chapter 20- rules?

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Sophia p.o.v.

After I walked away leaving them in my house or should I say our house now ? Anyways I headed back to my office. I walked inside and sat down sighing. Jax was still in my office as was Kyle.

"They seem nice." Jax said with a slight chuckle.

"They are." Kyle said nodding head head while munching some sweets I had stashed.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing the sweets out his hand.

"How did you know where I put them this time Kyle?" I growled out narrowing my eyes at him.

"Hey! I was enjoying them." Kyle said playfully narrowing his eyes at me. I could see the amusement at how protective I get over my sweets.

"Well they are mine. Go get your own." I said.

"Oh come on you share everything else but the Haribos with us. They are not that good Sophia." He said rolling his eyes with a chuckle at my exaggeration over no one being allowed my haribos.

"If they are not that good then why do you keep trying to steal them?" I asked eith a smirk.

He frowned staring st me.

"Because you never allow me to have them and it makes me want them more " He said with a shrug.

This time Jax rolled his eyes our our bickering.

" you are both as bad as each other." He said with a chuckle.

"But on a serious note I can see they will make good lunas Sophia. They are gonna be a handful though I can tell you that much. Especially Luna Rose." He said with a chuckle as he starts heading out my office.

"What makes you think that"? I asked curiously.

"She seems like she is obedient but also sets people straight. I can see a bit off my jade in her but also the innocence like Luna Daisy. I can see she will be a stubborn person but also kind and would do anything for anyone." He said causllay with a shrug before walking out.

Jax is a man of few words but when he speaks he always speaks the truth or near to the truth. He is a very quite guy normally and is all about his Beta work or his mate. Jax is the most observant person I know. I can not lie though it comes in very handy.

"Sometimes I wish I could read people the way he does. Its like he has superpowers." Kyle said shrugging before he said goodbye and walked out leaving me alone in peace in my office.

I sighed and sat back in my seat. I really do wonder what will happen now. I guess I better get started for introducing the twins to my pack. They will become their Lunas.

I got up after I did a bit off work and headed back to my house where I know Daisy and Rose would still be. I sighed and walked inside the house.

I could hear Rose and Daisy talking but I'm guessing they sense i was here as they both stopped. I walked into the kitchen and was instantly stuck by the small of Bacon and egg.

I noticed Daisy was the one cooking and Rose Just seemed to be keeping Daisy busy by talking.

"I - I'm sorry I hope this is not a problem, we just got a bit hungrh so we made some food. I could make you some if you would like." Dasiy said shyly.

"You don't have to apologise Daisy. This is both your home now as well so make food whenever you like. As soon as you have both eaten I would like us to head back near me packhouse where we will be having the meeting with my pack so I can introduce you as their lunas." I said suprising myself with how soft my voice was.

They both looked surprised but nodded with a small smile.

"Is there anything we have to do?" Rose asked.

I looked at her confused.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I - i know some packs have different rules to become leader. Some just have to be welcome and some have task to do to prove they will be good leader and other have to fight but some also-" Rose started rambking and as cute as I thought it was i cut her off because I could see she was getting more and more worried.

"You do not have to do anything like that. Once you become part of our pack which will be in the next hour you will then start training and become lunas. The main thing you will both do is make sure the children are okay and possibly help with training and the chefs. Make sure everyone is okay in the pack and so on. Our pack believe in the moongoddess, you are both my chosen mate therefore you are also our lunas for a reason. We trust the moongoddess so no you will not be needing to fight anyone for any reason but you still have to train to fight for in case a war or rogues where to come for whatever reason." I spoke honestly.

I could see how Daisy stiffened at the mention of training. I could see the relief they both had at how much simpler everything would be and I could see they smiled as I said "our luna" and not just my packs Luna.

I was surprised at how even though Daisy had asked me if I wanted any food even though I did not answer she still made me some and placed it in front off me. I guess I was to engrossed in our conversation to realise she was making me some. I can see she is good with multitasking because it was very obvious she was still listening to us by her body language.

I thanked her with a small smile making her smile widen. I took a bite and almost moaned at how amazing it tasted.

"Thank you Daisy. This us really good." I almost moaned out to her.

"I couldn’t agree more." Rose said happily eating hers making me actually let out a chuckle at how the egg poured out a little down her chin.

Both the girls looked at me and smiled. I cleared my throat and Carried on eating. We ate in silence throwing small glances at each other every now and then until it was finally time to leave for the meeting.

I could see the twins where a little nervous but they still Carried on walking with there heads held high.

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