No its not fair Daisy. As long as I can remember we have waited for our mate and all because she does not want or like witches she doesn't want to be with us. We at least deserve an explanation." Rose shouted with tears in her eyes.

A growl rumbled from my chest.

"Enough." I growled out making them both clamp their mouthed shut.

"I am sure you are both tired after having a long day, I think it's best you both get some rest." I stated.

"Yes Alpha." Rose spat out at me in rage before storming out the room.

I didn't know what to do. Apart off me wanted to go after her but the other part off me was telling myself not to get to close.

You do not need a mate Sophia so leave them to it. I thought to myself

I looked at Daisy who looked so sad and heartbroken. She looked at me as though she wanted to say something but then decided not to.

"Good night Alpha." Daisy said softly before walking out the door and closing it.

Tears came to my eyes but I blinked them away. I will not ever put myself I'm the same situation my father did. Never ever.

I growled loudly before grabbing my suitcase and chucking it at the door. I needed to go for a run. I could feel the rage building up at everything that went on in my life.

I could feel myself shifting into my wolf but before I could try and get out off my room never mind the pack house I shifted into my wolf and was snarling and growling. My wolf trying to take over my whole body.

Their alpha Female mateWhere stories live. Discover now