chapter 3-

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Sophia p.o.v.

I am known to be the most powerful Female Alpha. Do not get me wrong I do not have the most powerful pack but out all the female Alphas I do.

I'm known to everyone as ruthless and cold but to those who know me know that I am the opposite.

I do not believe I am ruthless as such but I am protective of those I care about including my pack. I do what I have to do and I have no mercy with it. Why should I? If I harm you in any sort off way you brought danger or harm to those I care about or even to my pack. I will not and I should not care.

I'm the Alpha to my pack. Before me, my dad was the Alpha. He was a great man and he helped out as many people as he ever could, the same with my mom. However that's what got them killed.

Since that got my parents killed i have become partly the opposite. I trust my pack and my pack only. I do not like or trust anyone outside my pack and I will always listen to my gut if it's anything bad.

Kyle who is my third in command and Jax who is my Beta are my best friends. We have known each other since childhood and I trust them more then anyone in the world. I trust them eith my life and with my packs life.

Carla and Jade are both Kyle and jaxs mates. It took a year but I have started to trust them. I still am on edge with them but I will deal with them for the sake of my best friends. I trust them enough to be in my pack. They both are from different packs.

My pack trust me with their entire life as I trust them. They do fear me but not to the point they are afraid to talk to me about anything but they never want to get on my bad side. However if they have a problem they will come to me because we have that trust. They are not to scared to tell me about a problem and I love that because i never want my pack to fear me that much to where they could not speak to me about a problem especially about the pack.

Tomorrow is the day myself and my gamma Kyle will be heading out to Alpha Hunters pack for his cousins birthday. I would have declined the invitation as I am not interested but I had to go to resign our alliance.

They are a powerful pack so as much ad Alphas can become big headed about having the best pack and not needing an alliance I would rather have the alliance off peace and not go to war with a very powerful pack. I would rather know that for whatever reason could be possible I would not go to war with this pack.

I do not fear them but if I could avoid any war with them I would because they would out number me.

Our pack is full off all different people. Some guys, some lesbians, some have more then one mate and some are mateless but we are all strong in our own ways. We all make each other stronger by the trust we all have.

Tomorrow we have to attend the birthday party just to be polite as my Beta and Gamma put it and then the day after we sign the alliance and the head home.

This is what we are all having a debate on now.

"Well why don't I just head to the pack the say after the party and sign it then head on home." I said annoyed.

"Sophia how many times do I have to say we need to be polite." My Gamma groaned at me.

"I am going to be polite Kyke, I will juet say I am sorry I will not attend the party but I will be able to come and sign the alliance the day after the party." I said sighing.

"Why do you not see the rude side to that?" Kyle grumbled out.

"I'm not being rude I just do not want to attend a pointless party." I said with a frown.

"As pointless as the party sounds you need to go to it. They may want to sign the alliance more if you attend because you showed respect off attending a party you was invited to as well as coming to re-sign the alliance. It shows you have respect for them as well." My second in command Kyle said getting frustrated with me.

"They will have witches there Kyle, I am not going." I growled out getting just as irritated.

They both sighed at hearing my reasoning.

"I understand you do nkt want to go there because if the witches but it's more a reason you need to go." My Beta jax said making me frown.

"And why is that jax?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"It will show them you will not be attacking them even though they have witches." Jax said.

I growled under my breathe.

"If I wanted to attack them I would have already." I snarled out.

"As far ad they may be aware they could think you want to plan on attacking. You attending this party will show them you are willing to stick around them fir a short while even though they know how much you hate witches, it will show them you have nothing against their pack." Jax said.

"I do have something against their pack. They have witches their jax." I said with a snarl.

"Yes but you do not have something against them that much to attack, that's what they need to know." Jax said making me groan them sigh and nod.

I guess he is right. As much as I hate the thought of staying near anything witches he is right. I need this alliance especially with how much rogues are starting to appear near our pack snd attack other packs at the moment. It's better safe then sorry I Guess.

"Alright I will go." I said gritting my teeth.

All off a sudden I smirked.

"Jax you will be looking after the pack while you Kyle will be coming with me." I said smirking which made his smirk turn into a frown.

"Why me." He whined like a baby making me and jax chuckle.

Their alpha Female mateWhere stories live. Discover now