chapter 10- sad

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Rose p.o.v.

"Look at my mates again and I will not hesitate to kill you." I heard Sophia growl out.

I looked at who she was talking to and realised it was Heather. My eyes widened in surprise not at Heather staring at us but at Sophias response to it.

Heather cowards and shrunk in her seat. I half expected Hunter my cousin to say something about Sophia disrespecting a pack member but I was not fully surprised when he never because especially Alpha mates are very possessive over there mates. Even if Sophia was not an Alpha and has said something to Heather he would not say anything because everyone is protective and possessive over their mate. Hunter or anyone else would have reacted the same way over there mate.

I looked at Heather who avoided eye contact with everyone. Heather has been hoping myself and Daisy was her mate for a long time but we knew she wasn't. We never felt anything towards her.

Heather is a nice girl don't get me wrong but she has this what people would call obsession about myself and Daisy. At first we never thought much about it but it did start to get a bit uncomfortable whenever she would just stare. However again she actually is a really nice person and would do anything for anyone.
Her father and mother are both a warrior in our pack.

Silence was all you could hear after everyone heard what Sophia had said to Heather. No one really knew what else to say or do.

I looked over to Hunter who was looking from me and Daisy to Heather to Sophia. He had a frown on his face but I could not read his emotions.

Not long after Annabelle and Mitchel walked in and sat right next to me and Daisy. Annabelle next to me and mitchel next to Daisy.

I could feel Sophias eyes on us and I knew that Daisy, Annabelle and Mitchel could feel her eyes on us as well by how they shifted a lot in their seat.

Thankfully Sophia never said another word especially to Annabelle and mitchel. I looked over at Jayden who was staring at his twins daughter and son and then over at Sophia, like he would pounce if he had to. It made me sad that my brother was on EDGE around my mate and his children.

Daisy p.o.v.

Everyone after a bit of silence started talking
Amongst ourselves again. I could feel Rose sadness though and it made me feel sad.

"What's wrong Rose." I whispered to her.

She looked at me and give me the eyes off i will tell you later.

Myself and Rose had a talk after we walked out off Sophias bedroom when we got home.


After Rose storned out Sophias bedroom i said good night to Sophja before I followed Rose. I headed out the pack house and straight home as I knew that is where she would go.

I got home and noticed my mom was stood in the hallway with Rose wrapped around her who was crying. My heart brake even more seeing this. Rose is not one to cry like this in front of people. I mean yes she cries to mom and to me but she never cries like this.

Tears came to my eyes and a sob escaped my lips as I looked over at mom and Rose. Moms eyes snapped to mine and she head out her other ARM that i ran into and hugged her.

"Can we sleep with you and dad tonight please mom." I asked while hiccuping.

I don't care how old i am. Right now I need my mom and Daisy comfort. No matter how old myself and Rose get we always sleep With mom and dad if we are ever do upset and mom and dad never care. I think they secretly love it because it reminds then from when we were younger. It's not often we do it, once in a blue moon but it's bring us so much comfort.

"Of course." My mom said softly.

We climbed in mom and Dads bed, dad had his arms out ready for cuddles. I looked at him and laughed at his silly pyjamas. Mom like buying silly pyjamas but I also know he only sleep in them when we get in bed with them. I think it's to cheers us up to be honest.

We climbed in bed and all had small talk before we all drifted off To sleep. The comfort i got from my paręnts always make me have a really good sleep.

Flashback over

Hearing sophias reaction to Heather staring at us both brought me comfort and slight confusion. I know she is going home today but what I really want to know is if she wants me and Rose and if we are to go with her or if she is going to reject us.

My heart physically hurt thinking about her rejecting us but it also hurt not knowing what she wants with us. Does she want us?

I looked at Rose who now wouldn't even look at our mate although our mate is looking at us because I can feel her eyes on us.

"Alpha Sophia, the meeting will be in 2 hours." I heard my cousin Alpha Hunter announce.

My whole body stiffened. I know not long after the meeting she will be going home. Will we be going? Will we be staying? And on top of that am I ready to leave this pack? Will Sophias pack even accept us? We all know Sophia especially but also her pack gate witches. However we don't and we are family to some.

Why do they hate witches? What happened for them to hate witches so much? I mean the full story.

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