chspter 13- walk

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Rose p.o.v.

Alpha Sophia has gone to have the meeting with Hunter, my cousin about the alliance and to be honest I am really nervous.

I talked with my mom, Sienna, Annabelle and Mitchel for a while and not long after Sophia cane out the office but headed straight upstairs but my brother Jayden and cousin Hunter came and sat with us all for abit.
My dad was here as well.

Aa we was all talking we stopped once Alpha Sophia came again. Before she could day anything however we noticed she had a mindlink but she looked really angry.  I could instantly tell something was wrong.

She said her goodybyes to everyone letting Alpha Hunter know that there was an emergency to do with rogues at her pack so she will be heading back to her pack and before I knew it she was gone.

I sobbed as well as Daisy. My mom comforted me but no matter how much comfort she was giving us there was still this pain in my chest that I could feel. She just left with out taking us and with out letting us know what Will be happening with us as we are all still mates. She has made me feel even more confused and lost as I was before.

She left around an hour ago and my mom took myself and Daisy home. We looked ourselves in our room and just soaked in each other comfort. It hurt an awful lot.

Even though she has no actually out right rejectdd us it kind off feels like a rejection. All I can think is that if she did out right reject us how much more this would actually hurt.

I climbed in bed next to Daisy and hugged her. She was sobbing so much and it hurt more. I could feel the pain through our bond.

I'm not sure when we fell asleep but I wokenup to the Sun shining brightly in my eyes and for Daisy to be gone. My eyes were wet and sticky.

Daisy p.o.v.

Heartbroken.  That's all I could feel as soon as our mate left us. No goodbye and no i will see you soon there was nothing off the kind, she was just gone.

I understood her pack needed her but why could she not have said anything to us? Why didnshe have to leave like that?

All the doubt i had about myself came flooding back? Is it because I'm not good enough? Is it because she doesn't want two mates?  My heart just feels like it's been ripped apart. It feels shattered. .

I woke up to still being cuddled up to Rose. My eyes where just as wet as Roses looked but they were really sticky even on my cheeks.

I layed there for a minute thinking about how mine and Roses life is going to be now. No mate to love us and that's all we have ever wanted sińce we found out what mates where.

I always dreamed off my mate always giving us love. I knew they was always a chance of us being rejected and that had always been mine and Roses fear. She may not have rejected us but it feels like it.

Myself and Rose always said we will stick by each other no matter what happens but it hurt us so much more then i ever imagained. I feel numb.

I slowly got out off Roses arms and headed to the bathroom taking a long needed shower. I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs. It must be early because no one is even up and it's still a little dark outside.

I looked at the time and noticed it was only 5 in the morning. I sighed but decided i wanted to go for a walk. I grabbed my boots and headed straight out.

I started walking and tears welled up in my eyes. I had always dreamed that even once a week myself, Rose and our mate would go for these walked together.

Tears poured down my cheeks knowing this was never going to happen. A sob escaped my lips nk matter how hard i tired not to let it out.

"Daisy?" I heard someone say softly.

I Turned around and noticed it was Heather. The one who my mate snapped at fir staring at us and she has also tired to get with us for a long time.

"I heard about your mate leaving. I'm so sorry." She said softly and I could see the look of sympathy in her eyes. It was real though it wasn't fake or anything.

I nodded my head but didn't say anything. What can I say to that?

I looked away from her and stared at the trees. I love naturę. It's always so calming and it somehow całms me.

"May I walk with you? I won't if you don't want me to." She said softly.

I guess I could do with a bit off company instead off hollowing in self pity. I can see she doesn't pity me she just sympathises with me.

I nodded my head and we Carried on walking but in silence. It wasn't awkward it was just nice. It's sad to know that my mate is not walking with us but at least I could have a friend.

"I'm sorry."  I heard her say.

I looked at her with a frown confused.

"I have been desperat to find my mate for over a year and to feel some kind off love. I can see how desperat the both off you was to find your mate and I so badly wanted to have a mate like you both. I guess I just wanted to badly to find my mate and I always hoped it would be you both. I guess I kind off put myself out there making me look desperate." She said and I could see her crjnge a little bit at realaising how forward she has always been about how much she like us.

I threw her a small smile letting her know it's okay.

"Have you found your mate yet?" I asked softly.

She shook her head in no.

"She is somewhere but just nowhere to be seen yet." She said sadly.

I nodded my head.

"Alpha Sophia will come around Daisy." She said after a short moment of silence. All I could reply to that was a small sad smile because in all honesty I'm not so sure she will.

All of a sudden i could small Rose. I looked up and noticed Rose walking towards us. She give Heather a small smile before looking at me.

"Hunter wants to speak to us both." He said softly.

I stiffened but nodded my head. We said goodbye to Heather and walked to the pack house.

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