chapter 28- why?

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Sophia p.o v.

As the twins stormed off from me I growled lowly before heading to my office. My mood turned even mour sour. I don't get it the wolves where having a nice run and then all of a sudden they come out with all that.

"Maybe because they can sense that you keep on changing your mind about having mates." Silver growled out at me.

"I'm not been changing my mind silver. We do not need a mate but our pack needs a Luna." I said coldly.

Silver let out a chuckle.

"Right well if that's the case then why did you sleep with them last night. I was not the one who said it you was the one who came up with it. Also are you forgetting I can feel every bit of your emotions. You want them just as much as they want you but your denying it because of something they or us can not help. They are not her." Silver growled out at the end.

"How can I trust that when they are very close to witches as well." I said growling back.

"If you truly believed that Sophia then why are they in our pack. Why have you introduced them as our Luna and let them near our pack members and Daisy has been around the pups at the orphanage at that. All your doing is hurting them as well as yourself In the process. You know full well they are not like her but you are choosing to believe they are so that you can protect yourself of getting hurt. Un- do the damage Sophia or I will never speak to you again." Silver growled out before blocking me off.

I sighed to myself as I got back into the office. I felt so many emotions and I wasn't sure how to deal with it all. So instead of dealing with it all I did the opposite and just did some pack paper work.

After a couple off hours I heard a knock at the door. I instantly got a whiff and could smell it was Daisy.

"Come in." I called out.

She opened the door and instantly I could smell that she had made a cottage pie. My stomach rumbled at the smell wanting it.

All she did was place the food down as well as a cup of coffee for me and then she walked out with out a word. She barely even glanced at me making my heart clench.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. I grabbed the food and could not help but moan at the taste. It was amazing.

I sighed and started thinking about what the twins had said and what Silver had said. Even though they are not happy with me Daisy still made me food and a coffee to make sure I ate. She still cares.

Maybe Silver is right. Maybe I am pushing this to much and maybe I actually should give this a try. Silver is right about the fear off it happening to me but maybe just maybe I could push past that fear. I think maybe it's time I start letting them in. Maybe I need to tell them what has happened and maybe they could understand why I am the way I am.

I sighed and finished my coffee and my food before I decided to head back home. Its now 7 o clock at night and to be honest I am feeling rather tired.

As I headed home I noticed that Jadę and Carla was still here. I sighed and pinched my nose before I headed inside. As soon as I stepped inside everyone went silent and looked over at me. Carla and Jade bowed their head at seeing Me before they said goodbye.

I frowned when I looked over at the twins who where glaring at me.

"What ?" I asked with a frown.

"I never said they had to leave all I did was walk in so stop with the glaring." I growled at them having enough of the disrespect today.

"You have an innocent rogue in your dungeon." Rose growled out.

I looked at her and narrowed my eyes at her.

"What is your problem Rose." I gritted out. .

"I will repeat it again Sophia. You have an innocent rogue in your dungeon." She frowned at me.

"What makes you think he is innocent.? " I questioned raising an eyebrow.

She frowned before staying silent.

"Instead of growling and raising your voice at me Rose I suggest you ask me instead off trying to argue with me." I said raising an eyebrow at her .

"For you to walk away again and ignore us?" Rose snorted out.

A low growl escaped my lips.

"Enough." I boomed loudly.

I could see as they both flinched making my eyes soften slightly.

"I am heading up for a shower and getting an early night. Good night." I said needing to get away before we argue even more because I do not have the energy for it and I'm worried I will say something I will regret. I don't want to hurt there feelings and my head feels really scrambled at the moment. I think the talk I need to have with them is best not to be done tonight with how my head feels a mess and they are still pretty angry at me. I can also see how uncomfortable it is making Daisy.

I sighed and got ready for bed. Its now 10 and I have been trying to sleep for an hour and half but I just can not. A low irritating growl escaped my lips before I got out off bed and headed downstairs and was surprised to see that Daisy and Rose was still downstairs.

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