chapter 14- tell me what you know

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Sophia p.o.v.

I'm sat in my office and I'm really frustrated. I had a mindlink just as I was about to ask Rose and Daisy to come and speak to me. However before I could ask them to come and speak to me I had a mindlink of my Beta Jax letting me know they had an attack from a fee rogues but it was enough to injure some off my warriors which angered me.

I didn't even have a chance to say a proper good bye or talk to the twins as I had to get back. We had one in hostage and one off the rogues spilled out in fear that we will be having another attack soon.

I had to get back to make sure that does not happen again so I headed straight back. My pack is in danger so the talk with the twins had to wait.

I could have just told them to hurry up and get ready so we could leave but my pack is in danger off another rogue attack and on top of that I did not want to put Rose and Daisy in any kind off danger. I do not know how well they can fight and protect themselves. I would rather them stay at there pack for longer while I sort this then bring them here and they get injured after we have another attack.

The other attack happened Alright though. Not long after I Turned up the second attack happened. However as soon as most noticed I was back they ran off my territory as Quick as they could. Unfortunately for two off them we got ahold of them and they are know sat in my dungeon.

What's making me frustrated however is no matter how much i keep trying to forget about the twins even if it's just for five minutes my mind is constantly going back to them. It's drivint me insane. All i can think about is them and how I want them around me.

I groaned and knew I needed to let off some steam. I came back to my pack only yesterday and already i have been snapping at everyone making everyone stay away.

I got up off my chair and headed straight for the dungeons. I mindlinked Jax and Kyle to head their with me so we all walked together, no one saying a word.

As I got there I watched as all the colour drained from both the boys face.

"Pl- please don't do anything. Alpha Sophia we were only doing as we was told." The rogue stuttered out.

He was skinny and about 5ft7. He had hair long at the top and it had all sorted of dirty and even Blood in his hair. His face was filthy and he looked to be in his thirties.

The other małe stayed quite with tears pouring down his eyes. He only looked to be about 19 the most.

"Who told you to attack my pack." I growled out.

"An Alpha. He told us he would give us money and a some food and water if we did as he said." The rogue spoke stuttering.

"Who is he." I growled out.

"Alpha fin." He said.

I looked at him confused.

"Who the fuck is Alpha Fin." I questioned more confused then anything. I have never ever heard of this Alpha before.

This time the małe rogue looked confused but when I looked at the younger małe he looked just as confused as to who Alpha Fin is. In fact he looked confused as to even who this guy is.

"Alpha Fin has just taken over the woodpack." The małe said.

"So one of the weakest packs told you to come and attack a powerful pack." I snarled.

"And you dared to think you could do it." I growled out even angrier before I snarled and before I knew it i clawed him in the face making him scream in pain and horror.

I glared at the young małe next to him. I snarled at him and was ready for attacking him before he spoke.

"Please stop i have nothing to do with it. I have no idea what this guy is on about or who he is i was just passing by and I smelt my mate in this pack. I didn't even realise i was in your pack border until it was to late i swear to you." The young małe said with a sob.

I growled lowly at him. Normally I would not care and still go ahead and harm or kill him but something was stopping me.

"Why are you both rogue." Jax questioned.

"I have been all my life." The older małe replied with a shrug but then winced from the pain on his cheek for talking and from the pain that my gaurds would have inflicted.

"And you?" Kyle asked the younger małe.

The younger małe cleared his throat and had more tears in his eyes. He looked ashamed.

"I'm gay, I got kicked out for being gay." The younger małe whispered looking ashamed.

I low growl rumbled from my chest. I hate those packs that will kick there people out for being different in anyway. You pack members no matter what should be loved and looked after. I took a whiff off his scent but that's when I realised he not long been rogue.

"How long." I asked coldly.

"I'm guessing all my life? I don't know I realised I was gay when I was about 14 or 15 because I liked thi-" He started saying before I heard jax and Kyle cough while trying to not laugh at him not understanding what I meant.

"She meant how long have you been rogue." Kyle said trying not to laugh out loud.

He looked embarrassed and made an motion of "o" with his mouth before clearing his throat.

"2 weeks. It was my 18th birthday and I was disappointed that this guy was not my mate. I- I guess I made it to obvious and people heard me say that I wish you was my mate. We thought we would be mates but clearly we was not." He said partly looking sad.

I can not lie I felt sorry for him. It brought me back to thinking about my mates. Are they sad I am there mate? Did they wish someone else in their pack was there mate? These questions made me growl out loud. I shook my head and looked back over to the older male.

"Tell me everything you know." I said grabbing his face.

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