chapter 17- goodbye

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Daisy p.o.v.

Yesterday was when Hunter told us we will be leaving to Sophias pack soon. A week the tops. He said it could be a week but could be even less but make sure we are ready.

I was shocked, excited and scared when I found it, I don't know what it's like there and if we will even fit in but I'm curious to know. I do wonder if our relafionship with Sophia will grow.

Right now I'm sat on the Grass with Crystal and we are talking. Crystal is my cousin and she is Also Hunters twin Sister. Crystal always knows how to cheer me and Rose up. I'm really going to miss her.

"Where is Rose anyway?" Crystal asked after talking about who knows what for a while.

"Training." I said.

Me and Rose train together and I do train do not get me wrong but Rose loves it a lot more then me. She really enjoy it and says it's bring her peice where as I am the opposite i really hate it. We train together but she also does more training then me.

"Of course." Crystal said rolling her eyes with a small laugh making me smile.

"Should we go watch her?" Crystal asked.

"It's nearly finished." I said but nodded my head with a shrug when i realised she wanted her mate. It just makes me uncomfortable sometimes with the stares i get from people.

We walked together laughing about anything and everything before finally getting there. We sat down and watched and to be honest I forgot how good and skilled Rose really is. Watching her made me realise how easy she Goes on me.

Rose p.o.v.

I'm training with some pack warriors. I like it. Fighting just bring me calmness. Sounds weird i know but it really does, it's like it takes all my anger or whatever else I'm feeling that's negative away.

Just as we are finishing i noticed Rose and Crystal my cousin sat watching us. I smiled and waved over at them. I was surprised because this really is not Daisy scenę. She has only come and watched a few times but always flinches at it all.

Finally i headed over to them and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you both doing here?" I asked after giving them a hug.

"We thought we wpuke com and see how you are doing." Crystal said withba shrug while looking around.

I raised an eyebrow before laughing.

"You mean you thought? This is not Daisy scenę and we all know that. Your mate is already gone and went for a shower." I said with a chuckle knowing that was actually why she came here.

Crystal blushed brightly red making us all laugh.

"I'm going to find him. I will see you all soon." She said with a giggle making us laugh more and for her to run Faster.

Myself and Daisy walked together back to moms house.

"Don't you think it's weird knowing we will be leaving here soon." Daisy said out the blue.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"I wonder how Sophia is getting on with the rogues." I wondered out loud.

Daisy hummed in agreement.

"I wonder as well. What kind of rogues have the balls to attack her pack?" Daisy asked with a shudder.

"I wonder why they attacked. I think it's a bit strange. They do not normally attack as a few off them unless given a reason. " I said with a Frown making Daisy snap her head towards me.

"I think something is going on." Daisy said with worry.

I sighed and smiled softly.

"I'm sure it is nothing to worry about." I said softly seeing her worry.

She looked unsure but before any of us could say anything our front door opened and there stood our mom. I didn't even realise we was home.

"Why you both stood outside?" She asked confused making us realise we stopped walking and where just talking.

"No reason." Daisy said quickly.

My mom looked at us and raised an eyebrow but nodded.

"Come on, your mate has been in contact." She said making my breathung Hitch.

"What?" I asked eith wide eyes but either mom ignored me or didn't hear me because she Carried on walking inside with us slowly following behind her.

I looked to Daisy she looked just as speechless as me. We was partly worried about what would be said so we swallowed our siliva and walked inside the house before sitting down next to mom and dad.

In the room stood mom, dad, Hunter and Sarah. Even Jayden and Sienna was here.They all smiled softly at us to try and ease our emotions but it didn't work. They all actually made me feel even more anxious and nervous.

"Mom is everything okay?" I asked with hope.

What if something has happened? What if something is wrong with Sophia? But wouldn't I feel it ? Or at least one of us would feel it.

"Everything is fine sweetie. Your mate is sending her warriors to come and get you both today. You will be leaving to her pack today instead but only if you want to." My mom said with tears in her eyes and I could see she was trying but failing to hold them in.

Tears came to my eyes at my moms reaction. I could see she was happy for us but sad we would be leaving. She knew we was going to leave.

"I- I thought Hunter said in a weeks time?" I said slightly confused.

"She did say that but it seems she changed her mind." Dad grumbled out. I could see he looked really sad.

I nodded my head and looked to Daisy who I could see and feel that she was sad but also happy.

"Alright, I guess we best make sure everything is ready. We will visit a lot though so don't think your getting rid of us that easy." I said with a small laugh making Daisy smile and everyone else let out a giggle.

"We would never think that." My mom said giving hs a tight hug.

We all hugged each other with tears in our eyes before mom helped make sure everything was packed and ready. Before we knew it we met with Kyle again who seemed really happy to see us. He actually made us both feel more calm on our journey to Sophias pack. Before we left we said our final goodbyes and thenwe got in the car on our way to Sophias pack.

Both of us were nervous but partly excited to see Sophia. Maybe then Rosie and Dotty our wolves will be more calm. Maybe even we will.

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