chapter 6- our mate

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Rose p.o.v.

As we walked into the room where our party is being held I instantly got a whiff off mint. My mouth watered for it and I could not help but rush forwards to try and find the smell.

I could see by the corner of my eye that Daisy was doing the same thing. As we got to the middle off the room we stopped as we noticed the most beautiful girl I have ever set eyes on. She was stunning.

She had on a white women's suit and my god did she look stunning in it. She really suited it. Even through the suit I could see Hoe her muscles bulged out snd how her curved where amazing. Juet by looking at her I could sense she was strong.

"Mates." I heard the woman say.

"Mate, ours." I heard as myself and Daisy said as well as our wolves.

However all she could say to us was to enjoy the rest off our day and then walk away go get a drink.

The anger and the hurt I felt at that was worse then anyone could imagine. Tears pricked my eyes but I blinked them away. When I looked at Daisy I could see she was struggling to blink them away so I grabbed her hand and smiled softly.

"Like she said, enjoy the rest off our day so we will." I said softly.

"Maybe she is just to shocked and doesn't know how to go about this." I heard Sarah said softly.

I nodded my head and gave her a small smile.

"Well your mate is an Alpha." Sienna said smiling softly.

My eyes widened in realisation. I looked at Daisy who looked like she had only just realised this as well.

"Out off everything I thought she could be am Alpha was not what came to mind." I said with a chuckle.

"Me neither." Daisy said with a giggle.

"Wh- who is she?" Daisy asked.

"Her name is Alpha Sophia. I'm sorry about the way she reacted she means no harm. She is not exactly good at socializing. Please be patient with her though I beg off you my future lunas. She a really good person but has been through a lot. She will come round one day and you will see the real her. I just beg you give her a chance and patience." I heard someone say from behind us 

Daisy jumped and turned around as did I. I looked up and noticed a guy around 6ft hight. He was handsome but not for me or Daisy as women for starters is all we like but also because we want Sophia.

"I understand. My name is Daisy by the way." Daisy said softly.

He smiled softly at her.

" my name is Kyle, I am the second in command. I am guessing you are Luna Rose, its a pleasure to meet you both Luna Rose and Luna Daisy." Kyle said softly.

"You too Kyle but you do not have to call us Luna." I said smiling.

He smiled and bowed his head but did not comment on what we said. I could feel eyes staring at me and I guess Daisy felt the same. We both looked up and noticed Alpha Sophia was staring at us. Even when she noticed us looking she did not care and continued to stare making me blush.

"I hope you both enjoy your night. I will see you both around." Kyle said before bowing snd walking away.

Daisy p.o.v..

As Kyle walked away I sighed and looked at everyone.

"Let's give your mate something to stare for." My mom said softly before grabbing both mine and rose hand and we all started to dance to the music.

For about an hour we danced and laughed with each other. It was really nice. I could feel Alpha Sophias eyes on us all the time which always mafe me end up in a hot mess but after a while I got used to it.

Fkr some reason her constantly staring made me feel ay ease. Like nothing bad could happen while she was here.

After a while we cut our cake and before I knew it we was all eating some cake. I could not help but keep glancing over at my mate. She really is beautiful and stands out to the whole crowd.

I looked over at Daisy and even though she had a smile on her face I could see she was upset over our mate, as am I. 

I have heard many rumours of Alpha Sophia, not one off them being good either. They where never relationship rumours only that she was ruthless towards rogues and witches. Many off the rumours was what she did to them and how she killed them painfully. When I look at her I now can see I would nkt put it past her, she doesn't even try to hide her dislike towards witches and to be honest it hurts when I know that not all witches are bad. Most witches are now my family and even if my mate doesn't like it I would not have it any other way. They are my family.

As everyone started to psrt ways a little myself and Daisy was left standing along together.

"Does our mate not want us Rose." Daisy asked sadly.

I didn't even know what to say.

"I'm sure she does Daisy maybe she really is just in shock. We all heard How much she despises witches, maybe she just doesn't know How to behave around them without harming them." I said hoping that it's the truth.

Daisy nodded her head but before she could say anything else we heard a squeal before i felt someone jump on my back.

"Happy birthday." I heard Annabelle squeal.

Myself and Daisy giggled but befire anyone else said anything we heard a loud vicious growl. Everyone tensed up and looked In the direction the growl came from, it was no other then pur mate Sophia. Her eyes were narrowing at Annabelle.

Their alpha Female mateWhere stories live. Discover now