chapter 12- rogue attack

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Skylar p.o.v. (twins mom)

Seeing my girls sob in my arms like that over there mate broke my heart. It felt as though my heart ripped into pieces.

I held them tightly to me and comforted them both. It's going to be a hard road for them both and for Alpha Sophia but I can feel they will get through it.

One reason I know they will get through it is because i noticed Alpha Sophia has slept outside our house last night to keep an eye out on the twins which actually melted my heart.

I have heard rumours as to why she hate witches and rogues but I do not know fact but I'm sure we will find that out as some point.

After the twins left the pack house after our breakfast Alpha Sophia headed to her meeting.

"How are the twins?" Precious my best friend asked (the Luna before Sarah.)

"They will get there. Its hard for them at the moment but they are strong." I said softly.

She nodded her head.

"That they are." I said smiling.

"I could ki-" my mate Jacob said (the twins dad) but he shut his mouth once he noticed the twins walking back in the room.

"Is everything okay?" Daisy asked concerned noticing the silence where as Rose narrowed her eyes at us all.

"Of course princess." Jacob said kissing her head as well as Roses.

Not long after we was all sat down having small talk we watched as Alpha Sophia walked down the hallway and headed up I'm guessing to her room. Her Beta Kyle was also following her as well as some off her warriors.

I looked over to the twins who looked sad. My heart felt like it broke into pieces.

Sienna walked in witch Annabelle and Mitchel my two grandchildren and i could see this lifted both my girls up a little bit at seeing them. Rose and Daisy both love mitchel and Annabelle.

We all sat and talked some more before Alpha Sophia and Beta Kyle walked in.

Sienna p.o.v. (twins brother mate)

I look at Rose and Daisy as my own sisters not just sisters in law. It breaks my heart to see how sad they are. I understand a little bit with the sadness off not knowing what your mate wants because myself and Jayden had a bit off a rocky start and it was not that long ago but I know the pain, sadness and the hurt will be so much more for them. They have been waiting all their live for there mate where as I never even knew I would have one.

Annabelle and Mitchel are my adopted daughter and son but they both adore Rose and Daisy. I had a conversation with Annabelle who felt it was her fault the twins mate did not want Rose and Daisy. I had to explain that sometimes things are complicated but it's not her fault. It took her a while to understand but she now knows it's not her fault.

I do wonder why Alpha Sophia hates witches so much but at the same time itd not my business only the twins. However apart off me does want to show Alpha Sophia we are not all bad.

I guess we will just have to see what happens. Maybe one day i can have a sit down With Alpha Sophia.

"Mom." I heard my son Mitchel say quitly so no one can hear but I know Jayden and Hunter heard him but no one else was listening.

"Yes." I answered softly.

"Do you think auntie Rose and auntie Daisy will be okay.?" He asked and I could see through Concern.

"They are strong and so brake Mitchel. I think we have nothing to worry about." I said softly but I said nothing more as I noticed Alpha Sophia and her Beta Kyke walked in.

I have a feeling they heard myself and Mitchel as her eyes where set on us for a minute.

Everyone in the room went silent at seeing Alpha Sophia walk in, we all wanted to hear what she would say.

As she was about to say something she froze for a second and I could see her eyes glaze over meaning she is in a mindlink. I have started to get use to it with Jayden now so I know when he or anyone else is in a mindlink now.

All of a sudden a low angry growl left her lips. Everyone stiffened at feeling how angry she is, even i could feel how dangerous her aura was. I noticed even Hunter was a bit tense even though he looked calm if you look properly he was tense.

As her eyes looked back to normal she looked at Kyle.

"Get our warriors ready to leave now." She growled out making Kyle bow his head as well as some other people that are not even in her pack which made me wonder how powerful this woman really is.

"I apologise Alpha Hunter but we shall be taking our leave now." She spoke coldly and I could see she was trying to keep her cool.

Alpha Hunter nodded but had a frown on his face.

"Is there a problem Alpha Sophia ?" He asked but I could see he was slightly concenred.

"My pack has had a rogues attack so I need to head back. Thank you for your time." She said nodding st him. He stiffened at the mention of a rogues attack and nodded his head in understanding.

"I hope you both had a good birthday." Alpha Sophia said looking at the twins before nodding at them and turning her back and walking away.

She started walking towards the entrance and I'm guessing Beta Kyke had her luggage as he had two suitcase.

Alpha Hunter walked with her as did my mate Jayden. I could see they had a bit off a conversation with her before she got in the car and left.

I looked over at the twins who were sobbing in there moms chest. My heart felt it broke even more and tears even came to my eyes.

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