chapter 36- cafe

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Rose p.o.v.

I woke up feeling Daisy stir awake. I opened my eyes and instantly noticed how stiff my neck felt. I groaned slightly before touching my stiff neck.

Daisy looked at me and smiled. I smiled back remembering last night events. She finally marked us and my God it felt so good.

My smile soon turned into a frown when I realised Sophia was not in bed with us. Clearly Daisy noticed this as well as she also frowned.

However before any of us could panic I heard the bedroom door open before Sophia in with a small smile.

"Your both awake." She said softly with a smile.

I sat up in bed and nodded before looking at her arms. In her arms their was a tray filled with food. I could see sausages, beans, egg and toast making my mouth water.

"You made us breakfast?" Daisy asked softly with suprise written all over her.

Sophia smiled and cleared her throat.

"I tried." Sophia said with a chuckle scratching the top off her head after she passed us our plate.

I cringed slightly looking at the food. The beans some how looked burnt and the toast was black. The soasages where burnt.

All of a sudden Sophia burnt out laughing. My eyes lit up at her laugh ans before I knew it myself and Daisy was laughing as well.

"How about we go to the cafe and get food. I can't lie I wouldn't even give that to a Mouse." She said with a chuckle.

I laughed a bit more before nodding.

"Thank you though Sophia. It's the thought that counts." Daisy said softly with a smile.

I could feel in our bond all of our emotions. Mine and Daisy emotions where showing appreciation and awh and happiness while Sophias where showing amusement and awh as well as happiness but I could feel a bit off embarrasment in there before it dissapeared at Daisy's words making Sophia smile.

"I agree. Thank you." I said softly before kissing g her cheek.

She chuckled before saying any time.

All of a sudden she stopped laughing and looked at our necks with a smile. I gasped remembering there will be a mark now and instantly myself and Daisy jumped out our bed into the bathroom to have a look.

Our Marks looked beautful. Myself and Daisy had the exact same mark but my God it was so beautful. Their was two wolves with Sophias enitials underneath.

"Wow." Myself and Daisy said at the same time.

I looked over to Sophia with a smile and noticed she was already staring at us with a smile.

"Beautful isjt it." Sophia said softly.

We both nodded at her and smiled.

She walked over to us and smiled before she pecked both our lips taking us by suprise before she headed downstairs while we got ready.

I got showered in Sophias bathroom and as soon as I was ready Daisy jumped into Sophias bathroom. I am guessing we both had in mind off using her shower stuff and wanting to smell like her as much as we could.

We both headed downstairs once we were ready and I noticed that Sophia was already ready and actually had a cup off coffee ready for us to go with.

I smiled in thanks as she passed me mine while Daisy put her shoes on at the front door. After Daisy had her shoes on she passed Daisy hers and then we headed out the door.

Sophia unlocked her car door and we jumped in with me at the front and Daisy at the back. Me and Daisy agreed that on the way back Daisy will get in the front.

We sat in the car and instantly we started talking.

"What would you guys like to have from the cafe?" Sophia asked as we nearly got their.

"Egg, sausages beans and toast." We both said at the same time before we all burnt out laughing.

It feels really nice. For the first time it actually feels like no matter what maybe we can really do this. It feels like Sophia is actually being more open and we are seeing another side to her.

Daisy p.o.v.

I'm sat in the back of the car but I don't mind. Sitting in the front of the car sometimes makes me anxious. I'm not really sure why and it's not all the time I feel like that it's only sometimes.

Finally we got to the cafe and we got out the car before walking in and instantly sitting down. I noticed their was some people from our pack here but also some humans. I know it's just outside our borders. I also noticed everyone from our pack has someone with them so they listened to Sophias order.

They all bowed the head secretly and smiled at us making myself and Rose smile back but Sophia just nodded  her eyes going cold for a second making my heart clench a little hoping they don't stay cold towards us.

Aa if sensing my emotions Sophia looks at me and smiled making me smile back and sigh in relief. We sat down and ordered and surpsingly Sophia ordered the same as us but she also had bacon.

We got seated in a more private part which made me a bit happy as we can speak a bit more freely.

Mainly me and Rose talked but we all spoke about our child Hood and I was happy that Sophia spoke a bit about hers even if it was only a little bit.

Finally we finished and headed back to the car. I got in the front and I started humming to a song that came on the radio making Sophias eyes light up. Before I knew it we was all singing to the song and honestly i could not help the smile. It's like all of a sudden a weight has been lifted off our shoulders and we are finally wasing into each other.

Sophia is going to the pack office while myself and Rose are meeting Carla and Jade their to spend some time with them and I can not lie I am excited to see them again.

They promised to tell us a bit more about the pack but it also made me think about this rogue that is still in the dungeons and not out seeing his mate and getting to know him.

Sophia told us about ryder and how his mate is the rogue. She told us about how he was attacked when he was around 14 and now he hates rogues but his mate is rogue and it makes me sad. I hope they can sort it. It also makes me want to meet Ryder and make sure he is okay. Maybe I could ask Rose and the girls to take me to him and maybe we could see him and make sure he is okay.

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