chapter 39- what are pregnancy symptoms?

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Sophia p.o.v.

It's the day that the twins family as well as the two witches are coming. I can not lie a part of me is dreading it. The thought of having witches in my pack makes my skin crawl.

I got up earlier then the twins today and left them a note letting them know I have gone to the pack office earlier. I know they are excited to see their family again but I can not help this dread that appear through my emotions and I do not want to upset the twins because I know I will have a hard time hiding it.

Their family are coming at 12 and it is now 9 in the morning. I'm sat in the office already wanting today to be over and done with. I have already informed my pack that people from the bloodlust pack are coming including two witches. I can feel a bit off tension in the air about the Witches coming.

The thing is it's not just me who lost my father due to the witches and rogues but some members of my pack lost family members from them as well.

As I'm sat in the office I hear a knock on the door. I could instantly smell that it was Daisy.

"Come in baby." I said softly but loud enough for her to hear.

The door handle slowly opened making it known she was hesitating. As she walked in I noticed she had her hair up and in a low pony tail with two strands off hair at the side of her face. She was dressed in a pair off blue jeans hugging her body tightly and a nice white flowly top.

"Hey." She said clearing her throat.

I looked at her a smiled softly.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly noticing she seems nervous. I beckoned her to come over to me which she did with no hesitation.

I pulled out my chair a little and tapped my leg gestering for her to sit on my lap. She blushed but smiled and sat down.

"Yeah I'm okay. I- I just wanted to say thank you. I- I know that it was not easy for you to allow them to come and I just want to tell you that we really do appreciate it and are really grateful." Daisy said shyly.

My eyes softened and I could feel she really meant it. She really is grateful and happy and appreciative. I smiled softly and kissed her cheek.

"Of course love. I might dislike witches but I know how much you miss your family and them." I said softly and to be honest as much as I hate witches I know they are close to them both. As long as they are no threat to my pack i do not mind my mates going to meet them as I can see how much they really do trust them.

At kissing her cheek a pink blush appeared on her cheeks as she smiled softly. Before any of us could say anything my Beta Jax walked in.

"Alpha, Luna." He said bowing his head. However he looked a bit tense and on edge making me frown.

"What's the matter Jax?" I asked confused and a little worried while furrowing my eyebrows.

He cleared his throat looking extremly tense.

"Where is Jadę?" He asked bluntly.

I looked at him confused as did Daisy.

"She is in the pack kitchen with Rose?" Daisy more questioned then stated.

He frowned now looking confused.

"Is everything okay Beta jax?" Daisy asked concerned but I frowned not liking her call him Beta.

He looked really lost though which actually made me slightly concerned. I could tell it had nothing to do with witches coming today because we had a talk this morning as I was on my way to the office and he wasn't this tense about it.

He looked at Daisy for a short while as though he was trying to figure her out which made me frown even more in confusion.

"What are the signs of pregnancy?" He blurted out making my eyes widen in shock and for Daisy to nearly choke on air.

However she answered.

"Sore breasts, cravings, if she is late for her heat, feeling more tired and a lot more. " Daisy said smiling softly.

"Has she mentioned anything about -" jax started saying but was cut off from Rose and Jade coming in.

"Hey guys." Rose said walking in and smiling before frowning clearly feeling she interupted something.

"Is everything okay?" Jadę asked confused.

I could smell Jade's sent and my eyes widened. I looked at Jax and I could see he was already looking at me as if to say can you sense it.

Alphas have a better smell then anyone else. We can smell almost anything before anyone else can. That includes if a female is pregnant with a pup. If you are mated to someone no matter what rank you are some people can sense a change and can smell their pup is in their mate. However Alphas can sense it with people even if they are not their mate or their pup.

I could smell even just by Jade's scent that Jadę is carrying a pup. She is pregnant but the thing is i don't even think Jadę realises in fact I don't think anyone else has.

Clearly my eyes widening confirmed it for Jax as he looked pale as anything while looking from me to Daisy then finally to Jade who looked really confused and concerned as did Rose.

Rose started walking towards me and I could see the confusion in her eyes. I looked at Daisy who had clearly realised Jadę was pregnant as well.

Rose sat on my other leg and snuggled into me.

"Is everything okay?" Rose whispered in my ear.

I cleared my throat and nodded.

"Why don't we go and make sure that everything is ready for when your family arrive. " I said softly.

Rose nodded her head clearly realising i want to leave Jax and Jade to have a conversation before Rose and Daisy stood up leaving a shocked Jax and a confused Jadę.

I said goodbye before we all walked out to the pack kitchen. This is where Daisy blurted out what happened and Rose squealed in happiness for her friend and then also seemed annoyed she didn't release it.

I could see Rose and Daisy had smiles on their faces about Jadę being pregnant even though Jadę seems to have not known or at least we don't think she knows.
We don't even know how Jadę and Jax feel about having a baby which when I announced this to the twins they both went silent and nodded their head.

It had made me wonder though.... do the twins want a child at one point ? Do I? I haven't really ever thought about having children. 

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