| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 | 01

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Though the atmosphere was a cheerful one, dark clouds promising despair loomed in the sky. It was a cloudy Friday morning in the humble month of March. Birds flew over the bright horizon, kids rode their bikes down the streets lined with mansions, and the smell of sweet-scented flowers permeated the air.

The event's attendees bore sparkly smiles and possessed high spirits. Whilst, on a nearby property crawling with upper-class folk, classical music blared from the speakers. Today was no ordinary day for the members of the Hamilton family - in fact, things were about to take a turn for disaster.

"Meira!" a middle-aged woman dressed in a knee-length blue dress walked along the pool, heels clacking against the concrete. "Where is that daughter of mine? Meira, honey!"

While she searched tirelessly, in a room on the third floor of the mansion, a young lady sat with dampened cheeks and red eyes. Despite hearing the calls of an older woman she paid no heed and continued to weep. Her tears littered the tiles. Today was supposed to be a wonderful day, except it wasn't, not anymore.

"How could he do this to me?" she sobbed. "What went wrong? How could he do that to me...with her of all people? My cousin."

Meira Kameron dropped the expensive phone in her hand and stood. She stumbled toward her dresser, sat down, and buried her face in her palms. "I gave him my heart. And all he could say was that...that he didn't ask me to," trembles racked her frame as she cried non-stop.

"Meira! Good gracious! Sweetie, is that you in there?" the same woman from earlier was now outside her room door. "Meira..." her voice softened after hearing sniffles and mumbling.


The door flew open immediately.

"Meira! What the hell?" she stood, there frozen under the threshold. Seeing her daughter crying bitterly for God knows why made her blood reach a boiling point. "Meira, you tell me what is wrong with you right now. No daughter of mine should be crying at nine a.m. on a Friday!"

"Mom, Christopher. He...he cheated on me with Belinda. She... just sent me screenshots, voice recordings, and pictures. She said he never loved me, he just wanted to take my virginity. Mom, I gave him my heart. I thought he was the man of my dreams, I thought...I thought he'd marry me," Meira looked up teary-eyed at her mother. Her heart felt as if a knife had just sliced through it. "Mom, what do I do now?"

After a moment of silence, her mother sighed.

"That two-timing, cheap lying, disappointment of a man!" she went to stand by her daughter and pulled her into a comforting hug. She offered Meira words of comfort as she soothed her. "My darling, you can start by stop crying. We don't cry over men where I'm from. Especially not good-for-nothing cheaters."

"B-but... Mom, I loved him!" when she saw the evidence of disloyalty, her heart sank to her stomach. It felt as if he had crushed her heart with his bare hands. She's crying so hard, that breathing and standing feels impossible. "How could he do this to me... With her of all people, too!"

"Everybody knows Belinda is a serial whore, but I expected better from Christopher. I had my suspicions, I tried to warn you, but you were too lovesick to hear me out. Well, that's all in the past now. Dear, look at me," she knelt before her daughter. "Stop the crying. He is not worth a drop of those diamonds you call tears. The good thing is you didn't give him your pride, or did you?"

"No, mother. We both agreed we'd wait until marriage."

"Wonderful! Sweetie, I know it hurts, I too have been heartbroken in the past, but you will get over this. Should I stay with you and tell Theodore to reschedule the meeting-"

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