chapter 41- the twins mom

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Sophia p.o.v.

I head back to my office after talking to the twins and reassuring my pack that I would never allow anyone here I felt will be a danger. I'm trying to trust these witches who I know are called Sienna and Sarah. Honestly the main reason being they would have something to loose just as much as I would which would be the twins.

We would all be Just as heartbroken if we lost the twins and I wouldn't hesitate to kill them if they were at fault. However I knew I made the right choice in letting them stay here when I could actually see how much they adored Rose and Daisy.

I sighed to myself and got doing some paper work. I could feel through the bond how happy the twins where being with there family and to be honest it helped me relax more and more.

Around 2 hours after I started doing paper work I heard a knock at the door making me frown. I recognised the scent but could not figure out who it was.

"Come in" I shouted clearly. A few seconds later the door opened and I was surprised to see it was the twins mom Skylar.

I was surprised and gave her a small smile.

"Hello? The twins are not in here?" I said a bit confused.

Skylar let out a small little laugh and smiled.

"I know, I came to see you."she said.

I was surprised I can't lie but also a little nervous. I nodded my head putting my paperwork down.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

She smiled before sighing with a small smile and sitting down in front of me.

"Did my girls ever tell you how excited they were for find in there mate. They had been waiting for so long and always wondered who she would be. At the same Time they were scared wondering if their mate would accept them both. " she said shaking her head.

I was surprised and didn't know this but stayed quite partly not knowing what to say and also wanting to know where she was going with this.

"My point is Alpha Sophia, my girls are the sweetest girls you would ever meet. They already love you even before they met you. I know this is a bit of a rocky situation for you all at the moment and I can see that you guys are actually trying to work things out and thank you for allowing us all to come I know it must have been hard. I also know you did it for my girls so thank you. " Skylar said softly and I could really see in her eyes that she meant it.

I cleared my throat and nodded with a small smile.

She let out a chuckle knowing I really did not know what to say.

"So what else did you come here for?" I asked after a short while of silence.

She smiled more and let out a small laugh.

"I want to know more about this rogue problem of yours. Anything I can do to help?" She asked softly.

I let out a small chuckle. I knew what she said about how she is glad we are trying to work stuff out with me and the girls that she meant it but she could have said that any other time. She came all the way to my office without the twins or anyone else I'm n it daft I knew there was more to it that she never wanted to mention in front of everyone.

I let out a sigh.

"We have been having problems and had a small attack the other day. The twins were not harmed though so not to worry." I quickly said after seeing the horror on her face.

"Attacked again ?" She said with a frown knowing there is a lot more to it.

I nodded my head and looked at her.

"There is a new Alpha called Alpha fin. He was a rogue who took over a small pack and believes that women should only be Luna and not Alpha. He believes that women should be in the kitchen with their mates pups and that is all." I said with a small snarl.

A small growl escaped her lips as well as a snarl.

"That dirty pig." She snarled.

"You know you could have asked me in front of the twins ? I have been honest with them they know what is going on." I said softly.

She gave me a small smile before nodding.

"I know but for one they most likely would have tried to make it not as bad as what it is and for two I knew you would be more blunt about it. If you need any help out pack with help out." She said.

I nodded my head in thanks. I told her everything that I know and that has happened and I could see she was fuming. Half way through she had decided to mind link her mate Jacob who is also the twins father and I told him the bit he missed before telling them both everything else.

It was honestly surprising and nice how I could instantly feel the trust I had with the both. I knew I could trust them maybe it's through instinct or maybe it's because their twins are my mate I'm not really sure but I just knew I could trust them.

Before I knew it the twins as well as everyone else who came was in my office and the twins ended up telling everyone else what has been happening with me piping in every now and then. I could see they all wanted to help including Angel.

I was starting to get a little uncomfortable I had already been in the office with not just one but two witches for just over half an hour and this is the longest I have ever been around a witch with out me killing them. Don't get me wrong they both seem alright and fine and I don't have this instant feeling to kill them like I normally do but it's still uncomfortable.

"Sophia." I heard Daisy say softly sounding a little nervous.

I looked at her and narrowed my eyes slightly. I instantly knew what was coming. Everyone went into a tense silence. By now my Beta and Second in command as well as their mates where here and had all introduced themselves.

Some where tense knowing full well what was about to be said but others where tense not knowing what was about to be said.

"Maybe Sienna friend could help with the other rogue?"

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